Shuang Daqin Comparison, No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 114 Is It Easy To Get Lost In The Grassland? But I Have A Compass And Flares!

In front of Ying Zheng, Li Si was also frightened and begged for mercy.

"Your Majesty, Li Si did this for His Majesty's Great Qin!"

"If the Great Wall is not built, what will happen if the Huns invade?"

"Please Your Majesty, understand Li Si's difficulties!"

I saw many people pleading for Li Si and Zhao Gao.

Ying Zheng couldn't bear it either.

after all.

These two people are his favourites.


In Yingzheng's view, building the Great Wall is indeed a great thing that will last forever.

There is no problem with this decision.


At this time, Ying Zheng pursued Zhao Gao and Li Si's crime of beheading.

Then this is not an indirect admission.

Is building the Great Wall a wrong choice?

Of course Ying Zheng would not do this.

【Chun Yuyue】: Alright, let me tell you why Your Majesty wants to build the Great Wall all of a sudden, it's because of you two cunning people!

【Chun Yuyue】: Your Majesty, please punish them both with death!

Not only Chunyu Yue.

Fusu was also shocked.

This is fooling the emperor!

【Fu Su】: Emperor Father, Li Xiang and Zhao Gao, their hearts should be punished!


No matter how everyone shouts.

In the end, Ying Zheng just replied a few words in a calm manner.

[Ying Zheng]: Deceiving me?

[Ying Zheng]: Zhao Gao cut down one level of official! Li Si cut down one level of noble!

[Ying Zheng]: I will deduct the salaries of the two of you for another three years!


Even Ying Zheng didn't want to kill Li Si and Zhao Gao.

after all.

Li Si is a loyal minister under Yingzheng's command.

He is smart and obedient.

So is Zhao Gao.

He has served Yingzheng for so many years, and Zhao Gao knew what he was going to do if Yingzheng made a small move.

It was like Ying Zheng's hand.

How could Ying Zheng be willing to kill such a good slave.

Just like He Shen.

Qianlong knew that He Shen was a corrupt official, and even monopolized power.

But why did Qianlong not move and "July 17" Shen?

It's not because Heshen is very easy to use. If you use Heshen, no one can be as obedient and beautiful as Heshen.


Li Si and Zhao Gao.

In the eyes of Ying Zheng, he is also an indispensable tool man.

A symbolic penalty is enough.

【Chun Yuyue】: Your Majesty, isn't the punishment too light?

He refused!

But Ying Zheng didn't care about him.

Instead, change the subject.

[Ying Zheng]: My ministers have suggested three strategies for me. I don't know how many strategies Zhao Ze in another world can come up with.

the other side.

Become a big Qin.

Ying Zheng felt a little weird.

To resist the Xiongnu, even dispatched an army of 300,000, and also called labor to repair the Great Wall?

Looks like a huge project!

The screen lights up.


On the main hall.

A courtier reported the situation in the northern border.

Many Huns took the opportunity to go south, burned, killed and looted, killing the people.

The courtier proposed.

Let Ying Zheng find a way to solve the problem of the Huns.

Ying Zheng was also in a dilemma.

Then he looked at the officials and asked, "What do you think about the Xiongnu?"


Some courtiers proposed to send heavy troops directly to drive away the Xiongnu.

Ying Zheng nodded.

Li Si came out and said: "It's better to connect the ancient Great Wall of Qin Zhaoyan to resist the Xiongnu."

Ying Zheng fell into thinking and thought this was a good idea.


Chunyu Yue strongly opposed it.

I think this method is a waste of money.

It is easy to make the people feel rebellious, and there will be big troubles.


Li Si and Chun Yuyue started to argue.

Ying Zheng frowned and said, "Stop arguing, let me think about whether to build the Great Wall."

Then he asked: "Is there any other way to deal with the Huns?"


Another minister stood up and proposed to send all the old nobles from the six countries to settle in the northern border.

By the time.

Even if the Huns went south to plunder.

Those who killed were also the old nobles of the Six Kingdoms.

This can be regarded as borrowing a knife to kill.

Ying Zheng was delighted.

To deal with this group of disobedient old nobles from the six countries, Ying Zheng believed that this method would definitely subdue them.

at last.

Ying Zheng looked down at the ministers and asked casually, "My Ze'er, didn't you come to court today?"

Zhao Gao leaned close to Ying Zheng's ear and reminded, "The eldest son is messing around with the palace maid."


Ying Zheng frowned.

He felt that Zhao Ze was a womanizer.

I've seen it since I was a kid.

At such a young age, he would mess with the beautiful little palace maid at every turn.

When I grow up.

Zhao Ze is a little restrained, and the six kingdoms are at the center of the sun.


After the fall of the six kingdoms.

