Shuang Daqin Comparison, No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 137 Dead? Yuan Daqin Is Going To Be Killed By Hu Hai?

The screen changed.

In a county government office.

Zhao Ze was wearing casual clothes, hugging a stunning woman.

Women want to refuse and welcome.

Some coquettishly asked: "Why did you think of looking for me, young master?"

Zhao Ze put his arms around the woman's waist and said with a smile: "I've been a little busy recently.

The woman asked curiously, "What are you doing, Master?"

Zhao Ze smiled mysteriously: "I'm busy thinking about you."


The woman's face was red and her ears were red, and she got into Zhao Ze's arms with a warning.

Zhao Ze stroked the woman's smooth back, and continued: "Are you afraid of trouble?"

The woman lay in Zhao Ze's arms, blushing and said, "Don't be afraid."

Zhao Ze smirked and said, "Then please fall in love with me."


In a technological society, this kind of earthy love talk will only be regarded as cerebral palsy by girls.

But in ancient times.

Zhao Ze's earthy love stories.

But it is very lethal to women.

Made the woman laugh.

Zhao Ze pressed the woman under him and undressed her.

This scene.

Compared with Xiang Yu's panic.

It made countless people laugh.

: "Good guy, Xiang Yu is anxious to fight the eldest son, but the eldest son is here to tease his sister.

: "What is Xiang Yu, why does the eldest son need to do it himself?"

: "Wow, the eldest son's love words are really touching!"

: "Learned!"


This is the difference between the two worlds!

The 200,000 Qin army of the original Daqin was beaten by Xiang Yu and couldn't find the north.

But become a big Qin.

Zhao Ze didn't even have to show his face.

Only by relying on Hei Jing Chen Sheng Wu Guang, one side can be swept away.

Even Zhang Han is only responsible for general deployment.

As for the specific combat details.

They are all under their own control.

The original Daqin.

Seeing such a big gap between the two worlds.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

[Fusu]: I have 200,000 Qin troops, but I can't beat the 100,000 Chu troops.

【Fu Su】: But brother Zhao Ze, as long as he sleeps with the beauties at home, his commander will be able to wipe out all the rebels?

Everyone else is stupid!

Why are there so many talents under Zhao Ze?

To know.

Chen Sheng and Wu Guang are just the latest rising stars.

With such terrifying military talent, he can easily defeat the rebels.

can not imagine.

If Zhao Ze directly brought all the commanders to the battlefield, what kind of scene would it be like?

Zhang Han, Meng Tian and Meng Yi.

Goldman Sachs, old general Li Mu.

these people.

But they are still in Xianyang and haven't played yet.

Those who are responsible for exterminating the rebels are just some small commanders... 817 [Meng Tian]: At that time, our Qin State has no one to use?

【Meng Tian】: Even Li You was pushed into the battlefield?

He was a little desperate.

In the future.

Why did the Qin army decline to such a point.

[Meng Yi]: If my elder brother and I were not sentenced to death.

【Meng Yi】: To deal with these rebels, it won't be so difficult.

As the Montessori brothers.

Their military talents are absolutely top-notch.

If they are not dead.

Facing the Chu army, it is natural to have the power to fight.

Not like Li You.

He didn't even know how to line up troops, so he was forced to lead troops to fight, which resulted in a big loss.

[Li You]: It is still the Qin army in Zhao Ze's world, with stronger fighting power.

【Li You】: You don't even need Zhao Ze to come forward, you can sweep the rebels.

Li You was envious.

He saw himself die in battle.

Seeing it with my own eyes again.

In another world.

The Qin army dispatched a small number of troops to fight against the rebels, ghosts and wolves howling.

for a while.


As for Ying Zheng's shock.

Undoubtedly the biggest.....


People who died in his hands, or people who were driven crazy by Ying Zheng.

In the hands of Zhao Ze.

All played a role in the battle against the rebels!

Which is typical.

Of course they are Chen Sheng and Wu Guang!

[Ying Zheng]: My Great Qin, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang took the lead in rebelling.

[Ying Zheng]: And Zhao Ze's Great Qin used Chen Sheng to suppress the rebels.

[Ying Zheng]: I lost, and I lost again......

He has mixed feelings in his heart.

In his own world, he was completely defeated.

Become a big Qin.

After seeing the comparison.

The monarchs and ministers were also amazed.

【Hu Hai】: I've said it countless times, thanks to my big brother!

[Hu Hai]: Otherwise, the tragedy of another world will repeat itself in our world!

He sighed in his heart.

everything that happens in the future.

It's just too jaw-dropping.

【Chen Sheng】: In another world, I rebelled, but in the future, I will lead an army to suppress the rebellion?

