Shrouding the Heavens

Chapter 290: 1 year suppression

\ "No amount of one by one, one by one **** today! Whose dog is this one by one?" Duan Deba grined, yelling in pain, shaking his arm repeatedly.

But he couldn't get rid of the Black Emperor at all. After opening the big mouth of the blood basin, the **** dog could swallow a big mill, and now he could bite hard.

\ "Ah", \ "ah", \ "ah" ......

\ "Wang", \ "\" Wang ", \" \ "Wang" ......

Duan De and the **** dog are barking, one is the painful heart, the other is the intention of biting one wants to get rid of, the other does not die.

The body of the Black Emperor is quite large, and the huge head protruding from Ding Zhong is a bit fierce, biting Duan De, and almost swallowing half of his body.


Big black dog with a pair of big paws held down the broken bowl on Duan De's head, suddenly abandoned the arm of the unscrupulous Taoist priest, grabbed the broken bowl in one bit, and fought back.

It has always been a non-lost master. Although the animal skin scrolls were intentionally sent out, they also felt that they could not be cheaper. They saw the treasure and wanted to draw Duan De ’s gods.

\ "Unscrupulous ... Tianzun, angry and poor" has always been the baby he robbed others. Today, he was not only bitten by dogs, but also robbed by dogs. Duan De ’s nose was almost sloppy.

Broken the bowl and shuddered, and suddenly a terrible lethal force shocked. The Black Emperor was shocked, and a golden bell rushed out of his consciousness, and the Jingling bell shook.

At the same time, Ye Fan helped out, urged his tripod, and hit the lack of moral Taoist.

However, this broken bowl still makes people palpitate and contains unimaginable terrible power, but it has not really been released.

The **** dog's heart jumped, his forehead cracked a gap, and the third vertical eye opened, emitting a dark light, running through Duan De's sea of ​​knowledge.

Ye Fan also felt the danger. Without a word, the golden lake of the eyebrows also shot a golden sword with an inch of length, severing Duan De's frontal bone.

Both the golden bell front of the **** dog and the tripod of Ye Fan were blocked by the broken bowl, and the weapon attack effect was not great.

But the attack of the consciousness was too sudden, Duan De shouted, "Shooting on the spot, staggering back.

\ "Wang", \ "Wang", \ "Wang ......"

The dog barked at the sky, and the **** dog suddenly rushed out of the tripod and lay on the bowl, protected by the golden bell, holding the broken bowl to death without spreading its claws, and at the same time the powerful consciousness was shocked like a tide.

\ "No good, retreat" Ye Fan low drink "This bowl is not an ordinary thing, it makes people feel horrified, he is afraid of the **** dog appearing.

Before the Black Emperor retreated, he bit the half of Duan De's body and shattered the robe, turning it into a black light and returning to Ye Fan's tripod.

The unscrupulous Taoist priest was bitten badly, and his robe was ragged and rotten. It looked like a Hanako. There were dog teeth marks all over his body, and he wanted to be embarrassed.

\ "Unlimited Tianzun, Mom ’s Dao Ye, I was bitten by a dog!"

\ "Infinitely no beginning, shit, the emperor bit the cow's nose!" The **** dog was diametrically opposed.

\ "Where's the demon?" The unscrupulous Taoist priest looked sullen, looking at the dog teeth marks, he wanted to eat black dog meat on the spot, he suffered such a big loss for the first time.

\ "Whose cow ’s nose is not tied?" The **** dog was also unhappy, screaming and screaming.

The lack of morality of Taoist Taoist nose almost crooked, said: \ "I still want to say, Dao Ye, whose dog is not tied ?!"

\ "I have n’t finished talking about this emperor yet. Whose cow nose ran out?" The **** dog grinned.

The people present were staring dumbfounded. "These two guys are really superb, people don't know what to say.

Ye Fan wanted to laugh, this fat man never lost a lot of money and robbed him of many things, and then was filled into the grave of the demon emperor by the major lords, and all ran out of the boat alive, and it is rare to eat deflated today.

\ "Forget it, the emperor is too lazy to see you in general." The **** dog took advantage of it and finally showed a look that I was too lazy to care about you.

Wuliang Taoist pointed at the Black Emperor with his hand, just wanted to say something but was interrupted by Ye Fan.

\ "What do you mean?" He deliberately lowered his face and stared at Duan Dedao: \ "Although we have some friendships, but we count the old people like this, have you said the past?"

\ "Infinite Heavenly Venerable, the poor is afraid that Brother Ye will lose money, so many people are eyeing it, so keep the ancient scrolls for you first, will your benefits be lost by then?"

\ "Fat man, you will be punished for being so greedy." Ye Fan didn't say anything more, he was unhappy, but he was laughing heartily.

Duan Deke freely entered and exited in the force field formed by Chaos Stone, and the field could not fix him at all.

The Black Emperor told Ye Fan, \ "There must be something unbelievable in this broken bowl, it seems to be sealed, he does not want to be exposed, it is really unimaginable."

Ye Fan nodded in agreement that he didn't want to really turn his face with this dead fat man. This guy hides himself and doesn't specify how many cards he has.

Others were also surprised. Gu Yuan couldn't figure out what kind of strange treasure Duan De was, but it was definitely amazing.


The light flashed, Duan De withdrew from the force field formed by Chaos Stone, landed on the ground, and put the scroll in his arms.

Everyone was staring at him, especially the sons and daughters who were immobilized in mid-air. They were very unwilling. It was not that they were weak. They were really lacking strange treasures. There was no way to be bound here.

\ "Duan Dao Chang wants to go?", Yan Ruyulian moved slightly, looking at him with a smile.

