Shuang Daqin Comparison, No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 145 Burial Wang Li? Impossible! The Chu Army Attacked At Night!

Zhang Han gave Dong Yi a look.

Dong Yi frowned and returned to the chair.

Zhang Han frowned and thought


Could this be one of the reasons why His Majesty did not send reinforcements to himself?

Even if the battle fails.

The imperial court will also be dissatisfied.

This Zhang Han can understand, but the current situation is precarious, why does His Majesty refuse to increase troops?

Do you really feel that you have too many soldiers and horses in your hand?

As a general of Qin State.

Zhang Han did suppress the rebels in many places.

Those people are folk forces.

Not professionally trained.

After all.

In the past, they were all ordinary people who planted crops with hoes.

between conversations.

The Messenger has been speaking.

Those rebels are righteous.

However, as a Qin general, it is his duty to exterminate the rebels.

As for what he said.

If you don't surrender, you won't win Xiang Yu, and you will die after all.

Zhang Han also thought about it.

Xiang Yu pulled up the mountain with all his strength and fought bravely.

Especially after this battle.

The Chu army's momentum increased greatly.

Winning more with less also laid the foundation for Xiang Yu in the army.

Many people feel that.

Xiang Yu is a god-man!

And the situation here is still the same.

Under this kind of momentum, Ruo has been spending like this with Xiang Yu.

I'm afraid it will be like what the messenger said, if you don't surrender, you can't win.

And according to His Majesty's character.

If you listen to those words with ulterior motives.


Seeing Zhang Han hesitate.

The messenger suddenly stood up.

Point to the box behind you with your finger.

"Wang Li's head is here, if the general does not surrender, he will definitely end up like this in the future."

Sima Xin, Dong Yi and others were astonished.

at the begining of.

They thought the box was weird.

Unexpectedly, it contained Wang Li's head!

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

"General, think about it carefully. Even if the general can lead his troops to win the battle, he can't change the inevitable end of Tyranny!"

"Forcible collection, taxation, 25 murders of laborers, which one is not forcing the people to a dead end?"

every word spoken by the Messenger.

It was like a heavy hammer was hitting Zhang Han's heart.

This is the truth.

Nor can it be changed by itself.

There are not many laborers in the family.

They were all arrested and sent to build the Great Wall.

One year down.

Not much food was received.

The old, the young, the women and the weak can barely make ends meet.

But you have to pay various taxes.

It was thought that after the first emperor unified the six kingdoms.

People can live and work in peace and contentment.

In the end, it is an even heavier burden.

Because I can't pay taxes.

It's not just individuals who suffer.

Even the son will be unlucky.

The government will distribute these people uniformly.

Zhang Han had seen it before.

A home was torn apart.

After the envoy left.

Zhang Han and Sima Xin immediately came to the wooden box.

Zhang Han opened the wooden box with his own hands.

Wang Li's head is impressive.

The wound on Wang Li's forehead was particularly obvious.

There was blood all over his face.

Both eyes are wide open...

Zhang Han felt a burst of emotion in his heart, and stretched out his hand to close Wang Li's eyes.

Close the wooden box again.

As his own subordinate, Wang Li led troops to fight with him.

Unexpectedly, it turned out like this.

Sima Xin and Dong Yi's face was heavy.

Combined with the current situation, he couldn't help but sigh.

"General, Your Majesty has already begun to doubt us."

Sima Xin's voice was not loud.

The tone was extremely heavy.

Zhang Han was already aware of this, so he nodded accordingly.

"Then what should we do, are we really going to surrender?"

Zhang Han did not immediately answer Sima Xin's question.

Instead, he spoke.

"The imperial court's taxes have increased every year, and the people are indeed struggling to live.

"What that person said just now, I said to myself."

"Right now, if we keep fighting with Xiang Yu, there won't be any results.

Zhang Han didn't say the rest.

There are victories and defeats in military strategists, but people have no eternal enemies.

The so-called friends are nothing more than the same road and common interests.

If you don't surrender.

There must be a day when I will be exhausted.

