At the same time, he could also hear the sound of explosives exploding.

Not far away, they have been observing. The soldiers of Guishuang Kingdom in the city of Qin State immediately told several generals the news after seeing the fire in the barracks not far away.

The general wanted to tell Ban Chao the news, but there was no one in the camp.

Ban Chao quietly ran back to the city of Qin.

One of the reasons why he came here was to avenge the Guishuang Kingdom's desire to poison the Qin Kingdom.

The second is to be able to get a map of the interior of the Guishuang Kingdom's military camp.

Now the system has included the map operated by Guishuang Kingdom.

As soon as Ban Chao returned to his tent, he saw several generals rushing over.

Excited to meet him.

"General, where did you go just now, you are nowhere to be seen."

"Yes, we have good news for you."

"There was a fire in Guishuang Kingdom, it was their retribution, why would they poison us today.

Hearing what they said, Ban Chao looked very calm, "I know the news, you go back."

"Like this, isn't this a very happy thing? Why do you look unhappy?"

A general carefully stared at Ban Chao's expression, as if he wanted to stare him out.

Ban Chao had just returned from the Guishuang National Army Camp, so they knew the news earlier than they did.

He cast a glance at several generals, "So, go back and have a good rest, we will directly attack Chiling Road early tomorrow morning."

The army of Guishuang Kingdom is now rescuing the barracks, and they must be busy until tomorrow morning.

Early the next morning, it was just dawn.

Ban Chao called several capable generals, "Set off with weapons, and go directly to capture the Guishuang army camp today. This time we will take the initiative to attack."

The generals heard that there was another battle to be fought, and they all seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood.

"There is another battle coming, this time I must be ashamed. Yesterday the Guishuang army dared to fight in front of our city staff, we have to wipe them all out today."

Seeing the enthusiasm of the soldiers one by one, Ban Chao began to deploy his own strategy.

The opponent now has almost 55,000 soldiers.

And now they only have more than 20,000 people.

We are outnumbered.

Fortunately, Ban Chao has already disposed of their reserve explosives.

Even if they transported explosives from Guishuang country overnight, it was too late.

Without explosives, their cannon and rocket vehicles would be useless.

If you fight alone except for weapons, Ban Chao is still very confident.

Ban Chao led the Qin army of 20,000 people straight to Chiling Road.

Behind them were more than a dozen Saimendao carriages, stream carriages, artillery carriages, and rocket carriages.

The army is mighty.

The news of their attack soon spread to Guishuang Kingdom.

Hearing the news of the spies, Lin Haijun, who had been busy all night, was full of anger.

He gritted his teeth: "Qin is really deceiving people too much!"

He didn't need to think about the fire in the barracks last night. It must have something to do with Qin Jun.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to burn their military warehouses.

Well now, their sports cars and rocket cars are all burnt out.

The fire burned for three or four hours, and most of the barracks were burned.

At this time, the Qin army came to attack, which undoubtedly added fuel to the fire.

Even so, Lin Haijun could only get his team ready to meet the Qin army.

The fire burned for a day and a night, and directly burned most of the morale of the soldiers of Guishuang Kingdom.

Hearing the drumming of the Qin army not far away, the general next to Lin Haijun was a little timid.

"General, shall we go out now?"

Lin Haijun slapped him directly, why don't you be a coward when you go out. "

Lin Haijun was sent here under the order of the monarch of Guishuang Kingdom.

If you lose this battle, even if you go back, you may lose your head.

Ban Chao led his soldiers directly to the barracks of Guishuang Kingdom.

…… Ask for flowers…………

Guishuang soldiers who were not prepared "were caught off guard.

The artillery carts, rocket carts, throwing carts, and crossbow carts that followed the Qin army all attacked their camp.

Tens of thousands of bows and arrows rushed into the army tents like rain.

The front of the bow and arrow was smeared with oil, and the thatched grass tied to the front was ignited. As soon as the bow and arrow fell on the tent, it was directly ignited.

The soldiers of Guishuang Kingdom were in a hurry, and 55,000 elite soldiers sent more than 50,000 people to resist the Qin army.

As a general, Zhao Haijun rode his hard-earned BMW and took a knife to the front of the battle line.

Ban Chao's eyes met with him, and the air seemed to be burning with raging anger.



Zhao Haijun took the lead and rushed to the Qin army with 20,000 elite soldiers.

The soldiers at the front of the Qin army held a broadsword in one hand and a shield in the other.

Trumpets sounded on the battlefield.

Shouting cheers to the soldiers at the front.



The sword has no eyes, only countless groans.

In just a few quarters of an hour, Chiling Road was filled with the corpses of soldiers from the Qin Army, Guishuang Kingdom, and Yan Kingdom.

Ban Chao was riding a horse under his feet, and the knife in his hand was a big knife, which was the machete that determined life and death in the hands of the king of Yama last time.

He glanced over, and his figure was as fast as the wind.



The knife was on the head and chest of the soldier of Guishuang Kingdom.

Suddenly there was a bloody incident, and the head fell to the ground.

And during this period, he didn't even look at the soldiers who died under his sword, his gaze fell on Zhao Haijun from beginning to end.

Between him and Zhao Haijun were soldiers from Qin Jun and Guishuang Kingdom.

Followed by a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

Thousands of people are separated.

The horn of war, I thought about it for more than two hours.

Yesterday, 1/3 of the Guishuang Kingdom's military camp was burned down. Today, the Qin army attacked for more than two hours, and directly burned the entire camp, leaving only a few lucky remaining camps. .

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