Shuang Daqin Comparison, No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 18 Follow Zhao Ze And Learn The Strategy Of Returning Forests To Farming!

Ying Zheng thought about it again and again.

In the early years, the laws that Shang Jun set for the Qin State should have been implemented to the end.


Plans can't keep up with changes.

The appearance of rough paper forced Qin to let go of the restrictions on logging.


It is indeed embarrassing for the Qin government to collect wood by hand.

The output of rough paper can't keep up.

If the output can't keep up, how can you earn money from the common people?


Ying Zheng gritted his teeth and nodded, "I promise you!"

Following these five words popped out.

The people of Changing World were all shocked!

: "The person who ordered the whole country to drink boiled water is the eldest son Zhao Ze?"

: "My God! The eldest son is really a strange person!"

: "Since more than ten years ago, fewer and fewer people in our village have been sick. Until now, it is difficult to see intractable diseases!"

: "It turns out that the eldest son knows that there are bugs in the water, so let us boil the water to kill the bugs, so that the bugs won't enter our bodies and make us sick!"

: "Drinking cooked water for more than ten years, my body is getting better and better! The previous stomach pain has almost never happened again!"

: "Me too, I used to be sallow and thin, but now my body is strong!"

: "There is also the relaxation of logging restrictions, which is really a creation of the world!"

: "That's right, after logging was released, I took my family to cut down 70% of the land, and sold the wood to earn a lot of money to subsidize the family. This 70% of the land was also used by us to grow food, and the harvest was very good!"

: "Not to mention anything else, my family can burn firewood every winter to keep warm, and very few people freeze to death in winter!"

: "Who is the wise king through the ages? The eldest son is also Zhao Ze!"

: "I am a paper craftsman of the government. Let me prove that since the logging restrictions were lifted, it is cheaper for the government to buy wood, and it is cheaper for the common people to buy rough paper!"

After seeing this history.

Countless people are in awe of Zhao Ze.

If it weren't for the emergence of the contrast system.

They may die.

I don't even know who the strange person who implements these national policies is...

In the original world.

Yingzheng, who is still implementing the laws of Shangjun until now, is dumbfounded at this moment.

Returning farmland to forests can bring such miraculous effects to Daqin?

More critically.

This national policy.

It was proposed by Zhao Ze, who was only six years old!

Glancing at his elder son Fusu, Ying Zheng felt a deep sense of frustration.

[Ying Zheng]: The eldest son, Zhao Ze, is also a strange man from ancient times!

at the same time.

He is also thinking about it.

Do you want to promote this national policy?

Between hesitation.

Li Si has already petitioned for the people.

[Li Si]: Your Majesty, Li Si, please follow the example of the eldest son Zhao Ze, and promote the policy of drinking cooked water and returning forests to farming!

Li Si is a Legalist.

Follow the rule of law.

Li Si was the most shocked by such a plan as returning forests to farming.

Just a little logging.

It can bring about the improvement of the national strength of Daqin!

Naturally made him very excited!

Li Si took the lead.


Some courtiers also petitioned one after another.

Even the citizens of the original world were restless.

: "Drinking cooked water can reduce illness? Your Majesty! We also want to drink cooked water!"

: "Your Majesty does not allow logging. Our village can't drink cooked water, only raw water. Every year, many people get sick and die. Even in winter, many people will freeze to death!"

: "If the policy of returning forests to farmland is not implemented, even if His Majesty's rough paper is issued, the quantity will not be enough for our common people to use. Even if it is used, the price will definitely remain high!"

: "Your Majesty, please follow the national policy of the eldest son Zhao Ze!"

They are all ordinary people living a hard life at the bottom.


Everyone thinks everyone is like this.


They saw another Daqin.

The people of Daqin there can drink cooked water to avoid getting sick.

Firewood can be used for heating in winter.

You can buy the most paper with the least money!

This kind of life is simply what they yearn for!

Just a word from Emperor Shihuang.

They will also be able to live such a beautiful life in the not-too-distant future.

But the first emperor did not accept the words.

People can't mine wood, and these lives can only be imagined.

I have never been afraid of the dark.

until I see the light.

It is the most authentic portrayal of the people of Great Qin in the original world!

Petition of all peoples!

The scene is spectacular!

The people of Daqin who have changed the world are glad that they were born in the Daqin under their feet, not another Daqin.

[Ying Zheng]: I already know, so the restrictions on logging will be lifted, so that everyone can have firewood for cooking water, firewood for the winter, and cheap rough paper!

He is not as conceited as the later emperors.

Ying Zheng, who claimed to be the first emperor, had only one thought in his mind.

to do.

Just do the best that can be praised by thousands of people!

As long as it can benefit the common people, it will benefit the generations to come!

Ying Zheng can do anything!

Seeing this, the common people are even more grateful to Ying Zheng.


Seeing the gratitude from the people, Ying Zheng was not only unhappy, but also felt guilty.

turn out to be.

under its own governance.

The people of Daqin lived so hard...

He is behind.

Not only is the rough paper lagging behind, but the national policy is also lagging behind.

One step behind.

Step behind!

As a result, the people of their own family can only envy the people of another Daqin.

This cannot be said to be that one's own people are ignorant of good and bad.

can only say.

It was Ying Zheng who, as the emperor, did not seek the well-being of the people.

As for Fusu?

Everyone else is numb.

Compared with Zhao Ze.

He felt that his filial piety was a big joke!

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