Under his hand, there are so many brothers who live and die together.

Take them out by yourself, do you really want to take their bones back?

But if he surrenders, the soldiers and horses under his hands will definitely be dismantled by Xiang Yu...

"It's not impossible to surrender, as long as Xiang Yu agrees to my conditions, it may not be impossible to vote!"

Zhang Han's eyes were firm.

After finishing speaking, he clenched his teeth.

Sima Xin took a step forward and asked in a low voice.

"General, what condition?"

"First of all, the Qin army must be led by this general, and secondly, Wang Li!"

After Zhang Han said these words.

Dong Yi nodded repeatedly.

The Battle of Julu has just ended.

No matter which side the soldiers were, they were full of anger.

If you surrender to Xiang Yu now.

No one knows how.

Bringing those subordinates with you is the best guarantee.

As for the second condition proposed by Zhang Han.

Dong Yi and others thought it was reasonable.

Sima Xin also thought he could give it a try.

all night.

The tents in Zhang Han's camp were brightly lit.

Until the next day the sky brightened.

When the east is showing its belly white.

Only then did Zhang Han walk out of the tent.


Zhang Han made a decision.

Send envoys to ask Xiang Yu for peace.

Chu army camp.

I learned that Zhang Han sent people to come.

Xiang Yu couldn't hide the smile on his face.

It's just that there is a bit of mockery in the corner of his mouth.

This Zhang Han really doesn't know how to see the donkey on the slope.

If you send someone there yourself, wouldn't it be enough if he agreed at the time?

Sending people over now is really unnecessary!

In Xiang Yu's eyes.

Somehow looked down on Zhang Han.

After learning the conditions proposed by Zhang Han.

Xiang Yu didn't get angry on the surface.

But as soon as that person left.

Xiang Yu made the case immediately!

"A defeated general under his command actually wants to negotiate terms with this general, it's really ignorant!"

"Hundreds of thousands of troops were defeated by this general. Letting him surrender is already giving him a chance. It's a joke that he wants to lead the Qin army!"

"The matter of Wang Li is absolutely impossible!"

If you want to bury the grandson of your enemy generously, it's just a dream!

Yingbo on the side heard Xiang Yu's words.

Also opened his mouth to agree.

"What the general said is absolutely true, this Wang Li must not be buried with honor!"

"The general asked to send Wang Li's head to them, they should be grateful to Dade!"

When Yingbo said these words.

Eyes narrowed into a slit.

It's what's been on my mind.

Some time ago, I led someone to cross the Yellow River to fight Wang Li!

At that time, Wang Li probably had expected it.

That's why they set up an ambush halfway.

So much so that I was caught when I sneaked in!

Although it was a tie.

But the people on his side also suffered a lot of casualties.

In this regard, he was also scolded by the general.

This breath, until now I remember it clearly!

Wang Li was Zhang Han's deputy general.

Now that Wang Li is gone, it is estimated that Zhang Han's arrogance should be reduced a bit!

"General, since Zhang Han and the others are not flattering, let's show him some color!"

Xiang Yu turned around, and a plan was slowly forming in his mind.

Not long after, Yingbo set off with a group of people again in the dark.

People cross the river at night, quietly forcing the US military.


The news that the imperial court never sent reinforcements has spread to everyone.

The momentum of the soldiers of the Qin army became depressed again.

Even at night.

You can also feel the depressing atmosphere.

outside the tent.

A few bonfires were lit, and occasionally a few sparks appeared.

The guards on guard were also a little ruthless.

Those patrolling guards were even more insane.

Patrolling back and forth also seemed like a routine.

Yingbu led a group of people closer and closer, and his steps became lighter and lighter.

Suddenly, Yingbu raised his hand.

The people behind them stopped immediately.

"Command down, stop here!"

Ying Bu's eyes were like a torch, staring closely at the figure not far away.

Now, a small group of shadows can already be seen shaking.

If these people dare to come over.

Then I will definitely let them go and never return!

Before approaching the Qin army team.

Yingbo has already issued an order.

