Shuang Daqin Comparison, No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 107 Xu Fu Arrives: I Can Find The Immortal Medicine For The First Emperor!

Tell Dad not to have children?

How can this be!

In the minds of the ancients, and even people in the technological society, there is still the concept of more children and more blessings.

Let the rich and powerful father have only one son.

It's better to have him ligated.

It's not realistic.

But those young sons were all ecstatic, and their smiling faces hurt.

for them.

This is a great joy!


They don't have any share of what their father left behind.

Whether I live well or not depends on my elder brother's face.

But now.

They also have inheritance rights!

Everyone is treated equally!

These young sons all thanked the First Emperor Yingzheng in their hearts for the Tweeting Order issued by them.

As for those magnates.

I was stunned to see this news.


Isn't this just deliberately spreading my strength and making father and son and brothers turn against each other?


They have the heart to object.


Looking back, I looked at my sons who had as many as dozens, and as few as three or four.

They all stared at him with green eyes.


If I object, these sons will rush up and swallow me alive!

At this time.

The magnates suddenly found out.

Even if they discover this conspiracy, they can only carry it out!


It's really going to be a situation where father and son brothers can kill each other...

can not imagine.

If these nobles express their dissatisfaction.

What kind of ending will usher in...

If Yingzheng wants to take back their titles and touch the nobles' cakes, will the surrounding clans just let it go?


They will tear faces with Ying Zheng!


Yingzheng distributed these big cakes to the descendants of the nobles.

Let the children and grandchildren come and grab the cake.

If the nobles do not agree, this will undoubtedly move the cake of their sons again...

The sons are not going to let their father go.


In order to be able to get their own share.

Maybe I will betray my father......


Zhao Ze once again grasped human nature.

The last time we dealt with the old nobles of the six countries, we used class conflicts, which caused the interests of the nobles and the common people to conflict.


The Qin State can use the banner of helping the people to plunder everything from the nobles.

this time.

In order to deal with Qin's one hundred thousand nobles.

Zhao Ze used the father-son conflict.

Let father and son, brother and younger brother have conflicts of interest.

Turn them against each other.

Divide their power so that they cannot gather enough strength to threaten Qin's rule.

This trick.

Shocked everyone in Yuan Daqin again!

Li Si was shocked, recalling the content of the tweet order.

The more he thinks.

The more I think Zhao Ze is so smart!

Damn it!

It is simply the hand of God!

Let the nobles know that this is the way to deal with them, but they have no choice but to obey!

If you don't obey!

Their own children will become their own enemies!

[Li Si]: Wonderful! So wonderful!

【Li Si】: Zhao Ze's trick really makes me feel ashamed!

[Li Si]: With just a few words, you can disintegrate the strength of the nobles and disperse their strength! If it were me, I would not be able to think of this trick!

Li Si at this time.

I also forgot that I was a member of Haojue.

He was also only concerned, surprised by Zhao Ze's Tweeting Order, and felt that this move was simply invincible!


It's also easy to emulate!

【Fu Su】: Brother Zhao Ze! You are truly the greatest talent in the world!

【Fu Su】: I'm afraid Brother Zhao Ze's wisdom is unprecedented and never to be seen in the future! It is the best in the world!

After listening to Zhao Ze's tweet.

Fusu was so excited that she almost cried.

He really didn't expect it.

The problems that have plagued their entire Daqin for so many years were solved in a few words in front of Zhao Ze!


Fu Su really wants to call Zhao Ze!

At this moment, Fusu is even more willing to be Zhao Ze's little fan.

[Ying Zheng]: Tweet order? Tweet order?!

[Ying Zheng]: Thanks to Zhao Ze, who is known as the most intelligent and close to the demon, with just a few words, my thoughts suddenly became clear, and I found a way to attack the nobles!

He was surprised, shocked.

Haojue's remaining problems, but let him do things in a bind.

Like the previous imperial examinations.

And military reform.

Of course Yingzheng knew that this was a great thing for Qin and the people.


hurt the interests of the nobility.

Is it possible for these more than 100,000 nobles to agree?


But he can also imitate Zhao Ze and issue a tweet order!

That way.

The nobles under him could only watch helplessly as his sons divided up their titles and wealth.

The cake is getting smaller and smaller.

In the end there was only one cake pan left...

The royal family of the Qin State can easily take away the cake plate.

[Hu Hai]: If the emperor promulgates the decree of favor now, after a hundred years, our state of Qin will have the possibility of implementing imperial examinations and military reforms!

