Bian Que was dumbfounded by what he said.

Although she is not the symbolic beauty of Fu Feng Luo Liu Liu, the heroic spirit on her body makes Zhao Ze more pleasing to the eye the more she looks at her.

Bian Que didn't argue with him on this topic either.

The two of them straddled into the carriage without taking anyone with them, and Zhao Ze was the groom.

On the way, Zhao Ze casually stuffed the lotus cake that Li Yan gave him into his mouth.

Bian Que looked at the rice balls he had specially brought, and felt a little disappointed.

He got up early in the morning to prepare this rice ball, just considering that Zhao Ze might not have had breakfast.

But compared to the lotus cake, it was indeed a bit shabby, so she couldn't get it out for a while, so she just ate it by herself.

Zhao Ze ate a few pieces, thinking of the people in the carriage.

Then he handed the remaining pieces in, "Try it—it tastes good."

But Bian Que said: "No need, it looks really good, and the craftsmanship is much better than mine.

Bian Que thinks that he really has no talent for cooking, at most he can only cook rice balls.

She had tried this pastry before, and almost ruined the kitchen.

Seeing that she didn't eat, Zhao Ze didn't think much about putting it in his arms.

It takes a day and a night for them to travel from the border to the current barracks of the Guishuang Army.

Because of the impact caused by the riot, the two of them had to go behind closed doors when they wanted to find an inn to rest on the way.

That night, the two had no choice but to spend the night in a carriage.

They are located at the junction of the center of Chiling Road, and the Qin Army and Guishuang Kingdom have not yet fought.

Naturally, this area did not become the military camp of Guishuang Kingdom.

Surrounded by towering mountains, at night they had to set fire to drive away the wild beasts that were most likely to attack them.

So Zhao Ze could only tell Bian Que: "You stay in the carriage, I'll go and sign some firewood and come back.

Bian Que nodded in response, her little three-legged cat kung fu is not enough to watch if she encounters any danger.

So the best way is to stay in the carriage without causing trouble to Zhao Ze.

Under the dark night and high wind, you can hear the chirping of cicadas nearby.

Bian Que felt inexplicably uneasy, the surrounding environment was unfamiliar, and Zhao Ze was not around.

At this time, only sparse movements were heard outside the horse.

Bian Que tensed up, and there were people around him.

The sound came from someone accidentally stepping on a broken branch.

"Zhao Ze, are you back?" Bian Que called out.

Has there been any response, obviously the outsider is not Zhao Ze.

In this wilderness, Bian's first reaction was to meet a robber.

She subconsciously took out her pocket.

Fortunately, she was so poor that Ding Dong didn't have much money in her pocket, only some herbs and elixir were worth it.

She had already thought about it, and waited until those people really wanted to rob.

Giving these things to him by myself is not worth much anyway, and life is at stake.

Maybe it was because she was too open-minded, and the other party directly made a joke on him.

A few figures rushed in from outside the carriage, and the leader put the knife on her neck.

Seeing that there was no one he wanted on the carriage, the other party asked Bian Que angrily, "Where's Zhao Ze?"

Knowing that the person who came was looking for Zhao Ze, Bian Que tensed up on his luck just now.

It seems that this group of people did not rob, but came to kill people.

Bian Que observed these people carefully.

Their faces were covered with sweat towels, and Bian Que couldn't tell their appearance by their appearance.

But from the silk and satin clothes they were wearing, Bian Que guessed that these people were most likely members of the army of another country.

Although the fabrics worn by these people are not high-quality fabrics, they are not linen and plain clothes that ordinary people can wear.

And they were agile, and there was no movement at all when they got into the carriage.

It shows that they can at least do light work.

Seeing her eyes roll, the person holding the knife on Bian Que's neck vigilantly threatened with a knife: "You want to tip off the news? Hurry up, where is Zhao Ze?"

…… Ask for flowers………

Sensing the sharpness of the heavy knife rest on his neck, Bian Que didn't dare to keep silent.

I can only tell the truth: "Zhao Ze just said that he went to collect firewood, but he hasn't come back yet."

"Which direction did he go to collect firewood just now?"

Bian Que shook his head: "I don't know about that, he asked me to wait for him in the carriage."

The man was dubious about Bian Que's words: "He went to collect firewood, what are you doing here?"

As he spoke, he looked Bian Que up and down, only to hear him sneer and sneer: "You really look like a woman!"

"So thin, no wonder he went to find firewood by himself, how many can you move?"

Bian Que is now a boy in disguise.

Although I can't see any clues, she is a woman after all.

The delicacy revealed inexplicably makes people think that he is a useless waste.

Hearing his ridicule, Bian Que didn't take it seriously.

When other people around saw the man sneering, they couldn't help but look at Bian a few more times.

They didn't pay attention just now, but now they noticed that the "man" in front of him was too handsome.

But after all, they thought it was a man, and after a few more glances, they looked away and turned to ask the people around them for advice.

"Then let's wait here, and we'll sneak attack and ambush him when he comes over."

"I took advantage of this time to set up a few organs around, and he would definitely not be able to react."

That family's proposal was quickly agreed by others.

"Then hurry up, don't startle the snake, let him come back early to see."

The man was extremely fast, and after he got out of the carriage, he began to cover the surrounding tree stumps and the ground with fallen leaves.

From his skill, Bian Que guessed that with his kung fu, he should be able to defeat many outstanding players of the younger generation.

And the other killers seemed to be equally skilled. .

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