Shuang Daqin Comparison, No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 132 Hu Hai: Rebellion? Who Dares To Rebel Against My Millions Of Armored Men In Great Qin!

Fusu really didn't expect it.

I have already died in Zhao Gao's hands.

at this time.

Zhao Gao could still take care of his brotherhood and leave a bloodline for himself.

I don't know either.

Should Fu Su hate Hu Hai, or should he thank him?

Hu Hai's brothers and sisters.

Angry to see this.

They all yelled at Hu Hai.

How low-level IQ must this be to be so easily deceived by others?

Even brothers and sisters want to start?

Watching the saliva of the brothers and sisters.

Hu Hai was so frightened that he didn't dare to show his head.

He himself felt it.

Why is my future self so insane?

[Zhao Gao]: I am wronged, Your Majesty, it is fake! It is all fake!

at this time.

Zhao Gao, who fled, wanted to cry but had no tears.

own this crime.

Why is it getting bigger and bigger?

[Ying Zheng]: What is wronged?

[Ying Zheng]: I didn't expect that you seem to be a loyal minister, but in fact you have hidden murderous intentions.

[Ying Zheng]: Killing Fusu is not enough, you actually want to kill all my descendants, you deserve to die!

Become a big Qin.

Everyone also looked at Bian Hu Hai.

Hu Hai shrugged.

[Hu Hai]: Don't look at me, it has nothing to do with me.

[Hu Hai]: I never thought of killing you.

on screen.

Zhao Gao tried his best.

Finally, Hu Hai's brothers were charged with many crimes.


Twelve brothers were dragged to the market in Xianyang to be beheaded.

Knowing the end of death.

The twelve brothers all yelled at Hu Hai and Zhao.

In front of everyone.

These twelve people.

be beheaded uniformly.

Zhao Gao pursed his lips and smiled lightly.

Potential threats have been removed in half.

After a period of time.

Zhao Gao also proposed many capital crimes for other people.

Hu Hai was overjoyed.

Another six brothers and ten sisters were arrested.

All these sixteen people were tied up and prepared to beheaded.

They saw Hu Hai coming.

They scolded Hu Hai one after another.

Until, someone scolded, "You forget the throne of the elder brother, the elder brother should be the emperor, you stole the emperor."

This sentence.

It touched Hu Hai's reverse scale.

He was furious.

"No beheading!"

"Use torture!"

There are three types of torture.

The first is to crush the person to death with a heavy object.

The second type is that people on both sides use things to strangle people alive in the middle.

The third type is to use sharp objects to tear or shred people.

Hu Hai used it here.

It is the third type. 153

It is also the cruelest and bloodiest kind.

The soldiers stepped forward and tore back and forth on the bodies of the sixteen people with the weapons in their hands.

Just started.

The execution ground was full of people's wailing.

at last.

The screams disappeared.

The execution is over.

The corpses on the execution ground had all been torn apart, their internal organs had all flowed out, and their bodies were jumbled together.

It is impossible to tell whose body parts are whose.

See here.

Hu Hai finally let out a bad breath.


He's already killed it.

Immediately, Zhao Gao was ordered: "Find the other brothers and arrest them as soon as possible, and execute them!"

Zhao Gao was a little embarrassed.

"Young Master, they behaved dignifiedly, never violated the law, and are loved by others, there is really no crime to arrest them.

Hu Hai urged: "You find a way yourself!"

Return to Xianyang Palace.

At this time.

Young Master Gao is already waiting in front of the palace gate.

Seeing Hu Hai approaching, Young Master Gao hurried over and said, "Your Majesty, I have been waiting for a long time."

Gongzi Gao is also Hu Hai's older brother.

The latter asked curiously: "Brother, what are you waiting for me?"

Young Master Gao smiled and said: "I miss my father, and hope to be able to bury him as a sacrifice."

hear this.

Hu Hai was surprised at first.

Immediately afterwards, he was overjoyed: "Okay, I will satisfy you! I will reward you with 100,000 yuan!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The son is very happy.

go home.

After explaining the family affairs, he was ready to leave for the mountain mausoleum.

The wife and family all cried bitterly.

"Why do you want to die for the late emperor?"

Young Master Gao sighed.

"Hu Hai was afraid that his brothers and sisters would rob him of the throne, so he went on a killing spree and became bloodthirsty."

"As a child of my father, I will not be spared sooner or later."

"Instead of being accused by Hu Haian, tortured to death in public, or escaping and implicating you, it is better to ask for death on your own initiative, so that you can die with dignity.

After explaining.

Prince Gao rushed to the Lishan Mausoleum.

and slay himself in it.

And Hu Hai also built a good coffin for him.


Brothers and sisters were almost killed.

