"I heard from the general that the grain should be used by the local people, so I have to explain this matter to the emperor.

As a general, Ban Chao is in charge of the soldiers at the bottom, and military supplies such as food and grass still have to follow the rules of the court.

Ban Chao said: "You report it directly, I believe the emperor will agree."

Ye Feng nodded in response, and then retreated.

Ban Chao repelled the Guishuang soldiers twice, and the people of the two worlds watched and praised Ban Chao for being brave and resourceful.

"General Ban Chao is really powerful,"

"Not only is he powerful, but he also loves the people. Just after winning the battle, he didn't think about returning to the court as a teacher, but thinking about benefiting the local people and solving the famine. He is really a good official."

"It would be great if the Qin Dynasty were all good officials like this."

"Be careful what you say above, people in the court can see it."

As soon as people reminded them, people who realized that their comments were inappropriate quickly deleted the previous comments.

In the changing world, Qin Shihuang looked at what was happening in the world on the other side of the screen, and then saw the comments on the barrage, thinking that Guishuang Kingdom is now also capturing the border of Qin Kingdom.

Immediately, I was a little upset: "This class is so good, how can it be as good as Zhao Ze?"

Zhao Gao: "It's definitely not comparable, Mr. Zhao Ze is very talented, if he goes out to fight, let alone 30,000 elite soldiers against the opponent's 70,000 elite soldiers, I don't think it will be a problem if one is against ten.

Hu Hai: "That's right, no matter how powerful he is, he can't compare to Young Master Zhao Ze."

All the bullet screens are exaggerations of Zhao Ze.

Ying Zheng: "That's right, everyone thinks the same as Gu.

Zoom in on the big Qin screen and the screen changes.

As soon as Zhao Ze and his concubine were in trouble, they received the news of Qin Shihuang's expedition against Guishuang Kingdom.

Qin State has a vast territory, below the Yangtze River.

The land of Guishuang Kingdom is exactly in the northwest of Qin Kingdom, separated by a great river.

Now that he lives in Xianyang, he has to travel for at least three days to go to the border.

He could only bid farewell to his concubine, and set off towards Chiling Road riding Yingzheng's bloody BMW "Crater Lake" that had just been scattered.

In this expedition, in addition to him as the general, Ying Zheng also asked Nuo Erliang to follow him as the deputy general.

Ying Zheng still remembered seeing Nuo Erliang following Ban Chao in another world on the screen.

In the picture, this general is brave and resourceful, and this one can accomplish great things.

Following Zhao Ze can also help him.

The most important thing is that he thinks that Ban Chao has what he has, and it is only fair that the configuration of this fighter is the same.

So he only gave Zhao Ze 50,000 elite troops to deal with the 140,000 troops of Guishuang Kingdom.

In the screen, the common people watching the play are discussing.

"Can Mr. Zhao Ze do it? Ban Chao's defeat of Guishuang Kingdom is a slant of the sword, and Ying Zheng is also given to Zhao Fang.

"Everyone just take a look, or don't talk about it, the emperor can see it!"

Zhao Gao: "Everyone is quiet and quiet, the barrage is almost filling the screen, the emperor is not happy, tell you all to shut up."

Li Si: "General Zhao's words are still reasonable, everyone stop posting."

Ying Zheng: "Stop posting, now everyone is watching how good my son Zhao Ze is."

Zhao Ze has already set off to Huaili.

After a day's journey, he planned to rest here.

The local county government had already received the news that he was going to arrive, and the local magistrate Liu Guang had already been waiting at the gate of the city.

As soon as the army's carriage arrived, Zhao Ze saw the chubby Liu Guang with a thick face.

Liu Guang is not tall, only about 5 feet, but according to Zhao Ze, he weighs at least 180 Jin.

The whole person looks like a square "It looks like a bucket from a distance.

As soon as Zhao Ze approached, he realized that Liu Guang knew his chest.

When Liu Guang saw Zhao Ze, he immediately showed a flattering smile: "My lord, I have already prepared a good room and food for you. You must be tired after a day of marching. I will take you there now."

This Liu Guang was also a wink, seeing Zhao Ze's tired face, he didn't say much, and directly took people to eat and drink.

The first time Zhao Ze saw his appearance, he felt disgusted with him.

But seeing that he handled things neatly, he didn't bother him at all.

At the dinner table, Zhao Ze saw that Liu Guang prepared all his favorite food, and immediately knew that this guy could "crawl".

What you like to eat and what you don't like to eat, only those who are born with you know.

That is to say, the few servants I brought knew clearly.

He was already ready as soon as he arrived, which means he had inquired clearly in advance, 310 and he was still on his way to Huaili.

Seeing that the food was delicious, Zhao Ze didn't hesitate when putting down his chopsticks.

Liu Guang saw that his brows were stretched, and asked, "Master, does this meal suit you?"

Zhao Ze nodded in satisfaction, "It's a good job, but you can't just use it on me, you should care more about the local people."

At this point, Zhao Ze paused, and then continued: "On the way here, I saw that many of the local rice plants have dried up. It is only June, and the harvest is at the end of July. At this time, the fields must not lack water. "

"I asked the local people, and they said that the waterway was rebuilt in Yuyangdu in March this year, and it happened that in March this year, the water rushed into the canal from Huaili to Yuyangdu.

"Originally there were only two water channels, and this water channel happened to block the water going to the west of Huaihuai River. You didn't take this matter to heart before, and you kept procrastinating. Now the rush repair has missed the season when the rice needs water. You Say what I said, right?"

When Liu Guang heard this, cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

How could he not know about this. .

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