Shuang Daqin Comparison, No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 178 The First Step To Make Maodun A Subordinate Of The Big Man, Get Married!

At this time.

Master Zhang who spoke earlier spoke to Liu Jing a little unconvinced.

"Since Mr. Liu is preventing you from exiting, I'm afraid you already have a good plan, why don't you share your worries here for His Majesty?!"

Liu Jing knew that the other party was embarrassing~ himself.

But anyway.

Still because of this sentence, the surname Zhang pushed himself to the cusp-on top of the waves.

Right now, everyone's eyes are looking towards him.

Liu Jing couldn't help but frowned.

I know I can't escape.

Liu Jing stepped forward and spoke solemnly.

"Your Majesty, I ask Rong Chen to analyze this matter slowly."

"As His Majesty said, the soldiers of our army, Bai Deng, have been severely wounded, and their physical strength has not yet recovered, so they are indeed not suitable for large-scale battles.

"And that Mao Dun is also a reckless person. It doesn't make sense to reason with him, so it's impossible to convince others with reason."

That's it for now.

There were voices of doubt above the court.

I don't know who it is,

Asked in a low voice.

"Since you are the leader of the Huns, you have to reason, why can't you convince people with reason?"

Liu Jing sighed.

Also ignored the source of those voices.

Let's just talk about the scandals of Maodun again.

"Perhaps you don't know how that Modun came to the position?"

"Back then, Mao Dun killed his father, and then took his father's concubines as his own. What's the reason for such a reckless person?"

The words just came out.

Many people began to gasp.

Especially those civil servants.

Contemptuous expressions appeared on their faces.

While despising Mao Dun's actions, he kept shaking his head.

Such a leader of the Huns.

It is a violation of human ethics, and it is really an unforgivable crime!

It would be impossible to reason with such a person!

Think about it.

There was a look of sudden realization on someone's face.

Some people looked at Liu Jing with admiration.

I feel his analysis is right.

"What else?" Liu Bang frowned and asked.

"There is one last way, and that is to let Mo Dun and his descendants be subordinates of the great man from generation to generation.

Everyone listened.

There is joy on the face.

But what Liu Jing said next.

Let everyone's mood plummet again.

"As for the last point, looking at the whole big man, it is estimated that no one can do it right now.

Liu Jing had just finished speaking.

There was a sound above the hall.

Some people even started whispering.

"Really, talking for a long time is equivalent to not saying anything!"

"This doesn't work, that doesn't work, it's good to say in the end, but no one can do it.

"Master Liu analyzed this matter quite thoroughly, but it's a pity that he is helpless."

"It's sad, I just heard a lot of nonsense!"

For the ridicule of the crowd.

There was no annoyed look on Liu Jing's face.

Instead, he looked up at Liu Bang.

"Your Majesty, I have a plan right now, but I don't know if His Majesty agrees or not."

"Speak quickly!"

Liu Bang was also a little impatient.

He even gave Liu Jing a big roll of his eyes when he was talking.

Just now.

Liu Bang also has a sense of teasing.

"Your Majesty, I can send the princess of the court to the Xiongnu. If I can marry the princess to Modun as his wife, it will be a beautiful thing."

"For one thing, the conflict between the big man and the Xiongnu can be eased, and the princess has also become the Yan family of Modun, and her status is extremely high."

"I think my princess and Modun stay together day and night. The big man is the hometown of the princess. For the sake of the princess, Modun will definitely not be too extreme in doing things.

"If the princess gives birth to an heir in the future, it will be the prince of the Huns, and his status will be extremely noble. If one day Mao Dun dies and the prince succeeds, then my big man and the Xiongnu will really become blood relatives."

Liu Bang frowned upon hearing this.

Civil and military officials are also a little confused.

But Liu Jing left a passage.

All of a sudden, everyone's doubts were broken.

"When Mao Dun was alive, he should respectfully call His Majesty Laozhangren, the son-in-law's generation. When the crown prince succeeds, he should call His Majesty Grandfather."

"Let me ask, if any nephew wants to seize the grandfather's territory, it cannot be justified by emotion or reason.

"As long as the princess can be sent there with a generous dowry and the marriage is accomplished, my man will be able to avoid countless wars.

Liu Jing finished speaking in one breath.

The lips are bubbling.


