Doflamingo recounted his game with BIGMOM.

How could he be disgusted by BIGMOM, but BIGMOM didn't care at all.

She didn't even react to his vomit, but looked at him lovingly.

He had no choice, so he came to seek the third suggestion.

After Doflamingo described it, everyone in the group understood that it wasn't that Doflamingo didn't work hard, but that the enemy was too difficult to deal with.

BIGMOM didn't even care about what Doflamingo vomited.

This was something they never expected.

Although they didn't see this scene, hearing it from Doflamingo made their stomachs turn with acid.


Doflamingo really wanted to reject BIGMOM, and he used all kinds of damaging tricks.

And BIGMOM is really awesome, you can even eat it.

Seeing BIGMOM like this, they didn't know what to say.

A woman who doesn't even dislike the things you vomited out, what else can you be dissatisfied with?

Dragon Slayer:"How about you agree? I think she really falls in love with you. Since she can't resist, just enjoy it with your eyes closed."

Doflamingo saw Dorag's He replied with a frown and annoyance.

Puppet Master:"Go away, I want to fuck you, I can't accept it."

Blackbeard felt like a fool when he saw that BIGMOM could do all this for Doflamingo.

If you don’t want to go to me, I will go to you!...Blackbeard was a little jealous, and Doflamingo didn't know why he was attracted by BIGMOM and fell in love with him to such an extent.

If it were him, there would be no need to say more, he would directly agree to get married on the same day.

Under such conditions, as long as they get married, the BIGMOM pirates are not Doflamingo's possession.

"Why don't I have such good luck?"Blackbeard held on to the railing of the boat and looked at his swaying reflection in the sea water. He touched his face with his hand and smiled, revealing a few missing teeth.


Blackbeard turned around angrily. He was so handsome. Can he do whatever he wants?

If his congenital conditions did not allow it, he would also like to be kept and raised by a rich woman. Logically speaking, a son is a son to an old man and a man to an old woman. A son is one of many sons, but a man is indeed her only one.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see the good and the bad. This Doflamingo was so blessed that he even asked for help in the group.

From his point of view, this guy was just showing off, a hateful guy.

Blackbeard turned around again and looked at Reflection in the sea water, touching his face

"I don’t know if the whole thing can have such luck."


No wonder Doflamingo said the second plan didn't work... Qiao Lin burst into laughter.

Even if BIGMOM doesn't care about this, I'm afraid Doflamingo will end up with the same result if he uses other methods.

It seems that BIGMOM is really attracted to Doflamingo.

He was just guessing before, but after hearing Doflamingo's description, he was sure.

If only seeds were needed, BIGMOM would never be able to reach this point.

In order for Doflamingo to lose weight and change his image, he didn't care about his vomit. The key was his doting eyes and happy expression.

This is definitely something a girl in love would do.

Although BIGMOM is already over sixty, she is still a woman. Since she can still have children, she has not yet reached menopause.

The secretion of estrogen hormones is normal, so it is not surprising that you want to fall in love.

Just to be able to make BIGMOM fall in love to this extent, there must be something going on behind this, and maybe Doflamingo himself doesn't even know.

Now this is the most serious situation for Doflamingo.

If BIGMOM was doing it for the seeds, it might give up because of other considerations.

But if it was for love, then Doflamingo would be doomed.

Because love makes people blind.

Especially BIGMOM, who has made up his mind and no one says anything.

In this case, he can only use his trump card. If this trick doesn't work, then there is nothing he can do.

Thinking of this, Qiao Lin entered in the input box.

Qiao Mulinsen:"I already understand your situation. To be honest, this is the first time I have seen such a situation. Now there is only one way to solve your current predicament.

But the price may be a bit high. I don't know if you can Accept it."

Seeing Qiao Lin's words, Doflamingo seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw.

The price is high?

It doesn't matter, as long as he can escape BIGMOM's clutches, he is willing to pay any price.

When things are gone, you can get them again, but when people are gone, there is nothing.

Seeing that there was still a glimmer of hope for Qiao Lin, Doflamingo quickly replied.

Puppet Master:"No matter what the cost, as long as you tell me, I will give you what I can do."

Doflamingo thought Qiao Lin wanted something, but Qiao Lin just smiled and shook his head.

The price is not for me, but whether you are willing or not.

Qiao Mulinsen:"You misunderstood. The price is not for me, but for whether you are willing to lose something."

Lose something?

The expression on Doflamingo's face froze. What could have such a big effect?

Puppet Master:"Please tell me."

Qiao Mulinsen:"Okay, but before that I need to confirm, what does that woman want from you, is it love or something else?"

This is very important. Love, then Qiao Lin can't save it.

And if the main purpose is to breed and gain a love by the way, then there is still hope.

This is the premise of everything. Qiao Lin needs to confirm how deep BIGMOM's love for Doflamingo is now and whether he can ignore everything.

Doflamingo glanced at BIGMOM next to him, thought for a moment and replied in the group.

Puppet Master:"Let me tell you about myself first. I am a child of a very powerful family. I was expelled from the family for various reasons. Although I left the family, because of my former status, others also You have to give me some face.

This woman has taken a fancy to me, so she wants to marry me and obtain the blood of this family. It is not clear what other ambitions she has, but this is the reason.

And I also understand her current changes. I don’t know what the plot is. She was not like this a day ago, but she suddenly changed. It seems like yesterday she sent someone to test whether I have someone I like.……"

At this moment, a thought flashed in Doflamingo's mind.

Is it because of this?

No way?!!!

PS: Third update

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