Shuang Daqin Comparison, No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 120 Red Cloud? Fuck! We Are Surrounded By The Qin Army!

At this time.

Seeing that the Huns wanted to break out.

The leading general of the Qin army sneered: "Want to escape? It's impossible!"

In an instant.

The soldiers and horses of the two sides collided together.

Start fighting.

Touman Shanyu was powerful in force, wielding weapons, but killed two Qin cavalry soldiers.

But soon.

He was being targeted by a bear!

Among the chaos.

Goldman Sachs carried a solid iron rod spear of the same style as Zhao Ze, riding a horse head to kill Fu.

This solid iron rod spear.

It weighs more than eighty catties.


Ordinary soldiers can't swing it at all.

But in the hands of Goldman Sachs, who can easily lift a sledgehammer weighing more than 120 kilograms, it seems much lighter.

Goldman Sachs is smart.

I saw that the Huns were all dressed in tatters.

Only Touman Shanyu dressed brightly.


That guy is wearing armor!

It must be someone like a general.

Goldman Sachs is eager to make meritorious service, thinking of killing the past, he can make up for some of the crimes that frightened the first emperor back then.

Touman Shanyu beheaded a Qin soldier.

Suddenly, I felt a murderous intent behind me.

Turn back sharply.

Then he saw a spear, stabbing himself.

Touman Shanyu slanted his body to dodge, narrowly trying to save his life.

The two passed by.

After setting up their postures, they charged at each other on horseback.

Touman Shanyu roared: "Sneak attack? I'll kill you!"

And Goldman Sachs has a hideous face.

He knows that spears are easy to dodge.

this time.

He exhausted all his strength and swept across.


The heavy spear smashed the head of Touman Shanyu's horse.

When passing by.

Touman Chanyu also hit Goldman Sachs with a machete.


Goldman Sachs is armored.

This knife goes down.

It's just a knife mark left on the iron armor...


Touman Chanyu's war horse was smashed in the head.

The heavy body suddenly fell to the ground.

Even the leader, Man Chanyu, was thrown a few meters away.

He stood up awkwardly.

Just hold on to the helmet.

Goldman Sachs' iron spear was already pointing between Touman Chanyu's eyebrows.

The latter was too frightened to move.

Goldman laughed.

"Caught a big fish!"

He directly took out the rope, tied Touman Chanyu's hands, and tied the other end of the rope to the saddle of the horse.

Immediately afterwards.

Goldman Sachs is back on the horse.

Carrying a spear, fighting in the chaos.

until evening.

The war is finally drawing to a close.

The Qin army took part in the battle with 2,200 people.

Six hundred people died in battle.

There are only 1,600 people left.

The Xiongnu 7,300 people participated in the battle.

More than 4,600 people were beheaded.

The remaining 2,700 people fled in the chaos.

Goldman Sachs wanted to bring someone to stop him.

But the deserters fled in all directions, in different directions.

Goldman Sachs did not dare to chase easily.

Originally, the Qin army was divided into small teams of several hundred people, which was already risky enough.

If there are five more people, a group of ten people will chase after them.

These people could really be lost on the savannah.

Unless you see someone release a signal.

To find the way back.

In case.

Goldman Sachs asked everyone to handle the battlefield, and the Huns who fled would not chase after them.


Goldman stared at Tou Manchanyu.

That expression seemed to be looking at his new daughter-in-law.

Looking at Touman Shanyu, the hairs in his heart trembled.

Goldman Sachs gave Touman Shanyu a big pie and said: "Among thousands of people, only those five or six wear armor, and you are the one with the most beautiful and majestic armor among these five or six people."

"Your background must be not small!"

Touman Shanyu snorted coldly.

At this time.

A courtier of Touman Chanyu said flatteringly, "My lord, this is the leader of our Huns, Touman Chanyu!"

Goldman Sachs, who was chewing the pie, was stunned.

The rest of Qin Bing, who was resting, was also dumbfounded.

I wipe?

Leader of the Huns?

Goldman's eyes lit up: "I have made a great contribution! I have made a great contribution! I have captured the leader of the Huns alive!"

He was overjoyed.

He looked at the commander beside him.

"General, did you hear that the one I captured is the leader of the Huns, Shan Yu!"

The commander was also overjoyed.

"I heard you, Goldman Sachs, you can do it!"

"The first emperor and the eldest son will definitely reward you heavily!"


The commander took a sip of cooked water.

Wipe away water stains from the corners of the mouth.

Then he got up and said excitedly: "In this case, brothers, let's take a rest tonight, and tomorrow morning, we will bring the leader of the Xiongnu back home to receive the reward!"