Liu Bang, who was sitting on the dragon chair, was moved!

And seeing the expression on Liu Bang's face.

Those people above the court are fine.

Immediately guessed what Liu Bang was thinking.

First of all, someone stood up and spoke earnestly.

"Your Majesty, I think what Lord Liu said is very true. If the princess passes by, I, a big man, can stop the Xiongnu's attack without a single soldier. This is the best policy."

"Your Majesty, I also think that this plan is feasible!"

"Using the Han Dynasty alone can ease the relationship with the Xiongnu and save the people on the border from the suffering of war. This is a good strategy."

"Yes, I agree with what Ru Yinren said."

Above the court hall, there was a constant sound of praise.

And at this time, Liu Jing added in high spirits.

"The princess's mother is the Empress Empress, with a noble status. I am a big man who is sending a luxurious dowry. Mouton must be able to feel the sincerity of the big man. This matter is nine out of ten."

Liu Bang thought for a moment, then nodded.

"I will consider what Ai Qing said just now.

After retiring from the court, Liu Bang returned to the harem.

Hearing that there was another move by the Huns, the queen was also worried.

But since I heard the little eunuch talk about Liu Jing's strategy.

The queen's heart has been hanging.

As soon as he saw Liu Bang, he couldn't help asking.

"Your Majesty, at the court today, His Majesty had intended to let the princess marry the Huns. I wonder which princess His Majesty chose?"

Liu Bang looked at the queen in front of him, and was also a little embarrassed.

But seeing the queen looking at him motionless, Liu Bang had no choice but to speak.

"The strategy everyone discussed was that the eldest princess should marry the Huns. After all, the eldest princess was born of a noble family and was born for you and me.

After hearing this, the queen turned pale.

A stagger, almost fell to the ground.

Still standing firm, the queen grabbed Liu Bang's sleeve.

"Your Majesty, you can't do this. There is only one daughter away from me, so how can you marry to that remote place?"

"It's been rumored that Mao Dunsheng is cruel, and my daughter went, wouldn't she suffer a lot of grievances?"

"The princess has been spoiled and spoiled since she was a child, but she is held in the palm of His Majesty's hands. Your Majesty must not let the Eldest Princess treat her!"

The queen burst into tears.

After finishing speaking, tears were streaming down my face.

Liu Bang couldn't bear it.

But what Liu Jing said was not unreasonable.

Except for the eldest princess, the daughters of other clans do not have such a noble status.

Even if you marry to the Huns, you will not be taken seriously.

Liu Bang reached out and patted the queen's hand.

He said earnestly.

"Queen, you have to think about the overall situation, now the whole world belongs to us, and all the people of big men are our people.

"It's an honor for the eldest princess to represent the big man to get married, and the name of the doctor will last forever."

"Also, the eldest princess alone can save me from the sword, what kind of honor is this?!"

The queen took a deep breath.

The words spoken are not in sentences.

"No... I only have... such a daughter, I will not let her suffer there!"

"Your Majesty also wants the Eldest Princess to be happy, and doesn't want the Eldest Princess to cry all day long, right?"

"Mother and daughter are united in heart, and father and daughter are also united in heart!"

Liu Bang sighed and frowned even tighter.

Seeing that the queen was about to kneel in front of him.

Liu Bang hurriedly helped her up.

"What is this for? Why are you still kneeling? You and I share weal and woe. Why do you perform such a great gift?"

The queen shook her head.

"Your Majesty, the concubine is well aware of His Majesty's feelings for the concubine, but, has your majesty ever remembered that the concubine brought a pair of children and wandered away, and the children suffered a lot with us!"

As soon as the words came out.

Liu Bang's heart seemed to be poked by something.

When I thought of my only daughter marrying to the Huns.

Liu Bang's heart was also full of intolerance.

"I'll think about this matter later."

Although Liu Bang was a little relieved.

But the queen was still a little worried, and she still cried and persuaded her for a long time.

This matter soon reached the ears of the eldest princess.

Knowing that he was going to be sent to the Huns.

The eldest princess almost collapsed.


The eldest princess held the bronze mirror in her hand and fell to the ground angrily!

"I won't go, even if I die, I won't go to the Huns!"

"The Huns are bloodthirsty, burning, killing and looting, and doing all kinds of evil!"

