Shuang Daqin Comparison, No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 452 The Poison Has Been Cured

Thinking that he was squatting in ambush under the oleander tree two days ago, he suddenly realized.

With his last breath, he asked the two people outside, "Who are you two? Why do you know that I am here, why do you know that I have been poisoned by oleander, and you are from the imperial court?"

Although it was his own words, he could hear the certainty from his tone.

Obviously, he also knew that he had committed a serious crime. After all, he hurt the Queen Mother and Li Si.

Until he had already judged himself in his heart, even if he said no, he would definitely not believe it. Zhao Ze simply said: "Even if we are members of the court, we will investigate the matter before we find out."

"Nature will heal you, if you are wronged, you may still have a chance, but if you don't let us in, you will die tomorrow.

At this time, Bian Que fanned the flames and said: "The poisoning symptoms of bamboo 170 peach are very uncomfortable, and you will feel the pain of ice and fire."

"It's hard to be at ease in your sleep. In this case, you might as well come out first. I'll detoxify you first. Even if you die by then, it won't be so painful."

Bian Que's words moved the people inside. He seemed to be thinking about it, but he didn't say anything.

After three or four minutes, there was no movement, saying: "Are you sure you will undo the poison of oleander for me?"

Knowing what he's worried about, Pian reassured.

"Of course. Although you are awake now, it is only for a moment. After a while, you will change your consciousness again. You should know better than me."

"If I don't cure you, how will I interrogate you then?"

This time it really moved the people inside, Zhao Ze heard the sound of footsteps inside.

After a while, there was only a click, and the door of the room was (cffd) opened.

A tall man walked out of it, Xia Shi was almost as tall as Zhao Sheng.

His figure was much stronger than Zhao Ze's, and his muscular lines made his clothes bulge.

Zhao Ze saw his appearance clearly through the moonlight, which was more concrete than what he saw in the house during the day.

His skin is dark, his nose bridge is straight, his face is thin and long, and his appearance is quite different from that of people from the Central Plains.

But it can't be called ugly, if it is placed among barbarians, it is already extremely good-looking.

Bian Que was taken aback by his huge figure, and took a small step back abruptly.

The man looked at the two with hostility in his eyes.

But only for a moment, the weak look on his face could bury the vigilance.

He looked weak and powerless, and his face was pale.

He turned to lie down in the room he entered, and the two followed him into the room.

Looking around for a week, I found that there was nothing in the house except the rice bowls sent by the monks of the temple.

The man lay down, and his voice was a little tired, "Since you said it can be cured, then do it now.

Bian Que found that his physical condition was very weak and guessed.

He should be deeply poisoned by oleander now, and he is in dire straits.

It took all my strength to stand up and open the door for the two of them just now.

Seeing him in this half-dead state now, presumably they have already regarded the two of them as the last straw, and they are not afraid of Zhao Ze taking him away.

He probably knew that if he didn't make it through tonight, he would die. Was he still afraid of being arrested, since he would die anyway?

Seeing the man lying down obediently, Bian Que forgot to look at Zhao Ze inquiringly.

Zhao Ze nodded, motioning for Bian Que to go over and see the man's current condition.

However, when he came to Jing'an Temple this time, he didn't bring a medicine box with him.

Fortunately, Bian Que always carried the silver needles on his body because he often had to see the Queen Mother.

Bian Que sat on the edge of the bed, first looked at the man's eyelids, and then at the color of his lips.

The whites of the man's eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, and his lips were purple. It was a sign of poisoning.

Then Bian Que took out the silver needle and tentatively probed into the man's breath, only to see that his exhaled breath reacted with the silver needle, and the silver needle turned black.

Now Bian Que was sure, "You are indeed poisoned by oleander."

"And it should be poisoned by oleander pollen, you still have oleander pollen left in your breath."

"The pollen reacted when it touched the silver needles, turning the silver needles black.

While talking, Bian Que took out a new silver needle, first pierced the man's temple, and then the tiger's mouth.

While moving, Bian Que said to the man: "The poison has penetrated deep into the lungs, I will temporarily block your acupoints to prevent the poison from seeping in.

"But you have been deeply poisoned now, and I can't guarantee whether your body will recover to the way it was before after detoxifying you.

The man was already very weak at this time, and he vaguely heard what Bian said: "You just need to poison me.

His body and his people are clearer than others.

Now that he is at the end of his strength, if he can survive, it is considered a life.

"How is it?" Zhao Ze looked around the room and asked.

Bian Que looked a little tired, "The poison has been cured, he is in a coma now, the exact time to wake up depends on his physical condition.

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