Shuang Daqin Comparison, No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 428 Heading To Mingyue Pavilion

He had already guessed that Ying Zheng would have such worries, and Zhao Ze assured him, "Don't worry about what you say. Since I dare to do this, I have the confidence to recover those real coins."

"And I'm willing to pay 20 million out of my own pocket just to prove it.

In addition to the monthly salary from the imperial court, several princes actually do some business in private, and Ying Zheng turned a blind eye when he knew about it.

If it doesn't involve endangering the court or doing things that are harmful to nature, Yingzheng basically won't care about it.

Therefore, he also guessed the source of Zhao Ze's money.

It's just that 20 million taels is - that's a lot of money.

Therefore, Ying Zheng guessed that Zhao Ze may have already emptied his own pockets to take out the 20 million taels.

Seeing that Zhao Ze is willing to spend so much money, if the court does not support it, is it still justified?

So Ying Zheng agreed to Zhao Ze and said, "Okay, I will do as you say."

After gaining the trust of Ying Zheng, it is possible that the opening of exchange points in major county governments will proceed smoothly.

The reason why Zhao Ze did this was to quickly clean up the counterfeit money in Xianyang City.

This is just one of them. The most important thing for Zhao Ze now is to find the source of counterfeit money.

Only by finding the source can we solve the problem in the middle of the problem.

For this reason, he has asked Lin Zhizhou to stay in various restaurants in Xianyang City for several days.

Just to find out where these counterfeit coins come from.

After squatting for a few days, it really helped.

Lin Zhizhou got a new piece of news.

It turns out that the reason why these counterfeit coins circulate so fast is also due to the promotion of local merchants.

These merchants exchange real money for counterfeit money.

At the beginning, one tael of silver could be exchanged for twenty taels of fake silver.

But now counterfeit money is prevalent, and now one tael of silver can only be exchanged for two counterfeit silver.

But even so, there are still many merchants to change.

They gave the counterfeit money they exchanged to the customers, and after the customers took the counterfeit money, they went to spend elsewhere.

In this way, counterfeit money circulated throughout Xianyang City.

Through Lin Zhizhou's inquiries, Zhao Ze knew that such a transaction method had been used in Xianyang City for nearly several months.

Moreover, there are no less than a hundred participating merchants, and the total number of counterfeit coins in circulation is nearly 50 million taels.

After learning the reason for the circulation of counterfeit money, Zhao Ze immediately asked Lin Zhizhou to investigate in Xianyang City, who was doing the real money vs counterfeit money.

Those guys were obviously very smart and cautious. After several days of investigation, Lin Zhizhou found out about a person from a drunk merchant.

Guo Yunsheng, the boss of Mingyue Tower.

The scale of Mingyue Tower is not only compared to Bawangji, it is almost only a little bit bigger.

Its location is also relatively remote, and the owner is a man in his forties.

Zhao Ze has been doing business in Xianyang for so long and has never seen him.

In fact, the scale of Mingyue Tower is too small to catch his eyes.

After hearing clearly about Guo Yunsheng's life experience, Zhao Ze brought Lin Zhizhou to Mingyue Tower single-handedly.

In order to avoid their identities being discovered, Zhao Ze changed out of the fine attire he usually wore, and replaced it with the golden silk that businessmen often wear.

He also put his hair up and straightened his whole body to look like a businessman.

He didn't modify his appearance with a human skin mask.

As the eldest son of the emperor of Qin, he rarely stayed in Xianyang City.

So very few people have seen him, almost none.

……… Ask for flowers…

Even if they had met him before, they would just mistake him for someone from the imperial court.

So he wasn't afraid that Guo Yunsheng would recognize his identity.

As soon as he brought Lin Zhizhou into Mingyue Building, the waiter in the building came out and greeted him with a smile: "What do you two guests want to eat? Our Mingyue Building has various specialties..."

After listening to him talk, Zhao Ze simply ordered a squirrel mandarin fish, braised lion head and a few stir-fries.

Xiao Er turned his head and was about to enter the kitchen after recording, but Zhao Ze stopped him at this moment, "Is the boss of your store here now?"


Xiao Er looked puzzled, "What are you two looking for from the boss? Our shopkeeper is at the front desk. If you have any questions, you can ask him directly."

Zhao Ze glanced at the shopkeeper at the front desk. The shopkeeper was doing calculations with his abacus at the moment, probably calculating the income of the store this morning.

Zhao Ze said to Xiao Er again: "I came to discuss business with your boss, has your shopkeeper made a decision?"

As soon as I heard that they were talking about business, Xiaoer became nervous and said, "Then I'll go ask the shopkeeper next to me and see what he has to say.

"I'm just the waiter in the store, and I can't make decisions about anything."

Zhao Ze let him go, and after a while, the shopkeeper at the front desk came over with a smiling face.

He stood on the left side and asked Zhao Ze happily, "I heard that this young master is here to discuss business with our Mingyue Building? I wonder what kind of business the young master wants to do?"

"Tell me first that the boss is on the second floor. I will tell him the news directly later. If he is willing to see the young master, I will come to find the young master."

Zhao Ze snorted secretly in his heart, why does a small Mingyue Pavilion still make him wait? .

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