Quickly took out the silver needle to stop the poison spreading to the heart and lungs for him.

At that time, the merchant ships were also detained and watched by the officials under the county magistrate of Jinzhou.

Li Xin was injured, and the interrogation of the person brought back has not yet started.

Originally, several lieutenants were supposed to go, but Zhao Ze came to the dungeon in person, intending to interrogate himself.

There were a total of more than 30 people captured by the Guishuang State Ambush Army, and many of them were hard-headed.

As soon as he entered the prison, he committed suicide directly.

In the end, there were only five or six people who were greedy for life and afraid of death.

When he came to the dungeon, Zhao Ze glanced around, his eyes fixed on the shivering boy squatting in the corner.

The boy looked only eleven or twelve years old, and his figure was very thin.

Mostly because of living in the army, he was malnourished and skinny.

Zhao Ze didn't expect that no one in Guishuang Kingdom would catch such an eleven or twelve-year-old boy to join the army.

Zhao Ze even suspected that he might not even be able to carry the documents.

Seeing Zhao Ze staring at him, the little boy shrank in fright and covered his head with his hands, not daring to look directly at Zhao Ze.

Seeing Zhao Ze's bearing, the remaining five Guishuang Kingdom ambush soldiers in the dungeon all guessed his identity.

Several people rushed to Zhao Ze, begging for mercy.

"Forgive me, forgive me, what do you want to know? I said, as long as you let me go.

"I know more than him! Pick me!"

"The old and the young are still waiting for me to go home, I don't want to die.

The sound was humming, and my brain hurt from the shock.

Zhao Ze pointed to the boy in the dungeon, and said to the soldier beside him, "That's him."

The teenager was forcibly dragged out of the dungeon, resisting all the way.

The soldiers also took a lot of effort to drag it out of it.

Zhao Ze couldn't help but be curious, this kid didn't look high quality, pitifully thin, but surprisingly hostile.

He retracted his earlier thought that this little boy couldn't even lift a sword.

The boy's hands and feet were tightly bound by the torture tools in the dungeon, so he was forced to curl up to avoid Zhao Ze's eyes.

The little boy's gaze touched Zhao Ze, but unexpectedly, he didn't avoid it. Could it be that he was staring at him with killing intent like a wolf's ambition.

"Say, you know, you can say whatever the young master asks`"!" The soldier beside him urged, and at the same time greeted the boy with a long whip in his hand.

Zhao Ze watched from the sidelines, the soldiers didn't dare to hesitate when they moved their hands, and died with ten percent strength.

The whip hit the little boy, only to hear him groan in pain, and then wept.

From now on, I will recruit honestly.

Zhao Ze turned his head and returned to the board of the boat where several people from Guishuang Kingdom were captured.

Zhao Ze pried out the location of some antidote from the boy's mouth and hid it under the ship plank on the first floor.

As soon as he stepped on the board, Zhao Ze saw the yamen servants guarding there.

They recognized Zhao Ze and did not stop him from boarding the boat.

It was only when Zhao Ze was about to enter the wooden house that someone came forward to ask.

"Young Master, what are you going in for? There may be danger inside."

After all, it was the enemy's ship, and Zhao Ze had a high status, so they had to be vigilant if there was any danger.

"Find the antidote!" Zhao Ze rushed in after finishing speaking.

The few discerning people around did not dare to stop him, nor could they stop him.

Zhao Ze is someone who can be a general. Wang Qingquan can defeat dozens of tough men by himself. How could they be his opponents.

Zhao Ze came to the place the little boy said, rummaged around the ship's planks, and sure enough he got the bag of antidote he was talking about.

Zhao Ze took the antidote away directly, and the yamen servant guarding the door naturally didn't dare to say more.

Zhao Ze turned a blind eye to him and left with his things in his hands. The officials could only send someone to inform the magistrate of the matter.

The county magistrate already knew about Zhao Ze taking the antidote.

It's just that when he learned that Zhao Ze left without any antidote, he turned around in a hurry.

Now the project of settling the crazy Qin soldiers is already very huge.

He had to find a way to find an antidote, after all, this matter happened in the area under his jurisdiction, otherwise, if this matter got to the court, he might not be able to keep his black gauze hat.

Zhao Ze found Bian Que's home.

Zhao Ze pushed the door open and put the antidote on the table.

〃You keep a part of this antidote, and you can see what ingredients are in it.

Seeing the antidote in Zhao Ze's hand, Pian asked curiously, "Where did you get it?"

"The person who gave the medicine got it. Can you see if you can make an antidote?"

Bian Que sniffed it, then closed his eyes.

Zhao Ze waited for more than ten minutes and finally saw her open her eyes.

He picked up a brush and wrote, but stopped when he wrote about a medicinal material, and said: "I can make a small portion of the antidote, but with more than 5,000 people in the army, I'm afraid it won't work.

Xiao Wang asked why.

Bian Que explained: "(Dede) there is a medicine in it, we don't have it here, that medicine is only abundant in the Guishuang Kingdom, and the quantity is also small, it is completely included in the offerings." 11

Zhao Ze asked: "What herb?"


Zhao Ze had never heard of this herbal medicine, but he knew that what Bian Que said must be right.

He asked very sincerely: "Is there no other way? This medicine is not available in our country of Qin.

Bian Que nodded, and repeated: "There is really no other way, the climate in the south is simply impossible to grow the Qingli in the antidote, how can I mix its antidote?

"Unless you go to the Guishuang Empire with me, I will go with you to find it. Of course, my purpose here is not just for you, Qin Jun is also for the local people."

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