[Chen Sheng]: Alright! I still prefer counterinsurgency!

In Chen Sheng's eyes.

His life is much better than the other Chen Sheng.

after all.

In his world, the common people live and work in peace and contentment, and he has been reused.

more importantly.

He and Xiang Yu, who killed innocent people indiscriminately.

is hostile!

Instead of belonging to the same camp as myself in another world.

【Wu Guang】: Could it be that the insurgents in another world are all like Xiang Yu?

【Wu Guang】: How could the rebels who killed the common people have a future?

【Wu Guang】: In comparison, I still prefer my own shit!


Wu Guang supported himself in another world and stepped forward.

But after seeing what Xiang Yu did.

Wu Guang thought so.

Rebellion is not so fragrant anymore.

He can't do it himself to kill people.

[Li Si]: To deal with the rebels, why should my eldest son personally take action?

【Li Si】: Only sending a small group of troops is enough to win the battle!

The comparison continues.

The original Daqin.

Xiang Liang led an army, beheaded Li You, and defeated 200,000 Qin troops.

He was inevitably proud.

even think.

Qin Jun is all paper.

There is no ability to resist at all.

If you want to destroy the Qin army, it's easy!


Xiang Liang led the Chu army and started a rampage.

Xianyang Palace.

Li You was defeated and died.

Li Si, who learned of this, was heartbroken.

That was his favorite eldest son, who was sent to the battlefield to die in this way.

Not even a corpse was left behind.


Li Siji hated Zhao Gao.

he thinks.

If it wasn't for Zhao Gao's idea, his son wouldn't have died like this.


Li Si secretly collected Zhao Gao's criminal evidence.


after a while.

Holding the bamboo slips, Li Si secretly came to Xianyang Palace to meet Hu Hai.

"His Majesty!"

Li Si's voice was hoarse and he knelt on the ground.

He placed the bamboo slips in his hand respectfully in front of Hu Hai.

He grieved and said: "Your Majesty, Zhao Gao is a traitor!"


Li Si told all the bad things that Zhao Gao did.

Hu Hai opened the bamboo slips and read them carefully.

After reading these things Zhao Gao did.

Hu Hai was also a little shocked.

"I never thought that Zhao Gao would do so many outrageous things behind my back!"

"Li Si, you go back."

"I will seriously investigate this matter."

Li Si nodded gratefully.

Dry Xianyang Palace.

Hu Hai stared at the bamboo slips, his seven orifices were filled with smoke.

"Come on!"

"Call Zhao Gao to me immediately!"


The little servant replied in fear, and hurriedly withdrew.

Not long.

Zhao Gao came to Hu Hai and asked respectfully, "Your Majesty, what is the matter of summoning you?"

Hu Hai was furious.

Throw the brief book sent by Li Si directly on Zhao Gao.

"Look, this is all a good thing you did!"

"Li Si came here just now, and he told me about you!"

hear this.

Zhao Gao was startled.

Quickly open the brief book and read it carefully.

The more you look at it.

Zhao Gaoyue was terrified.

Good guy!

Li Si actually investigated what he did so clearly?!

If this is really pursued by Hu Hai, he must die without a place to bury him!


Hu Hai was raised by Zhao Gao.


Zhao Gao knows Hu Hai's IQ best.

He said in a hurry: "Your Majesty, you must not be deceived by Li Si, he is trying to drive us apart.

"Although I have done these things, I am loyal to Your Majesty."

"And what about the things Li Si did?"

"Every (cfbc) is a bad thing that separates you from His Majesty!"

as expected.

Zhao Gao bit Li Si back.

This made Hu Hai couldn't help being curious.

"Tell me, what did Li Sidu do?"

Zhao Gao pretended to lament.

Reluctantly, he began to fabricate bad things about Li Si.

"His Majesty!"

"At the beginning, Li Si did support His Majesty to take the throne."

"But you don't know."

"After His Majesty ascended the throne, His Majesty reused his ministers but neglected Li Si. Li Si was very dissatisfied with this."

He even said that it would be better to support Fusu and carry out time-sharing.

"In this way, he, Li Si, can also share the land with His Majesty and become king, so he doesn't have to be angry at His Majesty's hands.

Zhao Gao finished speaking.

Hu Hai was taken aback for a moment.

He couldn't believe it.

"Li Si really said that?"

Zhao Gao sighed and nodded.

Not surprisingly.

Hu Hai's face became very pale.

"Damn Liz!"

"He asked to promote counties and counties, and now he wants to implement enfeoffment?"

"Damn him!"

Seeing Hu Hai take the bait.

Zhao Gao was secretly happy.

Continued: "More than that, Your Majesty."