Qin soldiers all cheered.

Neither did they.

It's so muddled.

The leader of the Huns was captured.

Early the next morning.

The crowd took Man Chanyu with them and prepared to leave for the country.

When I saw several commanders all taking out an iron needle, I bought Xia Shanyu.

Under the watchful eyes of the leaders.

Several iron needles slowly turned.

All pointing in the same direction.

They looked forward and smiled: "This is the direction back to Qin, let's go!"

Touman Shanyu was puzzled: "How can you be sure that this is the direction of Qin?"

Goldman Sachs grinned and mocked: "It's not this direction, what direction can it be?"

Touman Shanyu sneered.

Looking in the direction of his base camp, he said, "That's the direction of Qin."

Touman Shanyu was not reconciled.

He hoped to trick the Qin army into taking him in the direction of the Huns' base camp.


Maybe on the way, he could meet his eldest son and save himself.


Goldman Sachs slapped Tou Manchanyu on the face.

"When we are stupid?"

He pointed to the guide and said, "Qin is in the south, can you point us to the northwest?"

Tou Manchanyu was stunned by the slap.

what's the situation.

How could this group of Qin people trust their sense of direction so much?

The courtier observed carefully and explained: "Boss, the iron needles in their hands seem to have pointed out the direction for them."

hear this.

Touman Shanyu was dumbfounded.

so magical

How many needles can also point them in the direction?

The original Daqin.

Seeing Goldman's first battle, he helped Daqin capture Touman Chanyu alive.

Everyone was stunned.

【Meng Tian】: Qin cavalry went deep into the hinterland of the grassland and directly captured Touman Shanyu alive?

【Meng Tian】: Fierce! Too fierce!


Meng Tian once also led the army and expelled the Huns many times.


Never defeated Touman Chanyu.

in his world.

If Mao Dun hadn't killed his father and the king, he would have emptied the position of leader.


His great Qin, Touman Shanyu, is also impossible to die.


Meng Tian was shocked when he saw the world where Zhao Ze lived, and the group of Qin cavalrymen easily captured Touman Shanyu alive.

Also shocked was his younger brother Meng Yi.

【Meng Yi】: The first battle was won, and the King of the Huns was caught as soon as he took the shot...

[Meng Yi]: My brother and I have fought against the Huns so many times, but we haven't achieved such amazing achievements......

Both brothers were amazed.

In their view.

It is an extremely difficult task that more than 300,000 people cannot do.

It was completed with ease by these thousands of people.

Is the gap too big?

[Fusu]: We just drove away the Xiongnu. Brother Zhao Ze took the cavalry and directly captured the Hun King alive...

[Fusu]: Horrible! Without comparison, there is no harm!

three years ago.

Fusu was sent to the north by Yingzheng.


Fusu saw with his own eyes the stubbornness of the Huns.

The two brothers Meng Tian and Meng Yi have guarded the border in the north for many years, but they failed to kill the Hun King.

But the other side.

One shot is king bomb!

There is only one adjective in Fusu's mind to describe this battle!

That's awesome!

【Li Si】: The army led by Zhao Ze is equipped with advanced equipment!

[Li Si]: Saddles, stirrups, horseshoes!

[Li Si]: And a full set of iron armor!

[Li Si]: As well as the elite cavalry of the Qin army, they also absorbed the elite cavalry of Zhao Guo, and let the experienced Li Mu command them!

[Li Si]: In addition to the compass and signal flare invented by Zhao Ze...

[Li Si]: It is expected to crush the Huns in all directions and defeat the Huns!

Li Si was amazed again and again.

In his opinion.

Zhao Ze's victory is a matter of course.

After all, the cavalry of the Qin army is enough to crush the Huns no matter from which point of view.



The commanding general?


Take any one out for comparison, and it can knock the Huns to the ground and hammer them.

How did the Huns fight?

Even the prairie, which they are most proud of, has now become the home ground of the Qin army.

A signal flare.

The nearby Qin army gathered immediately.

This mobilization speed is not much worse than that of the Huns.

Ying Zheng also widened his eyes in shock.

[Ying Zheng]: The compass and signal flares are simply military artifacts!

[Ying Zheng]: When I equip the whole army with compass and signal flares, I can also order the cavalry to go deep into the Mobei grassland and drive the Huns to extinction!

His eyes were red.

For the two gadgets invented by Zhao Ze, I am eager to the extreme!

Combat proof.

Whether it's a compass or a signal flare.

It can help the Qin army's actions on the prairie and surpass the Huns!

[Zhao Gao]: Your Majesty is holy!

