Shuang Daqin Comparison, No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 116 Yuan Yingzheng Is Confused: No, You Are Rushing To Do The Job On The Great Wall?

hear this.

The first emperor was in a hurry.


"I really lost my mind back then, how could I have thought of training you to inherit Daqin!"

"So weak, crying when things happen, how can you help Su take over Daqin in the future!"

"You let me down so much!"

Letting go of Fusu's collar, Yingzheng took a few steps back.

Sitting on the desk.

A little disappointed: "I decided to let you go to the northern border and follow Meng Tian Meng Yi to build the Great Wall.

"I want you to see it with your own eyes."

"The cruelty of the Huns!"

"Wait until you see it with your own eyes, then we can talk about building the Great Wall!"


Fusu was forced to be sent to the north by Yingzheng.

And send word to Meng Tian Meng Yi.

Let the two of them take Fusu to the border to see how cruel the Huns are.

Yingzheng hopes to help Su after seeing the brutality of the Huns.

Be able to change your own perspective.

The screen disappears.

The common people of Great Qin were all stunned.

: "The price you pay for building the Great Wall is so high?"

: "Smoking after a short stop, this is too cruel!"

: "So many people seem to be exhausted, your Majesty is not a tyrant, what is it? Horror!"

: "Compared in this way, the two worlds are simply worlds apart!"


The screen of Changing Qin appears.


The government explained the situation in the announcement.


The state of Qin wants to demolish the old Great Wall in Qin, Zhao and Yan.

Divided into two phases.

Phase one.

First demolish the old Great Wall to make a gap that can accommodate tens of thousands of cavalry.

This is the first phase of the project.


The eldest son, Zhao Ze, will lead troops northward.

Pass through the Great Wall, go directly to the Mobei Grassland, and fight the Huns.

Then the second phase of the project will start.

Complete demolition of the three old Great Walls.

Estimated construction period is five years!

As long as you are willing to go to work, you only need to work for three hours a day, including three meals, and you can take a day off every three days.

During the working period.

The land planted by the family members can be exempted from all taxes and fees.

As soon as this news comes out.

The gates of the yamen in all counties are crowded with strong men.

Countless strong men were all crowded at the registration office, stretching out their hands, like starving ghosts who haven't eaten for a long time, and crazily rushed towards the officers and soldiers.

More than a dozen officers and soldiers resisted with pained expressions.

A county lieutenant in charge of soldiers.

He even pulled out the horizontal knife.

Tilt to the sky.

He roared angrily: "Quiet everyone! Don't make any noise! ​​Everyone line up and come one by one every day!"

Under the awe of the county lieutenant.

All the strong men reluctantly lined up.


Among them, there are quite a few courageous ones who started to jump in line.

Everyone looked at it at a glance.

The registered teams ran from east gate to east gate.

Countless people wanted to sign up to demolish the Great Wall.

This scene.

It made the officials in charge of registration feel even more overwhelmed.

Such battles.

It was much more lively than the imperial examinations back then.

After all, the imperial examination still has a little threshold.

Only those who can write are required to sign up, so there are relatively few people who sign up.


The matter of recruiting labor.

The bar is too low...

The request given by the high-level officials of the Qin State is that there are brothers in the family and men who are over 20 years old.


Half of the people can meet this threshold.

So it's all crowded.

The county magistrate said with a bitter face: "Oh, why are there so many people!"

The county magistrate also wondered: "The magistrate only gave us a quota of 1,000 people in the county, but there must be 2,000 people who signed up?"

Several people shook their heads.


After screening, the county government successfully registered a thousand people.

Prepare to send their list to the sheriff.

the next day.

those not selected.

And those with richer family background will sneak around and give gifts to some petty officials.

In the official's house.

The servant opened the door.

There were more than twenty people standing outside.

They all carried chicken, duck and fish, as well as a few copper coins.

Saw the door open.

A group of people rush in.

Find the official and immediately give the gift you brought.

Then he explained the situation of his family, and hoped that the officials would make it easier for his family to demolish the Great Wall.

after all.

This is a fat mess!

Three meals a day, easy work.

Work alone.

Tax free for the whole family.

Good thing!

The official saw a dazzling array of gifts, as well as countless copper coins.

I couldn't bear it anymore.

Take it all together.

Then he made a promise: "With my official here, everyone in your family will definitely be able to demolish the Great Wall!"


Officials use connections.

