Outside Fulin Pharmacy, Zhao Ze, who was about to leave Danhe, saw the free clinic activity from a distance.

The doctor sits at the door, and the people can come to see the doctor and see the pulse.

If there is a problem, you can grab the medicine, and if there is no problem, it will be treated as a free trip.

Everyone felt that there was no disadvantage, so the scene was crowded with people.

A total of 7 free clinic doctors sit at the door, forming a queue of seven long-distance water dragons.

Zhao Ze and Zhao Ze were excluded, and they didn't even see the door of Fulin Pharmacy.

"Their business is too good. This Lin Beinan is not a good thing. The Lin family doesn't know if the so-called free clinic is just a disguised form to cheat people out of money.

Although this activity of seeing a doctor is free, it is not cheap to go in and get medicine.

"There are so many people, are you sure you want to go in and have a look?" Zhao Ze was a little apprehensive looking at the crowd.

Bian Que smiled and said, "Of course we're going in, we just pretended to be patients."

Seeing that he had this plan, Zhao Ze didn't stop him either.

Anyway, there are people blocking the gate of the city now, so he is not in a hurry to leave.

They had already thrown Lin Beinan at the gate of Lin's house just now. He was still in a coma and he wouldn't wake up until tomorrow.

Zhao Ze pointed to the restaurant on the side: "Then I'll go up and wait for you. I'll watch you from the window on the second floor. Don't run around."

Bian Que agreed again and again, and she felt a little uncomfortable with Zhao Ze following behind.

Zhao Ze went to the second floor of the restaurant, and I found a seat by the window to look down.

Seen from the top down, the densely packed people are like swarming ants.

Only by staring intently can Bian Que appear in his sight all the time.

Bian Que was very happy about this free clinic, and he didn't forget to ask the aunt behind him while queuing.

"How long has this free clinic activity been? It seems that you all came here ahead of time. The queue is so long. I wonder if it will be the year of the monkey~"

The aunt saw him as a boy, and said: "This activity has been going on for three or four days, the boy sees that you are thin, just to see if there is anything wrong.

"Anyway, it's all free, even if all the herbs in the medicine are only charged 50% of the usual price."

"It just so happens that you can also buy some supplements, otherwise, at your age, your wife might even hate it."

Bian Que was a little embarrassed by the words, so he could only say yes.

She was already thin, but now there are many people practicing martial arts, it seems that Bian Que is too thin and depressed.

The aunt chatted with her and couldn't help chatting with him.

"Young man, I see that you don't speak like our local, where are you from?"

Hedan City is on the edge of Qin State, surrounded by five cities.

But each city is separated by hundreds of kilometers.

Therefore, there are still differences in dialects in various places, and some differences can be heard when speaking.

Bian Que told him the truth.

The aunt nodded, "So you came here from Jinzhou City in Qin State next door. It's quite close. Did you come here specifically to participate in this free clinic activity?"

Bian Que shook his head, "It's just that there are so many people coming to join in the fun.

"It turned out to be like this. My son also came yesterday and said that there is no problem. Let me come today."

The aunt talked a lot.

Talking about Bian Que's great uncle, the aunt immediately cheered up, "You are also a doctor, I just happen to have a daughter, do you want to know each other?"

Doctor is the most respected profession besides martial arts, and the income is also high.

Ordinary people hope that their daughters can marry a warrior or a doctor.

Seeing that she was going to match him, Bian Que waved his hands repeatedly.

"Then there's no need, I already have someone I like."

The aunt didn't force her when she heard about it, she just sighed: "My girl is beautiful, and she is in her twenties and eighth year now, but it's a pity that you don't like it, so forget it."

The aunt looked at Bian Que more and more pleasing to the eye, and she could feel that he was a good person even when talking to him.

It's a pity that he is too thin and a little weak.

But thinking about it, he is a doctor, and he thinks that he is a good match for his daughter, but this marriage must be satisfied by both parties.

While the two were chatting, the team approached Funing Pharmacy more and more.

Bian Que finally saw the doctor sitting at the door clearly this time.

They were wearing white coats one by one, and they moved extremely neatly for the people in line to watch.

Those who have no problem will confirm in three seconds, and those who have problems will spend more time explaining their illness to them.

Then give them a prescription and let them go in and continue to grab the medicine.

Finally it was Bian Que's turn, she was still a little uneasy.

Men's and women's pulses are different, and people with a little qualifications can't diagnose them.

But as a genius doctor, he naturally has a coup to avoid it.

But if her little tricks meet a doctor who is more skilled than him, she will have to expose her tricks.

Bian Que sat down to see the doctor's appearance. He was in his twenties, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, and fair appearance.

Compared with Zhao Ze, he is a heaven and an earth. (finished)

Compared with ordinary people, it can be regarded as a good-looking car.

As soon as Bian Que sat down and stretched out his wrist, the man glanced at her strangely.

Bian Que was extremely nervous at this moment, could it be that he has revealed himself?

But the other party hasn't seen a doctor yet.

Frightened by the opponent, Bian Que subconsciously withdrew his wrist.

Seeing his actions, the aunt behind her thought that he didn't trust the person in front of her, and said with a smile: "Young master, don't worry, we are the most skilled of these doctors.

Wu Yangfan also said at this moment: "Don't worry, it's just that if there is no serious problem with the body, I won't say anything else.

Bian Que looked at him and saw a trace of inquiry in his eyes. .

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