Shuang Daqin Comparison, No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 39 You Feed Sweet Potatoes And Potatoes To Pigs? !

No one needs to explain.

in the comparison screen.

Everything has been answered.

I see.

The merchants drove their carriages over mountains and mountains.

at last.

Come to a family.

Weigh the goods.

Then pay the money to settle the bill.

Immediately afterwards.


Countless sweet potatoes were transported to the yard.

until then.

Everyone in the original world still couldn't understand.

Ying Zheng even frowned: "Who buys so many sweet potatoes? Is there anyone in Daqin who doesn't produce? Need to spend money to buy other people's food?"

Fusu was also full of question marks.

"This family bought four carts of sweet potatoes and potatoes!"

"They, can they eat so much?"

The common people were also puzzled.

: "Sweet potatoes and potatoes look delicious, but one family can't eat so much, right?"

: "Could it be that you love sweet potatoes so much that you buy more and save them?"

: "Hey, people buy sweet potatoes in carts, and I have never even tasted sweet potatoes."

: "If we also have sweet potatoes here, I also want to buy a few cars, and eat hard for a year, so that I can satiate my taste buds!"

: "Wait, this is..."

: "..................."

When everyone is envious or puzzled.

In two worlds, under the gaze of tens of millions of people.

The family who bought four carts of grain.

First, put all the sweet potatoes and potatoes in the yard into the back basket.


Pick up food.

Go to the backyard.

over there.

There is a large shed!

There are cows, pigs, and sheep in the shed!


A thunderstorm exploded in the minds of everyone in the original world.

Could it be...

So many sweet potatoes and potatoes, to feed pigs? !

In countless eyes of astonishment.

The man put the pannier on the ground.

He reached out and grabbed a sweet potato, and threw it to the old cow's mouth.

"Come, come! Eat!"


He grabbed the potatoes again and threw them to the old cow.


The old cow let out a happy cry.

Walked over with heavy steps.

bow your head.

open mouth.

He bit the sweet potato and chewed it.


And eat the potatoes on the side.

Seeing that the old cow had a good appetite, the man was in a happy mood, and threw a few more sweet potatoes and potatoes.

"Eat more, and work hard when you are full!"

"Later, I'll go out and cut a few handfuls of grass for you, and give you some stitches!"

After feeding the old cow.

The man came to the pigsty again.

With a wave of his hand.

A dozen sweet potatoes and potatoes fell into the pigsty.

Three or four pigs rushed over immediately, scrambling to eat.

"It's so strong! As expected of growing up eating sweet potatoes and potatoes!"

The man laughed, his eyes narrowed.


And he came before the two sheep.

as usual.

Throw the last few sweet potatoes and potatoes in the basket.

"Eat quickly, the milk is produced after eating!"

"I'll feed you later in the evening."

"You guys, just thank the eldest son of Qin, he is the one who allows you beasts to eat three meals a day, just like humans, hehe!"

"Do you know that people from the other six countries want to eat, but they don't have the chance!"

"They, they might as well eat better than you beasts!"

Say it.

The man picked up his backpack and left humming a little tune.

And this scene.

It directly made everyone in the original world break their defenses and couldn't hold back anymore.

Fuck it!

Are you right? !

: "I want to eat food that I can't eat, and this guy uses it to feed animals?!"

: "Hey, that's all, and three meals a day?!"

: "Waste the world! Waste the world! We can't even eat it! How can this group of beasts eat three meals a day!"

: "Why is it also Daqin, what we eat is not as good as animals?"

: "Don't forget, this happened thirteen years ago. They started feeding livestock with sweet potatoes and potatoes thirteen years ago! And we were still worrying about our stomachs thirteen years ago!"

: "I want to go to another Qin country, and I also want to eat sweet potatoes and potatoes!"

: "I want to rush into the pigsty, pick up the food thrown in and eat it myself!"

: "Damn it! What else am I doing as a Qin soldier! Just go to the other party's Qin country and be an old cow!"

All the people of Great Qin in the original world collapsed.


See sweet and savory baked sweet potatoes.

They were all licking their lips, drooling, and dreaming of taking a bite.


They haven't eaten yet.

Another commoner in Qin State has already started feeding pigs with sweet potatoes!

Isn't this bullying honest people? !

Chunyu pulled out a beard in shock.

[Chun Yuyue]: What a waste! Such a waste! How can you feed the things that people eat to animals!

He lived most of his life.

This is the first time I have seen that the food eaten by animals is as good as the food eaten by humans!

[Hu Hai]: Even pigs can eat sweet potatoes and potatoes?

He couldn't help asking.

How can I go to your place to be a pig, I have intentions!

[Li Si]: It's too scary! I never thought that instead of selling grain to the other six countries, your merchants sold it to farmers to feed pigs! How many sweet potatoes and potatoes do you have?

[Fusu]: So much grain, is it used to feed pigs? !

[Wang Ben]: My millions of Qin soldiers are still hungry and full, but you feed the grain to pigs? Pigs eat better than my million Qin soldiers? !

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