[Zhao Gao]: When all tools are extended to the whole country, the Qin army can also attack the Xiongnu in the north!

[Zhao Gao]: Include all the prairie in the territory of Qin State!

Become a big Qin.

in the comparison screen.

Mao Dun, who had just escaped to his lair, rested for several days and nights.

Early this morning.

Some Hun cavalry who escaped from that battle hurried over.

He fell off his horse.

Quickly knelt down on one knee, faced Mao Dun and said, "Prince, something is not right!"

"Your father was captured alive by the Qin army and has already been brought back to Qin!"

heard the news.

Mouton was stunned.

What the fuck?!

How can this be?!

"My father was captured alive by the Qin army? How did you manage to be discovered by the Central Plains people on the prairie?!"

The cavalrymen who escaped from the dead were covered in blood.

He clutched his wound and explained helplessly.

"Qin Jun's equipment is too powerful, we can't beat it at all."

"I followed Shan Yu to the temporary stronghold to rest, and met two friendly troops, so I prepared to wait for the Qin army who was chasing us to kill us."

"did not expect."

"The Qin army who was chasing put a red smoke into the sky.


"Not long."

"Three teams of the Qin army came from all directions."

"They surrounded us and beat us to the point where we couldn't fight back..."

"More than 7,000 people, more than half were killed by more than 2,000 people!"

Hear this data.

Mao Dun was stunned again.

What is this?

"There are more than 7,000 people surrounded by 2,000 people? Are you trash! You can't beat this?"

"If you are defeated at the foot of the Great Wall, I can still understand."

"But my father, has he gone to the hinterland of the grassland?"

"How did you find out?"

The cavalryman shook his head: "I don't know, we ran all the way, and the pursuers from the state of Qin just followed closely."

"If it was before."

"Maybe after a hundred miles, I will go back."

"Only this time, they chased for three hundred miles, and they still followed."

"It looks like he is holding the mentality of starving to death on the prairie, and wants to die with us."

Mouton felt a headache.

How did this battle end up like this?

He clenched his fists and comforted him: "It's not easy for you to escape back, go and rest."

"Thank you prince!"

The wounded soldier clutched his wound and left.

It is said that Shan Yu was captured alive.

The rest of the courtiers were gearing up angrily, clamoring to chase after him and rescue Shan Yu.

Mao Dun nodded: "I must go to save my father."


"I'm curious about Qin Jun's motive."

"Why do they have the guts to divide the 20,000-person team into dozens of small teams and act separately on the prairie.

"Aren't they afraid of getting lost?"

"Or a small group of troops met our large group and were wiped out?"


"My father was arrested in the hinterland of the grassland."

"How did the Qin army manage to penetrate hundreds of miles into the grassland?"

some of.

There are too many doubts.

No matter how smart Mao Dun is, he still can't figure out why...

A general said: "It may be that the lost Qin army ran into our leader by chance."

But another immediately countered.

Said: "Impossible!"

"A Qin army squad can bump into the leader."

"But I don't believe that the four Qin army teams are so lucky to run into our leader at the same time!"


An elderly commander said: "The deserters just now said that the Qin army can release red smoke into the sky.

"This smoke should be something similar to wolf smoke."

"It's just that the wolf smoke is fixed on the Great Wall, and Qin Jun can take this smoke with him and use it at any time.

"It can be seen that Qin Jun has made sufficient preparations this time."

"Otherwise you can't go deep into our grassland for three hundred miles."


Someone expressed disdain.

"Oh, so what!"

"Our place is six hundred miles away from the Qin Kingdom, and when they kill here, they will probably starve to death.

"Besides, I don't believe they can really find this place!"

Just when everyone was discussing how to rescue the leader.

Huns soldiers grazing leisurely outside.

Suddenly saw the sky in the distance.

There is a cloud of red smoke.

Like blooming flowers.

Explode suddenly!

After a few seconds.


A faint explosion sound reached his ears.

The Xiongnu soldiers still couldn't understand what the red smoke was.


Everyone raised their heads curiously, looking at the red smoke in the sky.

Immediately afterwards.

Second red smoke.

It exploded in a farther direction.

The third.

the fourth.………….

At this time.

The Huns looked around.


In all directions, the red smoke appeared.

It seems that their lair is surrounded...


They still couldn't understand the origin of the red smoke.

Even less aware of the danger.


He came here to report to Mao Dun that the wounded soldier who was captured by Tou Manchan was recovering in the tent.

Someone walked in from the outside and was amazed.

"The sky outside is full of red smoke, it's so beautiful."

"Like a red cloud.".

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