Faced with a demon princess holding a pole weapon, Duan Deru was facing an enemy, and his expression was uncertain.

\ "Boom!"

On the chaotic stone, shaking from the Vulcan Furnace, the three people who were sealed inside did not want to sit and wait to die and do everything they could to shake Shaoguang Shengzi, Jinwing Pengwang, and Yao Xi.

Ye Fan secretly said, \ "\" Can the Black Emperor help me to seal this day furnace, even if he left the mixed stone to ensure that they can not rush out. m

\ "This is difficult ..." The Black Emperor frowned and said: \ "Although this broken furnace is very strong, it is a little weird. I am afraid there is no way to engrave the moire on it."

\ "Think carefully and see if there is a way." Ye Fan felt that time was tight, I am afraid there was no time to refine these three people.

\ "It takes a lot of precious materials to engrave road patterns. There is no way to find such a short time." The Black Emperor shook his head.

\ "Materials are needed ..." Suddenly, Ye Fan moved in his heart. He thought of the secret method in the Dao Jing. However, he has studied seriously, and he has used the kind of forbidden law to suppress his own body and achieve \ "eternity"

\ "Nine mysterious ancient characters, do not need other precious materials, only need to be engraved on the device" to achieve suppression! "

Ye Fankui quickly started to act, this time of course not to suppress his own body, but to suppress the three masters.

\ "Black Emperor Protection Method" He has a solemn look, he ca n’t refine the three masters here, he plans to seal them completely.

\ "Rumble"

Suddenly, there was a violent shock outside the hall. Someone was forcibly pulling out the banner under Ye Fanbu. ”He was about to break in. All the saints and saints showed their joy that they must have arrived.

\ "Not good ...", Ye Fan calmed himself, his mind was ethereal, and he stamped on the Lishen furnace.

His expression was very solemn, with his mind as a pen, and he carved an unrecognizable ancient character on the furnace lid, one stroke at a time, very focused and briefly forgot everything outside.


The flash of light was completed. The first branding was completed, and he was driven into the furnace cover, but he did not dare to relax. It is not known whether this strange furnace will erase this mark. After all, its self-recovery is very abnormal.

\ "There is no sign of loss of visit, it seems that it can be kept." He was very happy in his heart.

\ "You ... would you even engrave such a thing ?!" Big Black Dog was shocked when he saw the word with his own eyes.

\ "Is there anything special?", Ye Fan asked.

\ "This is only known to the emperor \" word ", is the world \" texture ". What is going on, it is difficult for outsiders to understand." The **** dog stared at Ye Fan and said: \ "You have mastered a few A word, you must teach me by then. "

Ye Fan's heart jumped suddenly, but he didn't say much, he calmed down his emotions and calmed himself down. "He began to lettering again.


The light flashed, the second ancient character and the third ancient character ... He engraved seven ancient characters in a row, and the furnace cover suddenly became confused and sealed the furnace firmly.

However, other people did not pay attention to all this, everyone was staring at Duan De, after all, he had to go to the ancient scroll.

\ "Boom"

Outside the Great Emperor's palace, many people were shooting, [Broken Despair] pulled out hundreds of large flags one by one, the last drama shocked, a dozen people came in.

These dozens of people look from 30s to 40s, but no one knows how old they really are. All of them walk calmly and look calm and extraordinary.

One of them was wearing a colorful feather coat, proud of nature, extremely extraordinary, sword eyebrows into the temples, the eyes of the hall, and finally his eyes shot two sharp lights, staring at Ji Haoyue.

\ "Kong Teng, what are you going to do?" The people next to me asked.

In the hall, everyone was taken aback. Why was there anyone in Kong Teng? It is the true disciple of Peacock King who inherited the supreme mystery of the Peacock King, and his strength is profound.

In the old days, it was when he pursued and killed Ji Haoyue while in the Southern Territory that he had nowhere to go and almost died outside.

\ "Relax, I wo n’t shoot here. After all, there are many of you, how many people have come from my demon race." Kong Teng replied coldly.

Everyone was air-sucked, and none of the dozen middle-aged people were good stubble. They were all extraordinary figures in the major holy places, and were half to one generation higher than the young people present.

\ "Brush", \ "Brush"

The light flashed continuously, Ye Fan finally branded the last two words into the furnace lid, and completely sealed the Lihuo Shen furnace, so he took a breath.

\ "Duan Dao ..." Kong Teng glanced at the Chaos Stone and then stared at Duan De.

More than a dozen people who came with him all had a great future, and their identity was not weaker than him. They were all wizards from the previous generations of the major holy places, and they all stared at Duan De ~ ~ everything is easy to discuss ... Duan Depi smiled and took the old scroll out.

\ "Brother, please take action to rescue the son and the maiden." The disciple who stepped forward stepped forward to salute a middle-aged man.

This is a man who looks like he can be 37 to 38 years old. He is tall, with thick eyebrows and big eyes. He is so invincible that he can't help but be awed like a fairy king.

Many of the people present changed color, and instantly knew who this person was. This was Chu Lingkong who shook the light.

\ "Is it true that someone took my maiden and son who shook my light at the same time?" Chu Lingkong's eyes were as deep as the ocean, looking into the air.

Ye Fan looked at himself, sitting on the chaotic stone, still playing the tactic of urging fire, the three arrogant talents in the refining furnace, calmly speaking, saying: \ "\" I want to suppress them for a year and let them expire. Holy place. "

Everyone has changed color. A monk in the mysterious realm of Dao Palace dares to suppress the descendants of the Holy Land and spread it.

He dare to say such a thing, no one in the major holy places is not surprised.

This is a demon. He has heard his name more or less before, but no one in the Holy Lands cares, and today is destined to bear this name in mind.

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