If it is not overthrown for a day, mankind will not be able to develop further, and everyone will have to remain the slaves of the Celestial Dragons.

This is not to mention the potential crisis in dealing with space pirates from the universe.

Whether it is for human freedom or for the continuation of humankind, this strengthens Dorag's idea of ​​overthrowing the world government.

The world government must be overthrown, and it must be overthrown. If it is not overthrown, his idea of ​​integrating the pirate world out of the planet and into the universe will be out of the question.

It is common sense that you must first settle your domestic problems before fighting against foreign countries, and the world government will not stupidly let them grow bigger.

There will be a battle between them.

The most important thing at the moment is to go to the Drum Kingdom to capture Valbo. This guy's ability is an important part of their plan.

As long as he is conquered, the construction time of Hades will be greatly shortened.

The other is to strengthen the importance of science and technology in the revolutionary army and absorb more scientific research talents. This is the key to stepping into space science and technology.

In addition, there is another place worthy of his attention.

Sky island.

That is Enel, the one with the thunder fruit ability. This guy's ability is very important, and more importantly, he holds the design of the Ark Proverbs that can go to the moon.

The moon people were unable to return to the moon back then, most likely because the ship they came to the surface on was destroyed, so they could not return.

This is why Aniruth took matters into her own hands and built an ark.

And those robots can go to the moon with balloons in their hands, probably because the physiques of robots and humans cannot be generalized.

Robots can fly out of the planet and go to the moon without any protective measures, but humans cannot. This can also explain why the lunar people do not fly back with a balloon.

So if they can get the design drawings of the Ark's Proverbs from Enelu and build an Ark that can go to the moon, then they can inherit this underground city Bika.

At the same time, if you can take Enelu for your own use, you can rely on the Thunder Fruit to activate Bika and harvest a large army of robots.

The knowledge left by the moon people in Bika will also become the harvest of the revolutionary army.

This will give the revolutionary army more trump cards.

Dorag's heart perked up and a look of excitement appeared on his face.

He found that since joining the chat group, his revolutionary path became clearer and clearer.

The world government, which was always regarded as a behemoth and was groping in the dark for how to overthrow it, now has traces to follow.

It seemed that the impossible was now possible, and a clear and feasible plan gradually emerged in his mind.

As long as it proceeds smoothly, it is not impossible to overthrow the world government.

All this is thanks to the chat group, and the most important thing is Qiao Lin.

If it weren't for Qiao Lin, he wouldn't have obtained Master Pluto and Tom so smoothly, nor would he have discovered the wonderful uses of these Devil Fruits, nor would he have known that there was a treasure on the moon waiting for him to discover, and his future possibilities. The enemies you will face are space pirates.

Without Qiao Lin, he might still be like in the original work, hiding around under the pursuit of the World Government, waiting for an opportunity to overthrow the World Government, but there is no hope of overthrowing the World Government. Maybe he can only wait for Luffy to turn the world upside down..

Compared with the help Qiao Lin gave him, the reward he is giving Qiao Lin now is not worth mentioning at all.

"I will repay Qiao Lin well after overthrowing the world government."Dorag laughed.

At this time, four teenagers broke in outside the door. It was Ace and the others who had just been ordered by Dorag to arrange labor.

Several people came to the command room and reported to Dora Special reports

"Reporting to the commander-in-chief, all workers evacuated safely. No workers were injured during the entire rescue process. Some of the workers who contracted diseases while being enslaved have been arranged to receive treatment, and the remaining workers are being registered and Review, results will be available soon."

Dorag nodded slightly,"Well done, pay attention to their identity and wishes during the review, and don't let some criminals mix into the revolutionary army. At the same time, if they are not voluntarily joining the revolutionary army, we don't need them. The time has come. Let them go to a safe place."

Although the revolutionary army is short of people, it doesn't want everyone.

This group of workers includes not only residents of non-joining countries, but also some criminals. Guys who have committed unforgivable crimes cannot be allowed to join the revolutionary army.

As for whether to add more Joining the Revolutionary Army is entirely voluntary.

Dolag does not want to force them to join the Revolutionary Army by taking advantage of their favors.

Forcing them is not sweet, but it is easy to leave hidden dangers.

If they are not willing to join the Revolutionary Army, he does not want to force it.

He is doing it. To carry out a great undertaking, we need a group of like-minded partners who are willing to fight for this undertaking for a lifetime.


The four people who received the order were about to leave, when Dorag stopped them.

"Just wait a minute."

A few people looked at Dolag in confusion.

Dolag had a smile on his serious face,"In view of your good performance this time, I decided to let you join the next mission."

Ace and the others were stunned for a moment, and then their faces were filled with excitement and joy.

Luffy had already asked eagerly,"What is the mission? When are we going to go there?"

Although they experienced the work of the revolutionary army in this rescue operation in the Kingdom of Bridges, the whole operation came and went in a hurry.

Except when they experienced a hearty battle at the beginning of the rescue, other times They are all busy with the resettlement work of the workers.

It feels good, but not good enough.

This is a little less interesting than the exciting and tense revolutionary work they want. They are very much looking forward to the next mission.

The mission is comparable to waiting It was much more fun to blow wind and sand in the base area.

When they heard that Dolag told them that they would be given a new task, they immediately became excited.

Dolag understood their thoughts. These young boys were in their youth. , very restless, always wanting to make some big news in my head

"This mission is to arrest people. I won’t tell you the details for now, but I can tell you that we will set off immediately after we return. The place we are going to this time is the Grand Line. You must be mentally prepared. It will not be like this. The local guys are so easy to deal with……"

Before Dorag finished speaking, Luffy and the others immediately started chirping and excitedly communicating with each other when they heard that the next mission was to go to the Grand Line.

The boy's eagerness to win and his curiosity about the great route began again in his words.

Upon seeing this, Dorag could only give up and wait until the task was officially handed over.

Then let the few of them continue to do the tasks just given.

Several ships carrying laborers took advantage of the wind and quickly evacuated the Kingdom of Bridge.

At the same time, Mary Joa's Five Old Stars also learned the bad news that the Kingdom of Bridge was plundered by the revolutionary army.

PS: First update

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