Shuang Daqin Comparison, No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 88 Ying Zheng: My Mentality Has Collapsed! All Assassins! It's Really Not Easy For Me T

And that.

It is Jing Ke who went to assassinate Qin!

In front of Gao Jianli, Jing Ke came over and bowed deeply to the ignorant Ying Zheng: "Your Majesty! The minister is here!"

Hearing the voice, Ying Zheng opened~ his eyes.

Joy said.

"Jing Ke, look, is this your friend Gao Jianli?"

Jing Ke looked at Gao Jianli in embarrassment.

Response: "Return to Your Majesty, I am a good friend of the minister, a best friend."

Ying Zheng praised: "Your friend's singing is very nice, I like it, please ask Mr. Jing Ke to help me ask Gao Jianli to go with me, how about it?"

Jing Ke immediately agreed: "As long as His Majesty likes it! Let the ministers negotiate!"

Gao Jianli was completely dumbfounded.


Jing Ke actually bowed his head and proclaimed himself a minister to Ying Zheng!

What a treat!

Want to do something for Yingzheng?!

"Jing Ke! You're not dead?" Gao Jianli asked in horror.

Jing Ke came over, winked and said: "Gao Jianli, Your Majesty likes your singing, just follow Your Majesty and sing for Your Majesty."

see this.

Gao Jianli half-pushed and half-agreed.

"Is this... okay?"

He doesn't understand.

Why is Jing Ke still alive?

The assassination failed.

Shouldn't he have died on the spot?

The screen changed.

Jing Ke and Gao Jianli rode in the same carriage.

Seeing that Gao Jianli didn't know anything, Jing Ke began to tell Gao Jianli what he saw during the assassination of Qin Dynasty.

"Have you heard of three thousand catties of sweet potatoes per mu?"

Jing Ke asked.

Gao Jianli smiled wryly: "It's all a trick used by the Qin State to deceive people. How can there be something that yields three thousand catties per mu?"


Jing Ke took out a sweet potato: "This is a sweet potato. Try it. It is true that the yield per mu is three thousand catties. I have seen it with my own eyes."

Gao Jianli took a sip in disbelief.


The whole person felt like being struck by lightning, and the pupils shrank sharply.

"Sweet potatoes are so delicious?"

Jing Ke smiled bitterly: "Your expression is exactly the same as when I ate sweet potatoes for the first time.


He took out the booklet again.

"Look at this again. This is something that the people of Qin are accustomed to. Have you seen it?"

Hold it in your hand and try it when you gradually leave.


Gao Jianli is completely stupid!


In this light and insignificant book in your hand!

It was full of words!

It's so dense, it's almost impossible to count!

"This! What is this?!"

"This thing is called a book." Jing Ke said with emotion: "People in the state of Qin use this thing for reading. They don't need to carry a cart full of bamboo slips wherever they go. This small volume can be carried in their pockets and left."


Jing Ke demonstrated it for Gao Jianli.

Pocket the book and it's almost invisible from the outside.

Gao Jianli was overjoyed: "This is a baby!"

"Look outside again."

Open the curtain.

Jing Ke pointed to the people outside.

I see.

The common people were all smiling, and they were testing the newly-installed connecting machine and water mill.

Qin soldiers nearby.

It is patient, demonstrating the use of two kinds of farm tools for the common people.

The people of Yan State kept bowing and thanking him gratefully.

Jing Ke sighed: "In the past, in the country of Yan, did you ever see the people smiling so happily facing the soldiers?"

"Have you ever seen a soldier do something for the people?"

Lie down by the window.

Gao Jianli looked shocked.


He really saw that the people in the field and the Qin soldiers in armor were fighting together!

Whether it is the common people or Qin soldiers!

Everyone is smiling!

"Can you believe that this is the Yan State occupied by the Qin State?" Jing Ke asked with a smile.

Gao Jianli was dumbfounded.

Ever since the state of Yan declared its subjugation, Gao Jianli hid in the tavern all day long, making money by singing and getting drunk.

I don't know anything about what's going on outside.

Now come to the city to have a look.

So surprised!

Jing Ke continued: "I have lived in Qin State for a long time. Qin State is not as cruel as everyone said, full of oppression."

"The people there are self-sufficient."

"Life is very happy."

"At least, I didn't see officers and soldiers bullying the people there, I didn't see the people worrying about the next meal, and I didn't see the people getting burnt out because of the weather."

Gao Jianli turned his head and asked, "So you betrayed Prince Dan and the Yan Kingdom?"

"This is not betrayal!"

Jing Ke explained.

"I just hope that the people of Yan State can live the same life as Qin State."

he recalled.

"At first..."

"The eldest son Zhao Ze asked me if I wanted to end the wars that have lasted for hundreds of years.

"Would you like to let the people of the world eat sweet potatoes and potatoes, so that everyone will be prepared to avenge their grandfather and father without having to be born."