Now, the people lying in ambush on the ground each hold a short knife and are ready to act at any time.

And Qin Jun's side.

Didn't feel any danger at all.

After patrolling around in a circle.

A guard covered his mouth and yawned, his eyelids became heavy.

"It's always turning back and forth like this, when will it be a head!"

"The imperial court has not sent troops down for such a long time, what kind of battle is this fighting!"

"Does this mean we don't care? After a long time, I guess we will all die here!"

The voice just fell.

Another guard reached out and slapped him on the back of the head.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Our Zhang Han is the great general of the Qin State, and the soldiers in his hands have to protect the safety of the Qin State. How could His Majesty ignore it?"

"Don't say such unlucky words again, you wait here, I'll make it easier for you!"

The man earlier rubbed his head and gave a absent-minded hum.

The footsteps were getting closer.

It sounds a little rambling.

Yingbu deliberately lowered his body and slowed down his breathing a lot.

Wait until the person is two or three meters away from here.

Ying Bu rushed out at once!

at the same time.

The dagger in his hand was clenched again.

The man was off guard.

Facing the sudden movement, he was dumbfounded for a moment.

Haven't slowed down yet.

Yingbu was already standing in front of the man.

The dagger sticks out.

He stabbed violently at the man's throat.

The man didn't even say a word, and he couldn't breathe for a while.

Slowly fell to the ground.

Pull out the dagger.

Yingbu smelled a bloody smell.

This short knife is really sharp.

When piercing Qin Jun's throat, it was effortless.

"Let them die like this, it's really cheap for them!"

"We move on!"

Taking advantage of the night.

Yingbu led people to the tent quietly.

It was exactly late at night.

Many people have fallen asleep.

The group of people quickly divided into several teams.

Sneak into the tent quietly.

Some 953 soldiers were still asleep, and they had already lost their lives.

someone realized something was wrong

But before he could cry out, he also fell down quietly.

The figures of those Chu soldiers shuttled among the tents like ghosts.

Until one of the tents was opened, someone suddenly woke up!

The man stood guard at the mouth of the tent.

The tent was thrown open.

A gust of cold wind suddenly poured in.

After a shock, the man suddenly opened his eyes.

Seeing that someone broke in, he immediately yelled.

"Night attack! There is a night attack!"

Just finished shouting.

Let the opponent's short knife cut a big hole in the throat!


Blood is overflowing!

Spray far away at once!

But the sound still woke up the others.

Blink of an eye.

The whole tent is in chaos!

Immediately afterwards.

The horn sounded.

Those Qin soldiers who were not injured also began to rush out of the camp!

"Kill me!"

Seeing this, Yingbu roared!

After listening to the few people behind, they immediately changed their actions.

Holding a short knife, he rushed to the four corners of the tent.

Hands up and down!

The rope supporting the tent snapped in two.

Several people raised their feet and kicked at the tent poles.

The whole tent collapsed!

After wobbling and falling down, those Qin soldiers behind were crushed in the tent!




All of a sudden, all kinds of voices can be heard endlessly.

It is now midnight.

The Qin army was on guard.

Even if you hear the trumpets.

Some soldiers didn't have time to get dressed.

Even if you put it on, you have to get a weapon.

In this way, Yingbo and the others were given enough time to sneak attack.


Zhang Han got up first after hearing the movement.

It was learned that the Chu army had come to commit the crime.

Before he had time to think about it, he started to fight.

His heart was full of anger.

These two days.

The two armies are negotiating!

As a result, you, Xiang Yu, sent someone to attack me at night during the negotiation, you are an asshole!

Just when Yingbo and Zhang Han fought against each other.

Suddenly a soldier hurried to report.

"General, it's not good, Xiang Yu brought someone to fight over!"

Zhang Han took a deep breath.

I was shocked.

I thought it was just Yingbo leading a sneak attack.

But never thought that Xiang Yu would also kill him later!

I saw the team was scattered.

Zhang Han was angry and annoyed.

Sima Xin ran forward all of a sudden.

He grabbed Zhang Han.

"General, don't fight, retreat quickly!".

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