There are still the last three brothers left, Hu Hai is a little anxious.


These three brothers are all benevolent and law-abiding people.

Zhao Gao watched them for so long, but he didn't find any charges against them.

Hu Hai turned his face: "Death directly!"

"The king orders, how dare they disobey?"

This is exactly what Zhao Gao wanted.


Zhao Gao called Hu Hai's three brothers, (cfed) together.


Throw them a sword.

"Several, do it yourself."

Look at the sword on the ground.

The son, the general and the three of them couldn't believe it.

Jiang Lu said unconvinced: "The three of us have always followed court etiquette."

"We have never violated the rituals stipulated by the imperial court. We have obeyed orders and dealt with them. We have not made any mistakes. Why do we have to judge ourselves?"

Zhao Gao replied:

"I am only following orders, which is His Majesty's will.

There is no chance of redemption.

The three generals wept at each other.


Jiang Lu picked up the sword and sent the two brothers away first.

In the end, he killed himself with a sword.

Since then.

The first emperor's sons and daughters were all killed by Hu Hai.

Everyone's hairs stood on end.

The original Daqin.

Fusu was furious.

【Fu Su】: Hu Hai, you deserve to die!

【Fu Su】: Father, please give Hu Hai the death!

He was furious.

I thought.

Hu Hai gave himself to death, which was already the bottom line.

Never thought of that.

This didn't reach Hu Hai's bottom line at all!

He breathed a sigh of relief!

Kill all brothers and sisters!

These people are all the brothers and sisters that Fusu likes...

[Ying Zheng]: Hu Hai, you are so courageous!

[Ying Zheng]: Listening to slander and mutilating brothers and sisters is a heinous crime!

[Ying Zheng]: I will exile you!

Even my own father.

Ying Zheng also felt extremely angry at what Hu Hai had done.

Those own biological children.

Whether favored or unfavored.

They were all Ying Zheng's own flesh and blood.

Ying Zheng was not willing to hit or scold him.

The results of it.

How long have you been dead?

Hu Hai directly gave them a group kill!

Don't care about love at all!


Ying Zheng felt that things hadn't happened yet.

Lock Hu Hai for a period of time, let him learn a lesson, and then let him out.

can now.

Seeing Hu Hai kill so many brothers and sisters.

Ying Zheng thinks.

Just simply imprisoning Hu Hai is not enough to vent his hatred.

But kill.

And reluctant.

Then exile!

As if I had never had such a son!

[Hu Hai]: Father! I know I was wrong!

[Hu Hai]: Haven’t these things happened yet?

【Hu Hai】: I can make corrections, I would rather be a commoner than be exiled!

【Hu Hai】: Zhao Gao, Li Si!

【Hu Hai】: You two are looking for death, what are you doing with me?

Hu Hai was about to collapse.

He is having fun and watching a good show.


I was involved in it myself.

If you haven't even had the emperor's addiction, you will be exiled?

the other side.

Become a big Qin.

When Yingzheng's sons and daughters saw Hu Hai from another world, they were stabbed.

Everyone was shaking with fear.

The execution scene.

It's bloody!



Forced to commit suicide!

【Jiang Lu】: Fortunately!

[Jianglu]: The Daqin where I live, with my eldest brother in charge, such a situation will not happen!

【Jiang Lu】: If it wasn't for my eldest brother, we might not escape death in the future!

Jiang Lu said with lingering fear.

[Yinggao]: That's right!

[Ying Gao]: With the eldest brother here, if he becomes the emperor, he will never harm us.

【Ying Gao】: Fortunately, I live in this world, not another...

Zhao Ze's younger brothers and sisters.

All are thankful to have Zhao Ze.

If their eldest brother is not Zhao Ze, but Fu Su...

The consequences can be imagined!

Like themselves in another world, they will all be brutally killed by Hu Hai on various charges.

Ying Zheng was also guilty.

[Ying Zheng]: If I didn't have Ze'er, Daqin would have such an unbearable scene.

【Ying Zheng】: Fortunately, I have Ze'er...

Increase the stability of Daqin.

All because of Zhao Ze sitting in charge.

Zhao Ze mounted his horse to kill the enemy, and dismounted to rule the world.

People from all over the world.

All sincerely convinced.

There is Zhao Ze.

It is impossible for anyone to usurp the throne and cause such chaos.

The original Daqin.

After getting rid of all siblings.

Hu Hai felt relieved at last.

But he didn't expect it.


The thing that bothered him appeared in the court again.


Everyone is discussing the situation in various places.

A courtier advised Hu Hai: "Your Majesty, the common people are deeply dissatisfied with Qin's rule, and your Majesty should take it seriously."

