Shuang Daqin Comparison, No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 94 I, Zhao Ze, A Wealthy Businessman From The Central Plains! I Hope You Will Change Rice To

Zhao Ze, who is familiar with history, knows.

Baiyue is a dangerous place, the native thieves there are deadly!

According to records.

In the year when the Qin army invaded, it easily occupied many territories.

But then.

The small nations of Baiyue formed an alliance.

Relying on the advantages of the terrain, he fought a guerrilla war with the main force of the Qin army!

Guerrilla warfare, brother!

How fierce is it, anyone who has read modern history knows it?


Not surprisingly, Qin Jun suffered a big somersault in the second year.

Then Qin Jun upped the ante.

How far did they push the soldiers of Baiyue?

Hiding in the trees and attacking, the dense jungle battlefield is full of various traps. The Baiyue soldiers even joined forces with wild beasts and used wild beasts to attack the Qin army. Even if they were caught, the Baiyue soldiers refused to surrender.

Does it feel familiar?

American soldiers got into the woods in Yuenan and fought for so many years, did they lose their temper after being beaten?

Not to mention the current Qin army.

call over!

Crushed by troops, you can definitely win!

But definitely a big loss!


Don't say you have sweet potatoes and potatoes, the mountains are high and the roads are far away, the terrain is rugged, and it is impossible to transport them there!



The climate in the south is hot, and it’s fine in winter, but in summer, it’s too hot to wear armor and go into battle!

Have an iron sword?

It can help Qin Jun win easily, but it will not be too easy.

Qin cavalry?

Baiyue is all mountainous, and there are dense deep mountains and old forests everywhere, and cavalry can't run at all.


Fighting against South Vietnam is not as simple as everyone thinks.

Even the army under Zhao Ze will suffer a big loss there.

And Zhao Ze.

Naturally, it's not the kind of idiot who can use his mind to win but doesn't use it, but wants to pile up corpses.

with minimal cost.

Trade for the biggest wins!

Is this uncomfortable?

No "600" has passed Yingzheng's circle: "Ze'er, the economic war is..."

This thing is a concept of a technological society, even if Zhao Ze told him, he would not understand.

So Zhao Ze waved his hand.

"Father, leave it to my son, you don't need to fight Baiyue.

Although curious.

But Zhao Ze said so, and Ying Zheng didn't want to object anymore.

In short.

He believes.

My big son should be able to give myself another surprise.

A blink of an eye.

Zhao Ze has ordered officials across the country to collect mulberry seeds.

Wait for enough mulberry seeds to be collected.

Zhao Ze took the army, disguised as merchants, and carried a large amount of grain and mulberry seeds to Baiyue countries.

See this scene.

The original Daqin people were all confused.

【Hu Hai】: What is Zhao Ze doing? Doing business with the natives of Baiyue?

【Fusu】: It seems that they want to do business...

【Li Si】: Mulberry seeds, food? To be sold to the natives of Baiyue?

Everyone was puzzled.

As I said before, it is obviously to attack Baiyue.

But Zhao Ze's posture doesn't look like he's going to attack

[Ying Zheng]: How to fight the economic war? I don't understand.

for them.

War is only at the level of white knives entering and red knives exiting.

As for the deeper level.

Public opinion war?

economic war?

Culture war?

Of course they don't understand.

How could the ancients of this era have thought that in a technological society, a cartoon could achieve political goals.

An American science fiction blockbuster that discriminates against Asians.

Can Asian fans not hesitate to insult their home country, but also to justify the name of this sci-fi movie?

can only say.

War in a technological society is pervasive and terrifying.

The original Daqin.

The screen lights up.

The 400,000 Qin army and the 100,000 Chu army in the compilation.

Divided into five armies.

Under the leadership of Tu Sui, Zhao Tuo served as the deputy general and advanced to the Baiyue area.

The army used Chu and Jiangxi as a springboard.

The soldiers are divided into five groups.

Follow the established plan.

When there is no important battle, the five armies play their own games and do not interfere with each other.

If you encounter a major battle.

The five-way army must find a way to converge and unite into one rope to fight.

On the first route, Tu Sui personally led an army of 100,000 troops.

Due to the blockage of news from South Vietnam.

So it is not known that Qin has launched an attack.

When Tu Sui appeared in a nearby small country with a large army, the royal family and people there were all brainless.

"Where did this army come from?"

"Notify the general!"

"People from the Central Plains are calling!"

The 100,000 people led by Tu Sui took a country by surprise.


The country here naturally cannot be compared with the big countries in the Central Plains.


Tu Sui was still proud.

"How can a small country stop me, Great Qin?"


Tu Sui continued to lead an army of one hundred thousand to fight.

With no difficulty, Dongou and Minyue were wiped out.