Kick some unlucky ones off the draft list.

And make up for these men who walked through the back door.

Finally, it was handed over to the sheriff.


Tens of thousands of laborers were recruited and went to the northern border to demolish the Great Wall.

The original Daqin.

Everyone was shocked!

: "Unbelievable, simply unbelievable!"

: "Why is there such a big gap between the state of Qin where Zhao Ze lives and our state of Qin?"

: "In this world, does such a perfect state of Qin really exist..."

: "The Arabian Nights, right?"

: "It would be great if I was born in another Qin country!"

It can be said.

They know that Zhao Ze's Qin State is powerful.


I didn't expect it to be so powerful......

And it is in all aspects, refreshing everyone's three views!

[Li Si]: Recruiting labor.....They rushed to do it?

Everyone in Li Si was dumbfounded.


He is responsible for recruiting laborers to repair the Great Wall.

Li Si knew very well how troublesome it was to recruit labor.


In Zhao Ze's world.......

The laborers actually signed up voluntarily, and even queued up to sign up!

Isn't this incredible?!

[Fusu]: It's not just rushing to sign up. In order to demolish the Great Wall, they even bribed the officials!

【Fu Su】: The purpose of offering bribes is to get the family members to demolish the Great Wall...

【Fu Su】: This world is so crazy!

Obviously in their world.

Something no one wants to do.

At Zhao Ze's place.

To do this errand.

They don't hesitate to bribe officials!

After all.

It's still a matter of treatment.

After all, the laborers who built the Great Wall in the former Great Qin Dynasty were only given two meals of porridge a day, which could not fill their stomachs at all.

Plus a lot of work.

The supervisors beat and cursed the workers.

No preferential treatment is given.

How could common people be willing to build the Great Wall?

Ying Zheng was shocked.

He never expected.

Ask ordinary people to do hard work, and they will still be so active.

Don't even hesitate to give gifts...

[Ying Zheng]: Is there really someone who is so active in doing corvee?

Somewhere in Chu State.

Men stay away from wives, and children.

Full of joy, he followed more than 70 laborers from the same village to the north.

The mountains are high and the water is far away.

They are tired from walking, but they are in a good mood.

Everyone was talking and laughing.

The officers and soldiers who were responsible for leading them to set off had a very good attitude and called everyone brothers and sisters.


It was raining heavily.

You Lao frowned and said, "Oh, sir, it's raining, let's hurry up, or we'll miss the date!"

The officer waved his hand and said, "Why do you go when it's raining heavily? If you don't go, don't go! Find a place to rest here for one night, and we'll talk when the rain stops!"

The man is a little reluctant.

Said: "Master, let's go in the rain, I want to go there early to give my family tax exemption."

Others also nodded.

"Yes, sir, it's just a rain."

"Let's go on our way."

Look at their obsession.

The officer grinned and said, "Aren't you stupid? Since the day you left the house, your family members have been exempted from taxes."

That is. "

"It's better for us to rest here, or go to work earlier."

"all the same."

"Since that's the case, it's better to take a rest.

After listening to the explanation of the officers and soldiers.

Everyone was relieved.

That being the case.

That should really be a break.

While hiding from the rain, the man accidentally saw a boy studying the shoes on his feet.

I saw that the boy's shoes were worn out.

His feet were bleeding blisters.

Men have some sympathy.

Walk over, take out a pair of straw sandals from the bag, and give it to the boy.

"These are straw sandals that my wife wove for me before I left. I will give you a pair."

The boy accepted the straw sandals and was very grateful.


The two began to get acquainted.

A group of people will often help the teenager.

The young man was also enthusiastic, calling other workers "big brothers".

one day.

The man couldn't help asking the young man: "The officials say that you have to be 20 years old to apply for labor, but you look like you are only 16 or 17 years old."

The young man smiled mysteriously and explained with a grin: "Brother, I am indeed sixteen years old."

The man was stunned: "Then how did you succeed in applying?"

The boy leaned close to the man's ear and whispered, "Bribe!"

"I also have a younger brother in my family. He is only thirteen years old and I am sixteen years old. So my mother brought a lot of gifts to the county magistrate, changed my age, and let me apply for the job."

"Although I am sixteen, on the list, it is recorded that I am twenty years old."

After listening to the boy's explanation.

The man smiled.

"I see, I'm still curious, are you really twenty years old.

A group of people were talking and laughing.

two months later.

