Shuang Daqin Comparison, No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 402 A Child With Rotting Flesh?

When Qin Bing heard the order, he immediately dragged the aunt down.

Seeing what happened to the aunt, the people behind sighed and shook their heads one after another, but no one dared to speak out.

One is that Zhao Ze is not a cruel house, he can even be said to be a good person.

He took the initiative to obtain disaster relief funds for the people of Jieshoucheng, and even gave them free food.

The second is that there is no ambiguity in the construction of the river course. He has been watching the project almost since the beginning.

You can even see him patrolling in person at night, which can be described as hard work.

The third is that he punished the corrupt official Wang Hai. Everyone knew that it was because of him that Wang Hai spit out the money he had swallowed, and the starfish received the disaster relief funds fairly and justly.

To say that Zhao Ze is a brutal person, they really can't say that.

It's just that Zhao Ze is indeed very vigorous and resolute in dealing with things.

For example, he punished those people who destroyed the river before, and after catching them, he led them directly to the gate of the city.

Without saying a word, 357 directly killed the person.

In front of so many people, there is no ambiguity.

But now this aunt did not get any understanding from him when she pleaded for mercy, so she was dragged out directly.

The aunt's cries became farther and farther away. At this moment, everyone focused on the disaster relief funds ahead.

They can't take care of their own lives now, and they can take care of others.

Now in Jieshou City, the first thing to do is to have enough food and clothing.

After the aunt was dragged away by Qin Bing, she was not thrown directly into the street, but was taken to Zhao Ze's mansion.

Bian Que looked at the aunt who was dragged in and asked the soldiers beside him, "What's going on?"

The soldier said: "This aunt has been crying at the door just now, saying that she wants us to save his child."

"The prince asked me to bring him in, and said that he wanted to let you see, if you are willing to save it, you can save it, and if you don't want to, you don't have to force it.

Hearing this, Bian Que let out a cry of great helplessness, "He even (cfda) brought people in, if I don't save him, he will definitely be unhappy.

As he spoke, Bian Que asked the aunt on the side what was going on.

The aunt sobbed and said: "The children in the family were drowned in the flood a few days ago, and they have been in a coma since then."

"The invited doctors all said that although he is still alive, his brain is useless, and that it is impossible to wake up. I don't believe it, so I want to see the genius doctor for you."

Everyone knows that Zhao Ze is accompanied by the genius doctor Bian Que, so people will make trouble at the gate of the house from time to time these days.

The reason why Zhao Ze didn't promise the aunt to help his child in front of everyone is also because he didn't want other people to think that just kowtowing a few heads can directly invite the genius doctor Bian Que

And the reason why he was willing to let the aunt come in was because seeing the aunt crying hoarsely, it didn't look like a fake.

It was only then that he relented and let him in. Anyway, it was not he who was busy, but Bian Que.

Bian Que has been getting closer to Mi Xin these days, and Mi Xin's child suffers from dementia, but it is mental.

So these days he often walks around Yu Mi Xin's house, doing acupuncture and nursing for the child.

These days' efforts have paid off, and children can sometimes resume normal speech and life.

Mi Xin was very grateful to Bian Que for this.

But these days she often runs around, either for medicinal materials or studying medical methods.

To, take a break.

Unexpectedly, just planning to take a few days off these days, Zhao Ze brought her another trouble.

But seeing that the aunt's crying voice was hoarse, Bian Que still felt sorry for her and asked, "How long has the child been in a coma? Did you wake up during this time?"

The aunt shook her head and said excitedly: "I haven't woken up, it seems to be asleep, but he is still breathing, so he must be alive."

After Bian Que knew the situation, he probably knew what was going on.

The coma has not woken up and is still breathing, which means that it should be regarded as a zombie.

It is difficult for such people to survive, and their brains have almost shrunk to death.

I can't eat independently, so I need someone to take care of me all the time.

To wake them up, there is almost only a miracle, and Bian Que has rescued such a person before.

It's just good luck.

After thinking about it, she still said to the aunt beside her, "Then take me there to see the situation first.

When the aunt heard that he was willing to go and see, she nodded excitedly and led Bian Que the way.

Seeing that she was about to let him walk over, Bian Que reminded: "No, I'll let the mansion prepare horses, and you can lead me the way when the time comes.

With the carriage, a few people arrived at a small hut in the east of Jieshou City after more than 20 minutes.

The small hut was built some time ago, and it is small and narrow, with only three rooms.

The aunt led Bian Que into the innermost room.

I saw a boy in his teens lying on the bed, his face pale and pitifully thin.

The two cheeks sunk in directly, and the eyes were sunken.

Bian Que stretched out his hand to test the child's breathing, and it was indeed there, but very weakly.

A gentle wind hit her fingertips, and she smelled a trace of corpse spots as soon as she got close to Bian Que.

She asked the aunt to turn the child's body.

Only then did Bian Que see that the child's back had begun to rot.

The rotting part of the wound has obviously been cleaned, and a layer of disinfectant liquid is attached to it.

Only then did Bian Que realize the seriousness of the matter.

Not only is the child unable to breathe on his own, but even his body's functions have been reduced to a minimum.

Even the wound couldn't heal, it had been at least half a month.

Fortunately, his mother cleaned the wound in time, so there was only a small area of ​​rot.

Fortunately, the corpse did not rot into the inner layer, otherwise the matter would be serious. .

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