"I heard that they eat raw meat and stuff it into their mouths with hair on the skin. I don't want to go to that kind of place!"

In recent years.

The Xiongnu had been invading the borders of the Han Dynasty.

……ask for flowers……

The eldest princess also heard about the evil deeds of the Huns from everyone.

Just didn't think of it.

I will be sent to the Huns one day!

Think of these.

The fear in the eldest princess's heart didn't come out.

Another teacup was smashed.

The eldest princess slumped down on the ground.

"I don't want to go, I'm afraid!"

Several little maids saw the eldest princess like this.

Hastily helped the princess up and sat on the chair.

the next day.

On the court.

Liu Bang announced in public that he agreed with Liu Jing's strategy.

"Of course we are willing to seek peace, but we don't know what the Huns mean.

"If they don't agree, the best strategy won't work.

Liu Bang spoke calmly, but his tone was a little heavy.

All the courtiers looked at each other.

In the end, Liu Jing stood up.

"Your Majesty, I would like to go to the Xiongnu to inquire about Modu's intentions.

The voice did not fall.

Liu Bang's face was already showing joy.

"Okay, I agree, Liu Jing, quickly pack up your things and leave immediately!"

"By the way, you must make it clear what I mean. It's a marriage. We will marry the princess here, and we will give you a generous dowry."

Liu Jing nodded.

The next morning.

Everything revolves around how to get married.

a month later.

Liu Jing appeared in front of Mao Dun again.

within the tent.

Liu Jing respectfully saluted Mao Dun.


And the expression on Mao Dun's face was nothing but disdain.

In the eyes of Mao Dun, these are the remnants of defeated generals.

It is because they have kind thoughts in their hearts that they can live until now.

So no matter how respectful Liu Jing is.

Mao Dun's eyelids are always

Did not lift it.

"Chan Yu, we have come to seek peace under the orders of the Emperor of Han."

"Oh? I don't know how you want to convince me this time?"

Mao Dun raised his eyebrows, and threw a short knife in his hand on the table.

Liu Jing swallowed his saliva and replied.

"Shan Yu, since ancient times, the two armies have fought and lost their lives and money. If you can turn the war into jade, it will be a good thing for the country and the people."

"After thinking about it, the emperor of the Han Dynasty is willing to marry my princess of the Han Dynasty, and at the same time offer a generous dowry. Qin and Jin have become good friends."

Mao Dun frowned.

What is so good about Qin and Jin, I don't understand.

However, the previous sentence was heard clearly.

Marry the princess of the big man, and there will be a generous dowry.

This is a good thing.

"I heard that the women of your Han Dynasty are delicate and delicate, like the spring breeze blowing willows, isn't it?"

Mao Dun's eyes flashed, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Liu Jing saw this.

Hastily opened his mouth to answer: "Shan Yu is right, my big man's woman is gentle and beautiful, with the face of a fish and a wild goose, and the appearance of a moon and a flower, and the eldest princess is a peerless beauty.


After Modu asked, he glanced at a maid next to him from the corner of his eyes.

When I took the army to plunder the border villages of the Han Dynasty.

I have also seen many women from the Han Dynasty.

Those women are not like the women on my side.

Wearing so bulky.

Compared to the strength of the women here, those women are really weak and charming.

This is true of women in ordinary households.

Not to mention the big man's eldest princess.

Mao Dun's heart immediately itch.

At this time, Liu Jing did not urge Mao Dun.

Instead, he was given enough time to think.

after awhile.

Mao Dun took the initiative to speak.

"Your emperor is willing to marry the princess of the big man, but the dowry..."

"Don't worry, Shan Yu, I, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, said that I will definitely give the princess a generous dowry, and I will definitely not disappoint Shan Yu."

"Well, that's a good idea."

Mouton stood up while talking.

The joy in my heart was already beyond words.

"Go back and tell your big Han emperor that I agree, and send your princess over when you go back!"

Liu Jing was shocked.

Mao Dun agreed so happily.

This is something I didn't think of before.

Liu Jingsheng was afraid of going back on his word.

Hastily took out the letter in his arms.

Read it again hastily.

Listen to those polite words.

Mao Dun looked impatient, and said while waving his hands: "Okay, don't talk so much nonsense, isn't it just that I won't hit you, I got it!"

"So good, so big!".

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