"I said, yes, I want too much!"

Speaking of this, Jing Ke looked at Gao Jianli.

"But how?"

Gao Jianli was also stunned.


How do we do this....

"We must fight, we must destroy the six countries and unify them!"

Jing Ke replied: "This is Zhao Ze's original words! He said that only war can be the most direct and effective way to unify the world and let the people of the world live a good life for the people of Qin!"

Gao Jianli was silent.


If not for war.

What other method can be used to end the melee and let the people of the world live a better life?

is it peaceful


Zhou Chao has already spoken out.

The desires of the princes and kings are infinitely inflated, they cannot be inferior to others and accept peaceful coexistence!

"That's why I came to Yan Country this time..."

Jing Ke put away the things and said with a smile, "It is entrusted by the eldest son Zhao Ze to spread everything about Qin to the people of Yan."

"I am Jing Ke, the meaning of existence in the future."

"It is to let the people in Yandi live a good life like the people in Qin State."

Seeing Gao Jianli in a daze.

Jing Ke held Gao Jianli's hand.


"Gao Jianli, let go of your grudges.

"His Majesty the First Emperor, and His Royal Highness the First Prince, are all saints!"

"Please join me in promoting everything about Qin in Yandi for the first emperor and the eldest son!"

Gao Jianli felt like a stick in his throat.

for the next period of time.

Gao Jianli followed the convoy, walked around the country and looked around.

When it was found that the people had no worries about food and clothing.

The hatred in his heart finally let go.


In the convoy, there was a sudden resounding song.


No longer as sad and sad as before.

The tune sounds full of energy and joy.

In the carriage.

Ying Zheng lifted the curtain and said with a smile, "Gao Jianli, is he finally willing to change to a new song? Yes, I still like songs with a cheerful atmosphere!"

The screen darkens.

Everyone was immersed in Gao Jianli's cheerful tune.

for a while.

Unable to extricate themselves.

: "Gao Jianli survived!"

: "Gao Jianli from another world was burned to death, but Gao Jianli from Zhao Ze's world was persuaded by Jing Ke?"

: "Is this the charisma of Zhao Ze!"

: "Compared to Zhao Ze's world, people are treated more kindly!"

Gao Jianli of the original Daqin was killed.

And Gao Jianli, who became a big Qin, was also influenced.

Compare the two together.

It seemed that Yingzheng of the original Great Qin was acting more fiercely and decisively, and at the same time, it also highlighted the gentleness and tolerance of Zhao Ze and the others.

Turn enemies into friends!

This is the highest state!

How many people in the world can do it?

【Ying Zheng】: So, Gao Jianli also wanted to assassinate Lian?

Yingzheng people are stupid!

Why are there so many assassins around me!

In the past, I only felt that there were so many talents around me!

But after comparison.

He just found out.

It turns out that all around me are fucking assassins!

All of them are my son, Zhao Ze, suppress them, influence them, and use them for Qin!

【Wang Ben】: Gao Jianli is also an assassin?!

[Li Si]: Woohoo! There are too many assassins around His Majesty!

【Xia Wuqi】: It is not easy for His Majesty to live for so many years......

See Xia Wuqi's words.

Ying Zheng almost burst into tears.


It's really not easy for me to live so easily for so many years!

All the assassins were stopped by his own son!

Otherwise, being assassinated twice in three days, I really can't bear it!

[Gao Jianli]: I am willing to go back to the countryside! Please punish me, Your Majesty!

Gao Jianli is pure-hearted and ascetic.

After doing so many things for Qin and the people of Yan, he also felt a little tired.

Because of the lessons learned by Jing Ke.

So Gao Jianli also took the opportunity to apply for dismissal and return to his hometown.

[Ying Zheng]: Even if you don't tell me, I will degrade you as a commoner!

The original Daqin.

Seeing that Gao Jianli was still alive.

Not only did he not assassinate, but he even played for Yingzheng for many years with peace of mind, helping to manage the people in Yandi.

Ying Zheng over there was almost out of control.

[Ying Zheng]: Why is it that I am the only one who has encountered so many assassins and suffered so much!

[Ying Zheng]: As soon as the assassin meets Zhao Ze, will he turn around and help you?

[Ying Zheng]: Is this fair?

[Ying Zheng]: This is not fair!

This moment.

Ying Zheng felt that he was being targeted!

Assassins want to kill themselves!

But will do things for another self!

This makes him very embarrassed!


A new contrast emerges.

Ying Zheng of the former Great Qin begged in his heart, why don't we stop comparing!

Can't win at all!

The screen appears.

this time.

It is in Xianyang Xinggong.

In the brightly lit hall, the monarchs and ministers were having a long talk.

Everyone sat on the ground, looking at each other.

There are many delicacies in front of you.

Everyone just ate happily and chatted while eating.

