Doflamingo was unable to have children and his pride kept him from confessing his feelings, so he didn't open his mouth for twelve years.

It sounds reasonable and convincing.

No wonder Doflamingo has been single for so many years and has no children. It turns out that it wasn't because he was busy with his career that he didn't have time to have one, but because he simply couldn't have one.

Knowing the truth, Perospero and Katakuri looked at Doflamingo with a hint of humor and sympathy.

This is basically ruined for a man.

But this was good news for them. Perospero couldn't help but curl his lips, and he suddenly felt much more relaxed.

Doflamingo saw the humor and sympathy in their eyes, and felt a little sulky in his heart. He knew that if he told this matter, he would be looked at like this.

This is just the beginning, there will be more in the future, but this is his only life-saving straw now.

These two guys are unreliable, and you have to rely on yourself in the end.

Now that the matter is confirmed, there is no need to stay here any longer. Over time, it will arouse mother's suspicion.

Perospero said to Doflamingo:

"The birthday cake should have been delivered and we can go out. I will mention this to my mother later."

Doflamingo nodded. This is exactly what he hoped for. He came to the bathroom this time hoping that these two people could pass the message for him.

Perospero and Katakuri turned around and walked outside. Before leaving, , Katakuri turned to Doflamingo and said:

"You'd better tell the truth. Your mother will definitely ask the doctor to examine you later. If your mother finds out that you are lying to her, you will know the consequences."

After that, Katakuri and Perospero walked out, leaving Doflamingo alone with a gloomy face, as if something unacceptable would happen to him later.

After a while , Doflamingo sighed, and then walked out.

After leaving the bathroom, Perospero said to Katakuri on the road:

"Do you think what Doflamingo said is true or false?

Katakuri frowned and said,"The truth is mixed with lies. It's impossible to judge. However, the fact that he can't have children shouldn't be false. Otherwise, Doflamingo will be in trouble if he is found out later." , he is a smart man and will not make mistakes on this kind of issue"

"That's fine, as long as Doflamingo can't have children, that's enough. The next step is to tell his mother about it."Perospero said, flicking his tongue leisurely.


At the venue, the birthday cake has been transported to the center of the venue.

BIGMOM looked forward to it with eager anticipation and salivated at the huge cake tower.

But at this time, Doflamingo had not come back from going to the bathroom, and BIGMOM was wondering in his heart, what on earth was Dove doing? Waiting will be an important moment in their lives.

BIGMOM was a little worried that Doflamingo couldn't let go of the woman in his heart and escaped temporarily, and was planning to ask someone to check on Doflamingo.

At this time, the eldest son Perospero came close to BIGMOM and whispered in his ear.

When everyone else saw this scene, they all wondered if something had happened.

After hearing what Perospero said, BIGMOM, who originally had a smile on his face, not only lost his smile, but also became gloomy.

"Is what you said true?"BIGMOM asked, glaring at Perospero.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

"Mom seemed angry. What did Brother Perospero say to her?"

"It seems like something terrible happened"


Everyone was talking a lot, and Morgans kept taking pictures with the camera and phone in his hand.

The bigger the incident gets, the more exciting the news he gets this time.

He just noticed that after Doflamingo left, Perospero and Katakuri also left.

Now Perospero reports the news to BIGMOM as soon as he returns, and the matter is probably related to Doflamingo.

I don’t know what happened, but it was able to make BIGMOM change his face drastically at the birthday party. It seems to be something extraordinary.

Interesting, so interesting...

Morgans happily captured a picture of BIGMOM's gloomy expression.

Also noticing Perospero leaving with Doflamingo was Stacy as did Morgans.

Stacy, who had gained nothing from BIGMOM just now, was planning to go see what Perospero was doing, and why he hadn't come back for so long.

At this time, Perospero came back and seemed to bring bad news to BIGMOM.

Could it be that something happened to Doflamingo?

What will it be?

BIGMOM will announce the good news between the two of them later, but now Doflamingo is missing... Could it be that Doflamingo escaped from the marriage?

Just when Stacy was pleasantly surprised by this guess.

Over there, Perospero quickly responded to his mother's question.

"It's true, Mom.

When I was in the bathroom just now, I noticed that there seemed to be something wrong with Doflamingo, so I asked casually and learned the news from him personally.

I remembered that my mother intended to marry him, so I quickly came over to tell my mother."

Doflamingo is sterile!!!

This news really shocked BIGMOM. She never thought that there was a problem in Doflamingo's place.

How could she have known that Doflamingo's place was not good? It was a waste of expression to show such a gesture to Doflamingo.

But this was just Perospero's one-sided statement and should not be fully believed. He had previously strongly opposed her marriage to Doflamingo.

"Perospero, are you lying to your mother?"

BIGMOM stared at Perospero, and his aura enveloped him. In an instant, Perospero felt that his whole person fell into darkness, with only his mother in front of him.

He knew that this was his mother using the ability of the soul fruit. As long as he was in Under this ability, if he showed a trace of fear, he would be finished.

Perospero stared at the pressure and gritted his teeth and said:

"Mom, everything I said is true. Doflamingo told me this himself, and he also said……"

PS: Third update

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