Zhao Haijun is not a fool, he said everything in one go, so is he still alive?

So he has to keep his bargaining chips, and he can live every day.

Zhao Ze was not afraid that he would run away, and that keeping him would mean throwing him into jail, so he agreed.

Only then did Zhao Haijun say: "Awende came to Hedan this time, besides dealing with your Qin army, there is one more thing. A few years ago, he had a lost brother who fell in the city of Hedan. He came to Hedan this time. One is for the war, and the other is for his younger brother."

Hearing this, Bian Que immediately came up with a plan: "Then if we catch Arvinde's younger brother, then we have caught him.

Zhao Ze didn't think this plan was feasible, but "Four Five Seven" was definitely not impossible, he asked Zhao Haijun, do you have a portrait of his younger brother?"

Arvinde actually came to look for his younger brother, so it is impossible to find a needle in a haystack by himself, it must be the whole army and the whole city looking for it.

The only way is to use portraits to find people.

Zhao Haijun nodded, then found a portrait from his waist and handed it to Zhao Ze, "This is the man."

Unfolding the portrait, Zhao Ze only felt a sense of familiarity from the person in the portrait, as if he had seen it before?

Don't you think this person is very familiar?" Zhao Ze turned his head to look at Bian Que, and a shadow flashed in his mind.

Bian Que looked at the portrait in front of him and murmured, "Does it look familiar? Don't you think so?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Bian Que suddenly seemed to remember something, looked up at Zhao Ze, his eyes widened.

After hesitating for two or three seconds, he said, "Isn't this the perverted son of Lin Beinan!"

At that time, she was startled by the human being, so she has a deep memory.

Although the human pig's eyes have been gouged out, the appearance of the facial features will not change, exactly the same as in the portrait.

With Bian Que's reminder, Zhao Ze already had a picture in his mind.

When he came to the Qin Dynasty world, it was also the first time he saw a human being. He was surprised at the time, so it had a great impact on him.

Naturally, the impression was deep, so when I saw this portrait, I felt familiar.

At this moment, Bian Que clicked his tongue and said: "If Arvinde knows that his long-lost brother has been turned into a human pig, what do you think he will do to Lin Beinan?"

When Lin Haijun heard Lin Beinan's name, he immediately knew who it was, but he didn't dare to speak at the moment. He just thought to himself, this kid Lin Beinan is really capable! A while ago, Tuan broke a finger to make his father, Lin Zheng, feel sorry for him. There is a grudge.

Now that he is raising a pig again, the one who has offended is the new general of the Guishuang Army, Arwende, and he has something to do with this matter. Lin Beinan's father may have to blame him again if he finds out.

But he didn't have time to think about it now, he had to save his own life first.

He saw Zhao Ze and asked cautiously, "Can you let me survive now, I know a lot more."

Zhao Ze originally planned not to leave anyone alive, but now he changed his plan. He asked Li Xin to tie up Zhao Haijun and bring him back to the barracks.

After Bian Que was brought back to the barracks, Zhao Ze immediately asked the military doctor to bandage her wound.

The Guishuang army did not attack lightly, with wounds on their bodies and necks, and a 5 cm deep incision on their thighs.

It was done to prevent Bian Que from escaping.

The incision hit the main artery, directly staining his trouser legs blood red.

Fortunately, Bian Que is a genius doctor, so he stopped the bleeding and prevented the blood from flowing into rivers. However, the wound still made her blood hurt and it was inconvenient to move.

Zhao Ze simply put him in bed and asked other military doctors to deal with the plague first.

Bian Que didn't want to lie in bed, but his legs were inconvenient, so he had to rest for a while.

In the afternoon, Zhao Ze was busy with military affairs, so he remembered to see Bian Que's injury......

When I came to the camp, I met Bian Que who had just finished drinking the medicine.

I just took the antidote and my bones are very weak.

Zhao Ze pushed open the door and saw that the person on the bed was pale, as weak as if he had just been drained of blood, but fortunately there was no pain on his face.

Zhao Ze asked her how she was doing, but Hu Niu was surprised when he heard him wake up, "You're awake!"

Zhao Ze nodded and asked about her condition again.

Bian Que smiled weakly and said, "What can I do? My bones have been tossed and broken before. Now I definitely don't expect you soldiers to recover slowly."

Zhao Ze nodded, knowing that what she said was true.

Bian Que is also a miracle doctor [it is impossible not to know his physical condition.

Leaving Bian Que's room, Zhao Ze planned to visit the place he had been to three days ago before he fell into a coma at night.

He had only been to these two places that day.

One is Liu Baiting's boat and the other is the brothel on Fuxi Road.

The news of Zhao Haijun's arrest spread to the Guishuang Army, and Arvinde scolded him a waste and a coward angrily.

As long as Zhao Haijun is alive, the affairs of Jia Zhongshi are very likely to be leaked out.

1.6 Thinking of the news received a few days ago, the plague broke out in Jinzhou City, Arvind tried his best to hold back the urge to attack Jinzhou City.

He has to wait until the plague breaks out and the Qin army barracks are destroyed. He is attacking Jinzhou. Wouldn't it be easy to regain Jinzhou at that time?

As long as he waits a little longer, he will be able to do so without breaking a sweat.

But now if they attack Jinzhou, the Chiling Road in front of Jinzhou alone is enough for their Guishuang army to suffer a big loss.

A few days ago, he had sent a few Guishuang troops to sneak into Chiling Road to investigate the hidden mechanism inside. .

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