Hu Hai asked distraughtly: "Who is dissatisfied? Bring the dissatisfied people to Xianyang. I will ask them face to face why they are dissatisfied with Qin!"

some words.

It made the courtiers feel speechless.

Another person stepped forward and said tremblingly, "Your Majesty."

"I got the news that recently some people rebelled and captured Daze Township, and they are still sending troops around to attack the city."

"Your Majesty, do you want to launch an army to quell the rebellion?"

Hear here.

Hu Hai was full of disgust.

He casually said: "Rebellion? Who is rebelling?"

The courtier was taken aback.

He replied respectfully: "I don't know who the leader of the rebellion is for the time being."

Hu Hai laughed back angrily.

Standing up, opening his arms, he glanced at the group of His Royal Highnesses



"Listen, everyone!"

"It is said that someone is rebelling and is attacking the city!"

"But I asked him who rebelled, and he said he didn't know?"


"Simply ridiculous!"

Seeing his crazy appearance, the officials were so frightened that they lowered their heads and dared not speak.

Only the courtier who reported the rebellion.

Bite the bullet and said: "Your Majesty, there is indeed a group of rebels attacking the city recklessly."

"Only relying on the hundreds of guards in the county."

"I can't hold it at all."

"Shut up!"

Hu Hai roared angrily, "How come no one dared to rebel when the late Emperor was here?"

"As soon as I ascend the throne, will someone dare to rebel?"


"Am I that unbearable?"

"I don't believe it, who is so bold as to dare to oppose the millions of armored men of Qin!"

Roar to the end.

Hu Hai's voice became hoarse.

He blushed and had a thick neck, extremely angry.

"Rebel rebel!"

"My Great Qin, there is no way someone will rebel against it!"

"Send out troops, put down rebellion, build the Great Wall, build the Efang Palace, build the mausoleum for the late emperor, these are the most important things you need to consider!"

at this time.

A courtier stood up.

He said flatteringly: "Yes, there is no rebellion in our Great Qin territory at all."

"These ministers, listening to the wind is rain, talk nonsense."

"Many years ago."

"The first emperor has already demolished all the city walls, and melted and cast the weapons of the people of the world. Where did they get the capital to rebel?"


"I, Great Qin, have a wise king like His Majesty to rule the country."

"There are strict laws and regulations, which are carried out in the world.


"The country is stable and the people are rich. Who will rebel when they are full and have nothing to do?"

While the courtier was speaking.

Hu Hai's expression also changed from dissatisfaction to happiness gradually.

These words.

It's what he likes to hear the most!

Hu Hai pointed at the minister who was speaking, looked at the crowd and said, "Listen! Listen carefully! This is my loyal minister!"

"It's completely different from you idiots!"


Li Si walked out a little embarrassed.

"But Your Majesty."

"As far as I know, there is indeed a group of refugees who are doing evil in the territory of our Qin State."

"His Majesty."

"It's better to send troops to suppress it as soon as possible."

In a word.

The smile on Hu Hai's face subsided again.

He was a little happy just now, but his face suddenly became gloomy.

Hu Hai just wanted to reprimand him.


The courtier said in time: "Your Majesty!"

"The refugees Li Xiang talked about are actually just a few thieves.

"County magistrates from all over the country are already sending troops to hunt them down. Please rest assured, Your Majesty, these people are not worth mentioning in front of millions of armored men in our Great Qin Dynasty."


Hu Hai turned his anger into joy again.

Looking at the minister, he praised excitedly: "He's right, it's just a few thieves!"

"Li Si, is it worth your exaggeration?"

"I'm asking you, are these guys rebels or thieves?"

Li Si was sweating coldly.

He suddenly realized.

I fell out of favor.


Only by following Hu Hai's thoughts can he be favored.


Li Si felt very troubled.

On the one hand, he wants to be a loyal minister who can leave his name in history, on the other hand, he is afraid of offending Hu Hai.

After a short thought.

Li Si firmly said: "These people are indeed traitors, Your Majesty."

this answer.

Hu Hai was shocked.

He doesn't believe it.

Then he looked at the next person: "Tell me, are these people rebels or thieves?!"

The courtier faltered for a moment.

Replied: "It is... a thief!"

Hu Hai looked at the next courtier again.

"What do you say?"

The courtier said confidently: "Your Majesty, these people are rebels, please send troops to suppress them as soon as possible."

Hu Hai ignored it.

Continue to ask the next person: "It's up to you."

The courtier lowered his head and said cowardly: "It''s just a thief, Your Majesty.

that's all.

Hu Hai asked them one by one.

at last.

He returned to his seat.

Smiling, looking down at the officials below.

"It's thieves, it's okay."

"But you people who say you are rebels are really guilty of the heinous crimes!"

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