"Do you know why the 200,000 Qin troops led by Li You couldn't reach the refugees from the mountains?"

this problem.

It whetted Hu Hai's appetite.

He asked curiously, "Why?"

Zhao Gao snorted coldly and said, "Your Majesty doesn't know, but Li You and Chen Sheng are fellow villagers!"

"So face the rebels."

"Li You's son couldn't bear to attack the fellow countrymen, so he indulged on purpose."

"This led to the defeat of my 200,000 Qin army!"

Listen to Zhao Gao finish.

Hu Hai was furious.

He slapped the table and yelled incompetently: "I knew it! I knew it!"

"There must be something tricky in this!"

"I sent two hundred thousand troops, two hundred thousand!"

"How can it be impossible to defeat a group of mountain peasants?!"

This is all intentional by Li You!"

Seeing that Hu Hai was already very dissatisfied with Li Si.

Zhao Gao knew.

Victory or defeat is here.

Either he kills Li Si.

on the contrary.

It was Li Si who killed himself.


at this point.

Zhao Gao showed no mercy.

He continued: "Your Majesty, Li Si has one more matter, which is enough for His Majesty to kill him a hundred times!"

Hu Hai was taken aback.


"What else did Li Si do?"

Zhao Gaogao explained in a low voice, with a tone of hating iron but not steel.

"Li Si is already an extremely human minister."

"There are many Li Si's friends in the court. Your Majesty should know that Li Si often intercedes for those ministers, right?"

"After the next court."

"Those ministers often visit Li Si, thank Li Si for interceding for them, and at the same time speak ill of Your Majesty to Li Si.

"Even, I hope that Li Si can support a new king!"

"The minister guesses."

"The reason why Li You is unwilling to suppress the rebels with all his strength is Li Si's idea!"

"Li Si hopes to use the hands of rebels to threaten His Majesty's rule. At that time, he can justifiably replace you, Your Majesty."

Follow Zhao Gao to finish.

Hu Hai's expression was already extremely gloomy.

He never expected.

Li Si had such an idea.


With Hu Hai's IQ.

He didn't even bother to look for evidence.

Instead, he said with a hot head: "Damn it, Ji damn it!"

"Zhao Gao!"

"I order you to arrest Li Si immediately, torture him severely, and make him confess his crimes and accomplices!"

I saw an opportunity.

Zhao Gao was overjoyed.

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

See this scene.

Li Si, who had just been thrown into the prison, was buzzing all over his head.


what happened!

I was also targeted by Zhao Gao?

[Li Si]: Zhao Gao! You villain!

[Li Si]: Even I have to deal with it now?

[Li Si]: Your Majesty! I'm not afraid of beheading me. I just ask Your Majesty to let Zhao Gao die before me!

【Li Si】: I want to see with my own eyes how this treacherous minister died!

He is angry.

I thought that I would be able to retreat completely in the future.

Never expected.

The son died in battle in the future.

Riding on horses!

Even he was designed by Zhao Gao!

【Hu Hai】: No way, am I so stupid?

[Hu Hai]: I believe everything you say?

[Hu Hai]: This is impossible, how can I be so stupid, this must be fake, father, don't exile me!

See Li Si being liquidated.

Ying Zheng was also dumbfounded.

In Ying Zheng's view, Zhao Gao and Li Si wore a pair of trousers.


Break up all of a sudden?

[Ying Zheng]: I'd like to see what troubles you can cause in the future!

[Ying Zheng]: Look at you, is it wrong to be beheaded!

The original Daqin.

The screen changed.

Zhao Gao came to Li Si's mansion with his army, and was about to trap Li Si away.

He was thrown into prison.

in the cell.

The soldiers tortured Li Si's body and mind.


The soldering iron is hot.

Pull out the nails.

Zhao Gao stood in the corner, looking at Li Si with a smile on his face.

"Li Xiang."

"We used to be accomplices, well water does not violate river water, why do you insist on getting along with me?"

"You actually went behind my back and spoke ill of me to His Majesty!"

Li Sitong's consciousness was blurred.

Being tied to a pillar, he said in a weak voice: "I, Li Si, regret the most, that I didn't expose you that day.

"If in the past..."

"At the beginning, I announced His Majesty's will..."

Speaking of which.

Li Si regretted it.

Tears rolled down my face.

"My son Fusu ascended the throne, will all this still happen......"

"The ministers who died in vain."

"The sons and daughters of the late emperor who were slaughtered."

"Hundreds of thousands of laborers who were murdered."

"And my son who was killed by the rebels..."

"It won't happen anymore."


Li Si raised his head and looked at Zhao Gao viciously.

"Zhao Gao, the state of Qin, which I have worked so hard to support, is about to be destroyed by you!".

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