Zhao Ze was out of control.

Apart from hunting outside, he was having fun with a group of beauties in his own home.

Even the court didn't come very often.

See Ying Zheng's expression.

The courtiers all knew what was going on.

There has long been rumors in the palace that Zhao Ze had sex with seventeen women, and it took three days and four nights to end, which shocked everyone's jaws.

at the same time.

Zhao Ze's lustful nature is also well known to everyone.

In the hearts of the ancients.


It's human nature.


If you can control it, you are an excellent man, a successful man.

If you can't control it.

Addicted to wine and sex every day.

The ancients would think that you are useless...

Many courtiers present naturally thought so too.

I feel that Zhao Ze was admired by the world when he was young, but now he has become decadent and depraved......

They don't care about politics anymore.

Ying Zheng sighed, and ordered: "Go and call the eldest son, and tell me that I and my subjects have something to discuss with him.

Zhao Gao nodded.

Call a little eunuch to inform Zhao Ze.


Zhao Ze dressed neatly and came to the main hall.


After bowing, Zhao Ze asked, "What can I discuss with my son?"


A minister repeated the topic just now.

The Xiongnu in the north went south to wreak havoc.

How to resist it?

Zhao Ze was stunned.


"Why resist?"

"Why build the Great Wall?"

"I'll lead my troops to kill them directly, and drive the Xiongnu to extinction, so that future generations will not have to worry about it.

As soon as the words came out.

Everyone was stunned.

Li Si reminded: "Young Master, the strength of the Xiongnu is far from comparable to that of the small country of Baiyue."

"The Huns lived on the vast grassland for a long time."

"The grassland is vast and vast."

"We Central Plains people used to get lost on the prairie and starve to death."

"Or the transportation of grain and grass is inconvenient, and it is difficult to support the army to go deep."

"The Huns are also nomads. They don't gather in one place. When they find our army appearing, they can flee at any time. Our army can't catch up at all."


Zhao Ze shrugged.

"My Qin cavalry, who is better than the Xiongnu?"

In a word.

Confused everyone.

In everyone's mind, they all thought of memories from a few years ago.

at that time.

Zhao Ze led ten thousand Qin cavalry.

Following the example of the Huns' guerrilla warfare, they went deep into the hinterland of the Chu State, and the Chu State could not find the north.

The effect is remarkable!

Ten thousand people.

He easily captured the capital of Chu State and captured King Chu of Chu.

Such a brilliant record.

Far from being comparable to the Huns.


The Qin cavalry and the Huns collided.

It might be possible to win.

The key is.

The Huns had no harness.

But Zhao Ze's Qin cavalry has a full set of horses.

On horseback, the cavalry is like walking on the ground.

How did the Huns fight?

Li Sizhan looked back and forth: "Maybe, we can give it a try?"

Ying Zheng also nodded and said: "The cavalry of Qin and the Huns must be better than the cavalry of Qin."

But the ministers shook their heads.

"Your Majesty, the prairie is not so easy to set foot in."

Someone nodded and said: "Yes, Your Majesty, if we are not careful, my Qin army will get lost in the prairie and starve to death!"

"The prairie is vast, entering the prairie is like entering the sea!"

"It's reasonable, don't rush to send troops, it's better to defend!"

After listening to what everyone said.

Yingzheng also had some concerns, and said: "Ze'er, the ministers are right, the prairie is vast, and it's easy to get lost if you lead troops on an expedition.

The prairie is not like the Central Plains.

There are rivers and lakes, mountains and cities.

You lead your troops far away and can't find your way.

Just need to walk around and look around.

When you see a familiar lake or a familiar mountain, you will know your approximate location, and then turn around.

Grasslands are different.

You look around.

Surrounded by a vast expanse of green.

There is simply no point of reference that would let you know where you are.

Can only rely on luck, aimlessly looking for.


You can find your way back before starving to death.

bad luck.

They can only starve to death on the prairie.


In the large-scale battle against the Huns in history.

The disappearance of small groups of troops often happens.

Because the army went deep into the Mobei grassland, and the army often marched separately.


There will always be some teams that accidentally leave the main force.

Accidentally stranded in no man's land.

Calling every day should not be calling the earth is not working.

In the end, he starved to death.

The bodies were found by the Huns, or by friendly troops passing by.

This kind of thing is still very common.

After all, the communication technology of the ancients was underdeveloped, and it was common to get lost.

"get lost?"

"I have a solution to the problem of getting lost."

Zhao Ze smiled.

During the Warring States period.

Magnets have been discovered by humans.

For example, "Lu Shi Chun Qiu" edited by Lu Buwei.

The mastery chapter of the ninth volume has a description: "kindness recruits iron, or cites it".

The ancients called "magnetism" as "compassion".