Finally arrived in the north.


Then began to demolish the Great Wall.

it's here.

The supervisors are very gentle, and they will not yell, curse and beat, but ask everyone to be careful.

Because the working time is only six hours.

So the workers are very efficient.

Every day I go to work full of energy and ten thousand ministers.

Their six-hour work progress is comparable to the twelve-hour work of the original Daqin laborers.

this day.


Everyone got together, drinking and chatting with the three supervisors.

They were smiling and talking about their own stories.

some people.

Father died in the army.

some people.

Father recovered his life under the iron hoof of Qin Jun.

some people.

My mother came from a wealthy family.

some people.

Mother was born as a slave.

some people.

The wife is very beautiful, and she fascinated the young men from all over the world.

some people.

Although the wife is very ordinary, she manages the family diligently and thriftly, and gave birth to a pair of children for herself.

Some people tell how smart their children are.

Some people complain that their children are stupid, do not want to go to school, and only fool around.


Everyone eats and drinks enough to rest.

The man suddenly heard the boy crying.

"What's wrong with you?" the man asked.

"I miss my family," the teenager wiped away tears and said.

At the age of sixteen, he has never left his family in his life.


In order to exempt the family from paying taxes.

He came from the south to the north alone, and demolished the Great Wall with everyone.


He couldn't help being homesick.

The man felt a little sympathetic, took out a sachet from his arms, and gave it to the boy.

"This is the sachet my wife prepared for me. I give it to you. You will feel homesick after smelling it."

The boy took the sachet.

Sniff it close to your nose.

His eyes lit up and he said: "It smells so good, brother! Sister-in-law is really ingenious!"

The man smiled and couldn't help but began to recall the story of himself and his wife.

Another three months passed.

The Great Wall has been torn down a gap.

It is enough to accommodate tens of thousands of cavalry, and more than 100,000 logistics troops passed through.


The boy was carrying a stone brick and accidentally kicked his foot.

People and bricks fell to the ground.

The supervisor hurried over, helped the boy up, and asked: "It's okay, boy, don't get hurt, or you won't be able to work for a few days."

The boy rubbed his ankle and said with a smile: "My lord, I'm fine, it's just that my butt hurts a bit from the fall.

The supervisor breathed a sigh of relief, "Be careful, the first phase of the project is almost over, and everyone can go home and rest soon.

The boy nodded: "Yeah!"

At this time.

Someone is standing on the wall.

Looking at the prairie in the distance. (Zhao De's)

When he saw thousands of Huns rushing over, he immediately shouted, "Run! Huns cavalry are coming!"

hear this.

The supervisors were taken aback.

"not good!"

"The Huns saw that the Great Wall was about to be completed, so they came here first!"

"Light up the beacon tower!"

Countless laborers were in a mess.


They have no weapons in their hands.

I could only watch helplessly as countless Huns came to kill me.

The supervisor said coldly: "Pick up your weapon and resist desperately! Wait for the support of the Qin army!"

Man picks up a brick.

He pulled the boy behind him and picked up a wooden stick for him.

The man reminded: "When the Huns come to kill you, you hide behind me. If I die, you hide under my body. You should be able to hide there."

The boy was shocked: "Brother, no! I want to fight the Huns with you!"

The man roared angrily: "I used to be a soldier of Chu, I have been trained! You are only sixteen years old, do you know how to kill people?! Be obedient! If I die, you will hide under my corpse! You are only sixteen years old, how can you still kill me?" young!"

The supervisor drew out the iron horizontal knife.

He roared angrily: "Brothers, even if we die in battle today, we will never let the Huns cross the Great Wall!"

"Ready to kill!"

Under the roar of the supervisor.

All the laborers also held sticks and bricks and shouted in unison: "Kill!"

these people.

Most of them are veterans of the Seven Kingdoms.

After the war, he returned to his hometown to farm.


After many years, although they have no weapons.

But there is still an unrelenting ambition.

The supervisor yelled: "Kill me!"

Overseers lead by example.

Holding the horizontal knife in hand, he rushed to the Huns.

The morale of the workers was boosted.

They also held weapons, followed behind the supervisors, and killed the Xiongnu soldiers without fear of death.

The man's eyes were red, and he roared loudly: "Chu Hun is not dead!"

Just as they were roaring and rushing to kill.

suddenly cold.

There was a thunderous sound of horseshoes behind everyone. .

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