Although Sakaski provided him with a lot of help, helped the revolutionary army develop rapidly and integrate its forces, and also obtained a lot of very precious information, which greatly shortened the time and gap between him and the world government.

However, Dorag understands that there is no free lunch in the world, and the impression left by Sakaski before was too deep. Even if he believes that Sakaski and the world government are incompatible with each other, he will definitely be overthrown.

But I still have a sense of caution about Sakaski, especially since Sakaski has a very mysterious source of information.

This gave Sakaski an air of mystery all over him. This guy was like a man who could predict the future and knew many unknown secrets in the world.

Dolag didn't know if Sakaski had other intentions in his heart, and whether what he showed in front of him was true or false.

But after hearing what Sakaski said just now, Dorag became convinced of one thing, that is, Sakaski actually cared about all mankind.

Every word he just said was worrying about the future of mankind.

While Dolag was still fighting for human freedom, Sakaski had already begun to worry about the fate of human civilization.

Worried about extraterrestrial threats.

Although this made it difficult for Dorag to believe that such a man could be Sakaski, but in front of him, he had to believe that Sakaski was actually such a man with a broad mind, a far-sighted vision, and a heart for the world..

Now Dorag can basically let go of his guard against Sakaski.

How could a man who was worried about the fate of human civilization stand on the side of the World Government, a tool that hindered the development of the world and only wanted to enslave people and satisfy the luxurious and lustful life of the Celestial Dragons?

Because the goal of the World Government is to maintain the stability of the world, to firmly control the world in the hands of the World Government, and to satisfy the desires of the Celestial Dragons.

Therefore, the world only needs to be maintained in one state. People do not need to be rich, because after they are full, they will ask for more things, and those things are enough for the Celestial Dragons.

It doesn’t need to be too advanced or developed, because if it is too advanced, it will be difficult to control. Therefore, the scientific force has obviously developed more advanced weapons, but the navy’s guns are still the most common flintlock guns, and those on warships The cannon is also an ordinary cannon.

Keep everything in a very controllable state so that the rule of the World Government will be impregnable.

So the rule of the World Government lasted for eight hundred years, and the world also stagnated for eight hundred years.

But as Sakaski said, no matter how stagnant the world is under the rule of the world government, the outside world doesn't care so much.

When the space pirates discover this fresh and delicious prey, they will show off their powerful fangs, and the pirate world that has remained unchanged is simply unstoppable.

You know, the lunar people came to this world hundreds of years ago, which means that the lunar technology hundreds of years ago was hundreds of years ahead of them.

And today, hundreds of years later, what will other civilizations with equivalent or stronger lunar technology look like?

Can they really handle it?

There is not much time left for us... Dorag felt nervous.

Such a large technological gap can only be filled with time, but what they lack now is time.

But there is another way in front of them, which is the legacy of lunar technology. If they directly accept lunar technology, they can quickly become stronger.

But before that, the premise of everything is to overthrow the world government.

As long as the world government is not overthrown, they will not be able to develop effectively.

When humanity is still in disarray, how can they deal with threats from the outside world? This drag must be resolved as soon as possible.

When I go back this time, I must arrange all the things Sakaski mentioned and strive to overthrow the world government as soon as possible.

Dorag was moved by Sakaski's words and refreshed his view of Sakaski.

But Sakaski just copied what Jolin said. Thinking about the fate of mankind was something he only realized after Jolin mentioned it, but he was not worried about the future of mankind as Dorag thought.

Of course this is part of it.

But in reality his goal has always been justice.

In his opinion, the world government makes justice blurred, limited, and impure, so he wants to overthrow the world government and restore justice to its true form.

Then he heard from Qiao Lin that there was a group of pirates in the universe beyond the planet. They burned, killed, looted, and did all kinds of evil, and they were even worse than the pirates.

The goal of pirates is only to destroy the order of a place, a village, a town, an island or a country, or even several countries. However, the space pirates can destroy a planet or even several planets.

This destructiveness is incomparable. This is the greatest threat to justice.

Space pirates are also pirates, burning, killing, looting and looting are also crimes, and they may attack their planet at any time.

As a navy, he has fought against pirates all his life. It can be said that in this world, although the world has not been peaceful, justice has not been desecrated, except for the world government, but he is also fighting for it, Overthrow this blasphemous world government.

However, he felt a great threat from the group of space pirates outside the universe. He felt that if the space pirates really came to attack their planet, they might not be able to deal with it.

At that time, the justice he has adhered to all his life will be desecrated by this group of pirates from the universe, which is completely unacceptable to him.

Sakaski has been fighting pirates all his life, and may be enslaved by pirates in the end. Just thinking about this kind of thing makes Sakaski tremble with anger, and it is unbearable.

He must win this battle, and not only that, he must take the initiative.

When he overthrows the world government and pacifies the pirates in this world, he will form a space navy to help the universe.

Kill all these space pirates who are doing evil in the universe.

He, Sakaski, is the current admiral and the future marshal of the navy.

But he didn't want to stop there. He never forgot his original intention and pointed his sword at the universe.

In the future, he will not only be the marshal of the navy, but also the marshal of the universe navy. As far as the eye can see, there will be no pirates left.

PS: First update

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