Shuang Daqin Comparison, No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 475 Find The Answer From Orchid

When Lin Zhizhou saw her petite body trembling, some people couldn't bear it.

Before putting her on a torture tool, he asked, "Do you know about the sinner Zhao Haitao digging an underground tunnel in Dali Temple?"

Liu shook her head.

Lin Zhizhou asked her about other things, but she didn't know anything.

Seeing that there was nothing to ask, the prison guard beside him asked, "Do you want to go to prison?"

This is the most direct way to end, even a person with an iron mouth has to succumb to these tortures.

These are all life-threatening things.

Lin Zhizhou didn't respond, but looked outside at Zhao Ze who had been looking at the topographic map of Dali Temple.

Seeing that there was no sound inside, Zhao looked up and realized that Lin Zhizhou was asking for his opinion.

Zhao Ze looked at Mrs. Liu, and the three of them were all looking at him at the moment.

Liu's eyes stared at her tearfully as if filled with water.

There is pleading and panic in the eyes.

At this moment, Zhao Ze put down the drawing and walked into the dim interrogation room.

He walked up to Mrs. Liu, bowed his head and asked her: "If you know, just tell me, we 733 will not embarrass you, Zhao Haitao is dead, even if he is guilty, you will not be implicated."

After Yingzheng took the throne, he revised the crime of implicating the nine clans.

If the person involved in the crime did not participate in or know about it, the crime does not implicate the family members of the family.

What's more, Zhao Haitao is already dead.

This matter is more difficult to determine.

As long as Zhao Ze is willing to keep their mother and son, no one has any objections.

Zhao Ze's reassurance seemed to have some effect. Liu looked at Zhao Ze and said, "I don't know what kind of underground passage you are talking about, but I remember seeing him draw a map before. I can't read, but I I know the way to Dali Temple, so I recognized the places he marked on it, I don’t know if what he drew is the underground passage you mentioned.”

This news is a useful point of information, Zhao Ze asked: "Do you remember where the long picture is placed now?"

"Maybe in a cabinet in his study, where all his important things used to be kept, it will be locked, and I haven't opened it, I just think it's there."

Zhao Ze immediately ordered Lin Zhizhou to look for him in the blocked Zhao Mansion.

The Zhao Mansion was sealed off at that time, except for the confiscation of valuable things in the mansion, those worthless things were not moved.

Zhao Ze guessed that the wooden box should have been opened at that time, but there was no money in it, so it was left somewhere.

If you look for it now, you should find it.

Sure enough, Lin Zhizhou came back in half an hour.

In his hand was the wooden box brought back from the Zhao Mansion.

The wooden box had been opened, and the lock on the outside had been deformed.

There are some twists and turns and information about Dali Temple stored in it.

Lin Zhizhou didn't find the map inside at first. He thought Liu's guess was wrong, but he didn't expect that the box fell to the ground by accident and accidentally opened the hidden compartment of the box.

That's how I found this map.

Zhao Ze picked up the map to look at it, and it was indeed the same as the terrain he entered at that time.

The exit and entrance are the same, and they are both in the warehouse behind Dali Temple.

Knowing that this map is correct, Zhao Ze(cfac) suddenly guessed who might be behind this incident?

Why was Zhao Haitao demoted in the first place?

For the circulation of counterfeit money.

After Zhao Ze caught Ah Gusha Luo Chong, although he didn't confirm who was behind the scenes, he also guessed that it was related to Orchid.

Regarding the counterfeit currency, Zhao Ze discovered through careful investigation that Hu Hai had contacts with more than a dozen officials who were demoted.

It shows that Hu Hai is also involved in the counterfeit currency.

It's just that Zhao Ze didn't find evidence, and Hu Hai is now in Longxi, so Zhao Ze didn't pursue it.

Thinking about it now, this underground passage was dug by Zhao Haitao.

This passage leads to Dali Temple.

If people find out that he dug this thing under Dali Temple, they will be beheaded.

So of course he would not easily tell others about it.

Those who can know must be the people who often walk around with him.

And the only person in the palace who can walk with him often is Hu Hai.

From this, it can be concluded that the person who killed Lin Wanwan may be Hu Ji.

Bai Hua was Hu Ji's person and was taken into the dungeon, so she used the underground passage under Dali Temple to rescue him.

But all of this is speculation, and evidence is needed to support it.

Bai Hua has been replaced now, and this map can only prove Zhao Ze's conjecture.

The only thing Zhao Ze can do now is to find the answer from Hu Ji.

Zhao Ze sent Liu back home.

When Zhao Haisheng's mother came back, she hugged her leg and burst into tears.

I saw him crying with snot bubbling, looked up at Mrs. Liu, and said pitifully, "Mom, I'm hungry.

Zhao Ze did not execute Liu Shi, so Liu Shi didn't have any wounds on his body.

Zhao Haisheng was relieved when he saw it.

It has only been a whole day since Mrs. Liu was taken away yesterday.

But Zhao Haisheng was spoiled before, so he can't cook.

He didn't know how to eat even if it was placed on the roof of the house, and he was only six or seven years old.

He had been hungry all day, and his stomach was empty as he spoke.

Liu Shi was trapped in the dungeon and did not eat. .

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