"Congratulations, JOKER." Perospero laughed.

"The same to you."Doflamingo said calmly.

"Haha, be happy, JOKER, there’s no better ending than this, right?" said Perospero,

"But if you were infertile why didn't you tell us earlier so we wouldn't have to worry for so long.

Are you afraid that we will laugh at you? How is it possible? We are in the same group. Don’t worry, after you leave, we will make your mother completely give up her thoughts about you."

"That is naturally the best. Doflamingo turned to ask,"What about the fruits of the operation?" BIGMOM didn’t really give up"

"How could such a cherished fruit be so easy to find?"Perospero said nonchalantly,

"Immortality, I'm afraid everyone wants this kind of thing. If it is so easy to find, the first one to find it will definitely not be us, but the group above Marigio.

It's not our turn to worry."

No, this fruit has been eaten by someone, and the person who ate this fruit is still his former subordinate, Luo.

And this guy will soon go to sea and go to the Grand Line.

Doflamingo's eyes widened Ning, it seems that I will still need to find out more information about Luo after I return. I can’t let BIGMOM find him in advance.

"Do you know about this fruit? Katakuri suddenly asked

"No."Doflamingo shook his head and said no more, then turned around and headed to his place.

Katakuri and Perospero looked at his back

"He wasn't telling the truth."Katakuri said to Perospero

"What? Perospero tilted his head and asked,"What is not the truth?""

"His infertility also had the fruits of surgery."Katakuri said

"But the doctor has checked and it is indeed infertile. Is the doctor lying?"Perospero asked doubtfully.

"No, what the doctor said should be true, but it was all too coincidental. Maybe the infertility was caused by Doflamingo himself."

Perospero glanced at Doflamingo's back in surprise,"Then he is too cruel."

Katakuri nodded,"This man is scarier than we thought before. He can obviously join us and use his mother to realize his ambitions. When he joins us, the real headache is for us, but he uses this method. Averted.

There is probably only one reason that can make him escape even if he resorts to such means."

"What is it?"

"He has a better way to realize his ambition, and for this he is even willing to ruin his own reputation. I even suspect that he has other motives for coming to Cake Island this time.

As for the fruit of the operation, what should Doflamingo know? Don't forget that he is a Celestial Dragon.

And if there are really people in this world who have used the fruits of surgery to achieve immortality, then as you said, it can only be the group of people above Mary Joa who claim to be descendants of gods."

"Is it true that there are people who are immortal?"Perospero said in shock,"I thought this was just a legend. It's understandable to not grow old, but it would be terrible to not die."

"I don’t know, but since Doflamingo is worried about rather than looking forward to the appearance of the fruits of the operation, he has obviously been troubled by this infertility for twenty years, so it is very likely that the fruits of the operation have already appeared, but are in an uncontrollable state..

What troubles him is not his illness, but his mother"

"Wouldn't it be possible for the mother to obtain the fruit of the surgery and perform the surgery to become immortal? Is this good or bad for us?"

"I don't know, but time will tell."


As Doflamingo walked to his seat, all kinds of unpleasant looks were cast on him, but he was mentally prepared to turn a blind eye to them.

At this time, a slender figure appeared in front of her.

Doflamingo frowned after seeing the person's face clearly, then relaxed, and the corners of his mouth curved.

"Something's wrong?"

"Unexpectedly, JOKER, the majestic Shichibukai king, would have infertility."Stracey approached Doflamingo with a smile and whispered in her ear,

"What are your intentions?"

Stracey couldn't understand Doflamingo at all.

She thought Doflamingo was deliberately seducing BIGMOM and wanted to seize the BIGMOM pirates, but Doflamingo himself said that he was infertile.

She thought This was also Doflamingo's plan. He wanted to use a small gift to make sure how much BIGMOM cared about him.

But it was clear that BIGMOM no longer cared about his infertility, but Doflamingo opposed and dissuaded him more, which caused trouble. This engagement.

It was as if he was forced to do all this. He didn't want this marriage.

But is it possible?

For an ambitious man like Doflamingo, this is a rare opportunity.

Everyone has fallen in love. It's the stage of engagement. She doesn't believe that this is an accident after such a long-term plan.

Doflamingo definitely has other plots for doing this. She could understand it before, but now she really doesn't understand. Okay.

What on earth is Doflamingo planning?

"attempt?"Doflamingo was stunned by Stacy's words. He looked at Stacy with some confusion, not understanding what the CP0 of this world government was talking about.

"Don't try to get away with it. I will report what happened today."

It's inexplicable... Doflamingo was confused by her. There must be something wrong with this guy's head. What should I say to him?

Doflamingo, who was already in a bad mood, didn't bother to talk to this spy at this time.

"what ever."Doflamingo said coldly. He just wants to have a good rest now. He is too tired today. Not only is his body tired, but his heart is also tired.

"you……"Stacy frowned and looked at Doflamingo's back as he walked away. This guy was still so arrogant.

Do you really think you can be so arrogant because others can't see through your conspiracy?

We will keep an eye on you from now on, don't even think about doing anything under our noses.

Stacy thought of the surgical fruit that was mentioned just now, and perhaps Doflamingo's plot was related to the surgical fruit.

Could it be that Doflamingo wanted to use BIGMOM's help to find this fruit for him... Stracey fell into deep thought.

PS: Third update

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