[Hu Hai]: At that time, no one can stop our reform!

Although Hu Hai is lazy.

But he is not stupid.


Hu Hai also saw that the Tweeting Order was conducive to the rule of the royal family.


Another group of people begged Ying Zheng to issue a tweet order as soon as possible.

: "Your Majesty! Quickly issue the Tweeting Order! My father is about to lose his hold. If he doesn't survive the announcement of the Tweeting Order, as the third child, I will get nothing!"

: "Yes, Your Majesty, as soon as possible! As the fourth child, my father has nothing to share, and I have nothing to inherit!"

: "We also want to inherit our father's title!"

: "I beg Your Majesty to quickly issue a Tweet Order!"


Seeing the entreaties of these grandchildren.

Many people secretly laughed.

Good guy.

This is really a great filial piety.

They are all looking forward to the promulgation of the Tweeting Order, which will allow them to share the titles of their fathers.

Seeing these children crying like ghosts and howling like wolves.

The one hundred thousand lords of the former Great Qin Dynasty all turned pale with anger.

I'm not dead yet!

Unfilial sons, are you thinking about dividing up my title?

The key is.

Although they were angry, these were all their sons.

Tiger poison doesn't even eat its eggs.

They can't, in order to consolidate their strength and not be divided, kill all their sons, right?

Leave only one favorite and inherit all?

It's not realistic.

As for the eldest sons of those nobles.

Everyone's complexion was blood red.


Are you all trying to steal my property?

Father's things should all be left to me, the boss!


Even the father and the eldest sons are so unwilling.

They were also powerless against the multitude of sons and brothers.

I can't fight anymore.

kill it.

If they are dissatisfied, they will even rebel against their father and boss...

how does this work

It is clearly an unsolvable problem!


The nobles and the eldest sons all looked at Zhao Ze in fear.

Zhao Ze...

It's really scary!

Seeing that the voice was so loud, it was exactly what Ying Zheng wanted.

Now directly in the comparison system, declare the world.

[Ying Zheng]: All the people of Great Qin!

[Ying Zheng]: I declare that from now on, my Daqin will also issue a grace order!

[Ying Zheng]: From now on!

【Ying Zheng】: All sons have the right to inherit their father's title and property!


Ying Zheng was overjoyed.

so cool!

The problem that had troubled me for many years was easily solved.

This contrasts with the system. If you have any policies, you can directly announce them in the system.

The steps of posting announcements are omitted.

I saw Ying Zheng promulgating the tweet order.


Haojue's sons are all thanking Ying Zheng.

The overwhelming barrage almost drowned Ying Zheng.

Seeing that everyone is praising him as a holy king and a wise king, Ying Zheng's mood improved a lot (cfcb), and he smiled happily like a child who got a little red flower.

To know.

before this.

All the people call him a tyrant...

Has anyone ever praised him?


But they are all the courtiers around him, and few people praise him like this.


Ying Zheng also experienced the thrill of being a wise king.

turn out to be.

Being supported and praised by the people like this.

It's such a cool thing!

"In the future, I will work hard to be a wise king. I am so angry when I am called a tyrant, but I feel at ease when I am praised as a wise king. Even drinking a mouthful of cooked water is like holding honey water." sweet."

Ying Zheng is self-satisfied.

The little eunuch on the side reminded: "Your Majesty, the servant did mix some honey water into your cooked water."


Ying Zheng coughed twice and said, "Anyway, I will be a wise king in the future!"

This comparison is over.

no doubt.

Changed Qin, following Zhao Ze's Tweet Order.

win again!

A new contrast emerges.

The original Daqin.

In the picture, Ying Zheng already felt a little unwell.

Come to the top of Mount Tai.

Complete the Fengchan Grand Ceremony.

Then in a hurry, I wanted to take someone to rest in Xianyang.

In the carriage on the way back.

Seeing Ying Zheng's discomfort, Zhao Gao asked thoughtfully, "Your Majesty, are you tired from the journey?"

Ying Zheng couldn't say why.

He said lightly: "I'm tired, I sometimes feel chest tightness, sometimes feel dizzy, and sometimes feel nauseous..."


He ordered: "Bring the elixir."

Zhao Gao nodded, leaned over and took out three black pills from the medicine gourd.


Handed it into the palm of Yingzheng, and handed over the water glass.

Yingzheng took three elixirs into his mouth, and then swallowed them with water.