Good news came.

Hearing that the Qin army had destroyed two small countries, many ministers in the court congratulated each other.

How long has it been?

three months?

Just destroyed two small countries!

According to this progress, Baiyue will be wiped out within two years!

Ying Zheng was even more energetic.

"Tell Tu Sui, I will give him whatever reward he wants when he comes back!"

"Let him continue to maintain this state until all the small countries of Baiyue are wiped out!"

the other side.

Tu Sui who got the news was even more proud.

Great success!

Let his confidence also begin to swell.

Tu Sui sat proudly on the throne of the royal family, looking down at the members of the royal family who were regarded as barbarians by the Central Plains.

"The First Emperor of my Great Qin Empire decreed!"

"In your place, set up a county, named Minzhong County!"

"My 100,000 army will stay here for a long time to ensure that there will be no chaos in the palace."


The other four armies did not have such good luck.

In the deep mountains and old forests.

Zhao Tuo wiped the hot sweat from his forehead.

He took off another piece of clothing.

"This damn place is really hot, and there are a lot of mosquitoes, look at my body, it's full of bite wounds.

The deputy beside him also sighed: "General, there are mountains everywhere here, and there are many rivers. The army has only advanced ten miles in so many days, which is really too slow."

"There is also food and grass."

"The carriage is too big, and it is even more inconvenient to pass."

"There is a difference of seven miles between our marching team and the team delivering food and grass."

Zhao Tuo was upset.

"Hold on!"

A blink of an eye.

Tu Sui, who established Minzhong County, left 100,000 troops in Minzhong County to suppress the local area.


Tu Sui came to the second army with some cronies.

He wanted to lead the 100,000 troops and continue to attack the small countries along the way.


Other small countries are already on the defensive.


This time Tu Sui led an army of one hundred thousand to attack a small country.

The nearby small countries all united to form an alliance to resist the 100,000 army.

They take advantage of things like terrain.

No confrontation.

Just do sneak attacks.

Moreover, he always chooses Qin Jun to sneak attack when he is resting.

this time.

Tu Sui led troops to fight from autumn to winter.


The local winter climate is not too cold.

Therefore, the soldiers of the Qin army can still stand up and continue to deal with the local aborigines.


Winter goes to spring.

The weather is getting hotter.

In the warm season, there are more mosquitoes.

In addition, the corpses were piled up in the mountains, so the plague also became popular among the Qin army.


In the military tent.

A small soldier said urgently: "The leader of the coalition army, Yi Yu Song, sent people to rob our army of food and grass! They also cut off the food road!"


Tu Sui slapped the table angrily and got up.

"This translator Song is really annoying. He never leads troops to fight our army head-on, and only does these sneaky things!"

The terrain of Baiyue is rugged.

The rations were difficult to deliver.


Qin Jun was basically hungry.

Coupled with the plague or something, the morale of the Qin army was dropping rapidly.


Translated and called on the Song Dynasty to rob the Qin army's food and grass, cutting off the food road.

Qin Jun will be hungry for a long time.

He can't hold back anymore!

Not to mention soldiers, he, a general, wants to return to the Central Plains as soon as possible, and doesn't want to stay in this hell on earth for a minute longer.

Tu Sui forced himself to calm down.

Then he took out a silk book.

Suppressing the anger in his heart, he wrote a letter to Ying Zheng.


Ying Zheng, who was far away in Xianyang, received Tu Sui's call for help.

see the letter.

Ying Zheng's expression was also extremely gloomy.

He folded the silk book into a ball, and said in a sullen voice: "One year has passed, and the four-way army has been stuck in place!"

"Food and grass are not enough!"

"The plague is rampant!"

"The local natives harass me frequently and cut off my food supply!"

"Could it be that my 400,000 army is really going to be beaten back to the Central Plains by the tens of thousands of natives here!"


Li Si tried to ask about the situation of the 400,000 troops.

After learning that the greatest suffering of the Qin army was the poor transportation of grain and grass, and the frequent shortage of grain.

Li Si proposed immediately.

"Your Majesty, the southern mountains are high and the waters are far away."

"Since the land route is not smooth, it is better to dig a river and transport grain by water."

Ying Zheng frowned.

"This is a way!"

Then Li Si took the initiative to invite Ying: "I am willing to go to Baiyue to survey the river course, find out the most suitable waterway for the Qin army, and then choose a place to dig."

Become a big Qin.

Collected from many sources.

Zhao Ze rushed to the Eastern Ou Kingdom with a caravan full of loads.

The Eastern Ou Kingdom, which is the closest to the Chu State, is Zhao Ze's primary goal. As long as he can establish a commercial relationship with the Eastern Ou Kingdom, the next few small countries will be no problem...