Think of the magnet attracting iron as the attraction of a loving mother to her children.

And think: "Stone is the mother of iron, but there are two kinds of stones: kind and unkind. The kind stone can attract his children, but the unkind stone cannot attract..."


It proves that magnetic ore has been discovered long ago.

Just haven't figured out how to use it yet.

Now that there are magnets, Zhao Ze can use magnets to make iron needles with magnetic force.

The needle hangs in the air.

You can tell the north from the south.


Fireworks can also be made using ancient methods.

Black gunpowder first appeared in the late Tang Dynasty.

The same goes for fireworks.

It's just that the fireworks technology in the late Tang Dynasty was not mature enough. Among the ancient times, the most beautiful fireworks and the most mature technology were the Song Dynasty.

Fireworks from the Song Dynasty.

Because of the addition of various gold

Is a mineral.

So when it explodes.

will appear in different colors.

And fireworks.

In Zhao Ze's opinion.

Equivalent to the ancient signal flare.

On the boundless prairie, if someone finds the main force of the Huns, they only need to pick up the fireworks and shoot them into the sky.

See the army of fireworks all around.

Immediately moved closer to the place where the fireworks appeared.

To achieve the purpose of rapid concentration of troops.


It can also be used for signal transmission when the Qin army attacked the Huns.


Only a few days later, the magnetic ore was dug from the magnetite in Handan and dedicated to Zhao Ze.

Zhao Ze turned it into a magnet.

Finally made a sewing needle.

On the main hall.

In front of everyone, rub the tip of the sewing needle against the magnet a dozen times.


With a silk thread, suspend the sewing needle in the air.

Under the gaze of everyone.

No matter how Zhao Ze fiddled with the needle.

The direction of the needle tip is always aimed at the south.

The courtiers were taken aback.

"Is this the compass that the eldest son said?"

"It's amazing, one end of it always points to Nanling!"

"If our army has this artifact, we will be able to easily find our way when we enter Mobei in the future, and we won't get lost!"

"The wisdom of the eldest son really shocked the old minister!"

Put away the compass.

Zhao Ze introduced: "This thing is easy to make and easy to carry."

"Father can manufacture in batches, and give one to the centurions to ensure that they can easily find their way even if they leave the main force.

"With a compass."

"My Qin cavalry is invincible when united, and can also advance in different directions when divided, without losing their way and not finding the way they came from.


Zhao Ze took out handmade fireworks again.

very simple.

Use thin bamboo as a fireworks tube.

Fill with black powder and lead wire towards the bottom.

The lead wire is made of a layer of rough paper, wrapped with black powder, and twisted into a thin rope.


Put another firecracker in the fireworks tube.

This firecracker also has a fuse, and the fuse is very long.

Firecrackers are also filled with black powder inside.


In order for the explosion to emit color.

Zhao Ze also filled it with green malachite powder, and red cinnabar powder from it.

Bring the ministers to the courtyard.

Zhao Ze took out a simple torch and lit a firework in his hand.

Seeing that the lead wire is getting shorter and shorter.



With a bang.

The explosive thrust produced by the rapid combustion of black powder is 2.6.

The firecrackers in the bamboo tube were rushed up to a height of 100 meters.

at the highest point.

The fuse of the firecracker has also burned out.

In the air, there was another "bang" explosion.

The people of Xianyang City looked up.

Found over the Xianyang Palace.

There was a cloud of green smoke floating!

Zhao Ze introduced: "Green is a leading signal, which can notify nearby friendly troops to come and write that they will make peace.


Zhao Ze lit the red fireworks again.

this time.

Firecrackers exploded in the air.

What comes out is cinnabar red.

Zhao Ze also said: "Red is a danger signal, informing nearby friendly forces to quickly come to support and prepare for combat."


Zhao Ze turned around.

He looked at the courtiers around him.

"Ministers, you shouldn't have to worry about the army getting lost, right?"

at this time.

The ministers all stared at the two clouds of smoke, one green and one red, in the air.

They all opened their mouths in shock.


Simply incredible!

Ying Zheng's mind was also blank.

He looked up at the smoke, ecstatic in his heart!

"Good thing! This signal flare is a good thing!"

The rest of the ministers also responded one after another.

"Don't worry, don't worry!"

"With these two artifacts, let alone go to the prairie, I, Qin Jun, can go to the sea without any problem!"

"In ancient times, people said that there were dynasties overseas, but I don't know if it's true or not."

"With the compass and flares in hand, we can really send troops to sea to find traces of other dynasties!"

The courtiers said happily.


in their hearts.

The problem of getting lost in the prairie has been solved.

Zhao Ze asked with a smile: "Then ministers, do you agree that I will lead troops northward and go deep into the grasslands to attack the Xiongnu?"

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