After taking a bite of the fruit, Yingzheng said in a calm tone: "After the east tour, I found that the country is stable and there are no remnants of the six kingdoms making trouble. Now, it is time to think about how to manage the old land of the six kingdoms."

A plain sentence.

...asking for flowers...

In the hall.

But it sounded like a thunderbolt.

The courtiers who were chatting cheerfully just now suddenly fell into silence.


Ying Zheng spoke again slowly: "Are you adopting the prefecture and county system that Qin has always used?"


"Continue to use the enfeoffment system of Emperor Zhou?"

no doubt.

This question is of great concern to all the courtiers.

after all.

This is about their future!

To know.

The officials of the prefecture and county system are appointed by the royal family and can be decided by a single sentence

No matter how high the sky is, how far the earth is, you must listen to the emperor's words.


These courtiers.

In the future, there is no guarantee that future generations will inherit their official positions.


The courtiers, whose main body is the aristocratic family, naturally opposed the prefecture and county system with all their strength.

what they want most.

It was the enfeoffment system of the Zhou Dynasty!

Just imagine.

As a minister of the first emperor, he must be controlled all his life, including future generations.


It's different when you get a fief!

In the fiefdom, you can form your own army, and you can set the system by yourself. You don't need to be under the jurisdiction of the first emperor, and you only need to pay tribute every year.

more importantly.

They get the fief, and the descendants of future generations can inherit the glory and wealth on that land!

Be a minister.

Still be the emperor.

Is this really worth choosing?


Immediately, a minister suggested: "Your Majesty, let's continue to use the enfeoffment system of the previous dynasty!"

Chun Yuyue nodded in support: "That's right, the world is so big, it's really difficult to be governed by His Majesty alone, it's better to divide and govern."


Wang Jian pondered for a moment.

He also stood up and said: "Your Majesty, I think the enfeoffment system is better."

Why did he fight so desperately?

It's not about rushing to divide it!

He is a great hero!

As long as the enfeoffment system is implemented, his father and son will definitely receive a large territory!

Ying Zheng smiled.

"Fusu, what do you think?"

Fusu naturally supports his teacher with all his strength.


Fusu is a benevolent and friendly elder brother.

He is also thinking about his younger brothers.

"My son thinks!"

"It should be as my teacher Chun Yuyue said."

"Imitate the Emperor Zhou!"

"Divide the world into many small countries, and hand them over to the descendants of the royal family and the great heroes of Qin to manage."

"As for my state of Qin, I only need to make regular internal donations."

Fusu said it.

Almost all the courtiers nodded in agreement.

This is exactly what they wanted...

In the hall.

There were only a few people with stiff faces.

These few people are all opponents of the enfeoffment system, and they are also solid supporters of the county system.

For example.

Zhao Gao and Li Si.

Zhao Gao and Ying Zheng are of the same family, but Zhao Gao is the descendant of the sinner.

According to the ritual system of enfeoffment.

As a descendant of a sinner, Zhao Gao could not enter the court as an official, but could only be demoted to a commoner.

But Zhao Gao got the light of the reform.

Because of the reform.

Therefore, Zhao Gao didn't have to bear the sins of his predecessors, and could serve as an official with a clean background.


Zhao Gao is definitely a staunch supporter of the reform.

Without the reforms at the beginning, Zhao Gao would not have achieved what he is today.


I have been in Qin for so many years.

On his own, Zhao Gao climbed to the position of CRRC's magistrate step by step. He usually offended many people, and he didn't have a famous family behind him to back him up.

He doesn't want these people who are officials with him.

Suddenly, he became the princes and kings of various places.

And I was just a courtier.



He was originally a legalist, promoting the legal system.

Moreover, Li Si didn't have a big influence in Qin, and he was single and weak, so the enfeoffment system didn't do him any good.

Therefore, Li Si was also an opponent of enfeoffment.


There is one more important person.

That is--

Ying Zheng!

Ying Zheng naturally knew what the courtiers were waiting for.

Wang's father and son.

Montessori Brothers.

The descendants of the Ying family.

What do these people want, can the talented Ying Zheng not know?

I want to pack it!

I want to get my own land and be my own king!

Want to expand the army and re-enact the chaos of the Spring and Autumn and Warring States period!

I want a certain descendant in the future to be like Qin, sweep the world and become the co-lord of the world!

But Ying Zheng!

Is it possible to give them such an opportunity?

At the beginning, he tricked them into working for the Qin State desperately in order to obtain the fiefdom.

Now work is over.

It is impossible for Ying Zheng to fulfill his promise and give them a fief, right?


Ying Zheng glanced at Li Si.

Li Si understood immediately.

He stood up and clasped his fists.

"I think the county system is more appropriate!"

"At least implement the system of prefectures and counties. In the future, there will be no more chaos of vassal states attacking each other."


"Hundreds of years later, everything in history will be repeated."

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