I feel a little lighter in my body.

Ying Zheng said with emotion: "Feng Chan is completed, I don't know if the gods in heaven can hear my wish. I not only want to prolong my life, I also want to live forever."

While complaining.

The convoy stopped suddenly.

Zhao Gao opened the curtain and went out, asking, "Why did the convoy stop?"

A soldier came over and reported: "Master Zhao, there is a man in front of the convoy who claims to be an immortal master, and he said he is asking to see His Majesty, and he can find the elixir of life for His Majesty.

Hearing this, Zhao Gao looked

one light.

He ordered: "Bring this person here first!"


The soldiers leave.

Zhao Gao happily got back into the carriage, excitedly said: "Your Majesty, good news, Your Majesty!"

Ying Zheng patted his chest and asked casually, "What's the good news?"

Zhao Gaodao: "A fairy master asked to see him and said that he could find the elixir of immortality for His Majesty!"


Yingzheng straightened up like a carp and sat up.

He grabbed Zhao Gao's shoulder and asked, "Where is the immortal master now?"

Zhao Gao said with a smile: "Your Majesty, don't worry, I have already sent someone to bring the immortal master here.

Ying Zheng was overjoyed: "Okay, okay!"


The person who claimed to be an immortal teacher was brought by the soldiers.

Zhao Gao respectfully led the immortal master into the carriage.

I see.

A tall man walked into the carriage and bowed.

"Grassman Xu Fu, pay homage to Your Majesty!"


He lay down on the ground and kowtowed deeply.

Yingzheng said anxiously: "Immortal Master please get up, hurry up! I heard that you can help me, Immortal Master. Are you looking for the elixir of life?"

He was supported by Zhao Gao.

Then Zhao Gao gave Xu Fu another bench to sit on.

Xu Fu then leaned against the car window, squinted his eyes and smiled, "Cao Min, you can indeed help His Majesty find the elixir of life.

Ying Zheng was even more excited.

He wished he could call Xu Fu to him and talk carefully all night long!

"Fairy Master!"

"Where can you go to help me get the elixir of life?"

Xu Fu pretended to be profound, looked towards Dongfang, and introduced in a very mysterious tone: "Your Majesty, I know that there are immortals in the East China Sea!"

"In the East China Sea..."

"There are three islands: Penglai, Fangzhang, and Yingzhou."

"On the three islands, there are three immortals, and they probably have the elixir of immortality in their hands."

finished listening.

Ying Zheng's eyes widened expectantly.

I go!

Are there really fairies?

The ancients were superstitious.


With the National Teachers' Federation Mao begging for rain, Ying Zheng deeply believed that there were immortals in the world.


I won't come all the way to Mount Tai to enshrine Zen.

The purpose of enshrining Zen in Mount Tai.

Isn't it just to get closer to the gods, tell about your achievements, and let the gods reward you with the magic medicine of immortality.

In addition, Ying Zheng felt that he was getting older.

The body is also a little weak for some reason, and he really wants to find the elixir of immortality so that he can live forever.


When Xu Fu said that there are immortals in the East China Sea.

Ying Zheng, who was eager to seek medicine, naturally believed in it.

It's urgent to go to the doctor.

Ying Zheng asked in surprise: "Master Immortal!"

"How can I meet immortals and obtain the medicine of immortality?"

What Xu Fu was waiting for was Ying Zheng's question.


Still pretending to be deep, he said: "The grass people have never been to the fairy island, nor have they seen a fairy, so they don't know yet.

Speaking of which.

He changed the subject.

He smiled and said, "However, gold, silver and jewelry are the most precious things in the world, right?"

"Why don't grass people take gold, silver and jewels and go to the East China Sea to find three fairy islands, ask to see the immortals, and ask the immortals to reward His Majesty with the elixir of life!"

"The fairy might like it!"

These words.

Ying Zheng was ecstatic.

But Zhao Gao's face suddenly changed slightly.

He was also full of joy.

But when he heard that he wanted gold, silver and jewelry, Zhao Gao looked at Xu Fu in the wrong way.

The reason why Zhao Gao was favored by Ying Zheng.

Isn't it because Zhao Gao is capable, smart, and excellent?

Smart Zhao Gao.

for a moment.

Just guessed that Xu Fu might be lying.

Immediately he interjected and asked: "Immortals have lived on the clouds for a long time and do not eat fireworks in the world. How could they like gold, silver and jewelry that ordinary people like?".

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