After a long journey.

The caravan finally arrived at the Eastern Ou Kingdom with a lot of supplies.

And Zhao Ze came to the palace of Dongou Kingdom as a businessman.

Said it was the palace.


More like a more luxurious mansion.

The small countries of Baiyue, which are located in a remote place and have a difficult living environment, do not have the rich financial resources of the countries in the Central Plains, so they are allowed to flourish Yuhe.

As for the country's statement.

Zhao Ze thinks.

It is actually more appropriate to describe it as a large-scale tribe.


The aborigines here hardly have many official positions.

The bureaucracy is incomplete.


Really almost the same as the original.

After waiting for a while.

Someone took Zhao Ze to the palace.

I see.

In the living room, the king of the Eastern Ou Kingdom, Chiguo

body, waiting for Zhao Ze's audience.

Zhao Ze smiled and walked over.

First bow and salute.

Then he introduced himself: "Your Majesty, I am a businessman from Chu, and I am new to Guibao, hoping to make a deal with you.

The king glanced at Zhao Ze's tall body.

This Nima!

Central Plains people are really strong!

The king looked at himself again, he was dark and thin, and not tall...

no way.

Their supplies were scarce and they were malnourished.


Certainly not as tall as the Central Plains people.


"What kind of deal do you want to make with this king?"

Zhao Ze turned around and motioned for someone to bring the things up.


Several soldiers dressed as peasants came up carrying bright silk and satin, and placed them in front of the king.


Zhao Ze grabbed another handful of jewels and sprinkled them on the silk.

Gold, jade, silver, pearls.....

see these.

The king's eyes widened!

He stretched out his hand, stroked the silky satin, and grabbed a handful of jewelry, his expression full of enjoyment.

For him, the tribal chief.

This is simply a great wealth!

"My lord, these jewels are my welcome gift." Zhao Ze said with a smile.

The king was overjoyed, "It's all for me?"

Zhao Ze nodded: "It's all yours, Your Majesty."

The king smiled from ear to ear, and then asked: "Then tell me, what deal do you want to make with me?"

See each other like jewelry very much.

Zhao Ze said with a smile: "I am a silk merchant, and I need to raise silkworms to weave cocoons. There are too many silkworms raised, and there are not enough mulberry leaves to eat, so I can only buy them from other people's homes.


"You can order the people all over the country to sow mulberry leaves, and I will buy them at a high price!"


Zhao Ze took out a few mulberry leaves from his pocket.

The king frowned.

"From it, it turns out that there is a vast land and abundant resources, so you can't buy mulberry leaves, so you still need to come to us to buy them?"

Zhao Ze smiled wryly and said, "Your Majesty, I don't know that the Central Plains has been fighting for years, and the crops have been destroyed. The mulberry trees planted this year will be destroyed the next year."

"Where Your Majesty is here, there is no flames of war in a corner of Pian'an."

"Besides, there are many mountains and few flat lands, which are suitable for planting mulberry trees."

That's why I took the risk to meet you. "

The king nodded slightly.

He does know that the big and small countries in the Central Plains have been fighting, and the common people have suffered heavy casualties.

This statement did not arouse the king's suspicion.


Here comes a new problem.

"If we planted mulberry trees, how much money are you going to spend to buy mulberry leaves?"

Zhao Ze smiled and said, "One hundred taels of mulberry leaves can be sold for one tael of silver!"

The king was overjoyed when he heard this, and asked again: "How many mulberry leaves can be picked every year for that one mu of land?"

Zhao Ze estimated: "One mu of land can pick up a thousand taels!"

The king simply did the math.

He was surprised to find out.

If calculated in this way, one mu of land can be sold for ten taels of silver!

If you can grow food.

Hundreds of catties of grain per mu of land can be sold for less than five taels of silver!

This profit is double that of food!


As Zhao Ze said.

There are too many mountains here, not suitable for growing food, but mulberry trees can be planted on the mountains.

Whether it is from a monetary point of view, or from an environmental point of view.

It is more suitable for planting mulberry trees....

The king is moved!


In the room behind the king, a woman stepped out.

The woman lay on the king's ear.

He reminded in a low voice: "There is not much land for grain, if mulberry trees are planted, what will the people eat next year?

The king was taken aback.

He shook his head and said, "I'm afraid not!"

"My wife said, if everyone plants your mulberry trees, the common people will not be able to eat food."

Zhao Ze smiled.

clapped hands.

Several servants came with several bags of grain and put the grain in front of the king and his wife.

"Food is worthless in the Central Plains."

Zhao Ze said.

"We can sell food to you at a very cheap price.

"It's a win-win."

"I can buy the mulberry leaves I want from you, and you can make a lot of money, and then use small money to buy food, how about it?"

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