Shura Emperor

Chapter 1548: repair

The kidneys, liver, gallbladder, spleen...the internal organs are repaired one by one, and the time it takes is getting shorter and shorter, from eight years to seven years, and from seven years to five years.

Eighty years later, Shi Hao finally repaired all his organs.

Then there are the limbs, the head, which is even faster, and it only took ten years to get it all done.


Shi Hao stirred his heart and began to spurt blood.

Immediately, blood flowed and spread throughout the body.

His heart made a loud drum-like sound, and his skin suddenly regained its blood color and began to glow with vitality.

Body, recovered!

Shi Hao breathed a sigh of relief, and the next thing was the soul.

Soul, this is a very fragile thing. If you are not careful, something big will happen, and it will be irreversible.

Come, soul reorganization!

However, fail, fail, fail!

No matter how many times Shi Hao tried, the newly reorganized soul was quickly broken, and there was no hope of success at all.

Shi Hao was patient and tried again and again.

However, the result is the same.

Moreover, unlike repairing the body that takes a long time, reorganizing the soul is an instant thing, but the same is true for failure. In a short period of time, Shi Hao has tried hundreds of thousands of times, but all ended with the same result.


It can't go on like this!

The reason why the soul can still be reorganized now is because Shi Hao bound the soul fragments with Xiaoxingyu, preventing them from overflowing, and secondly, the supreme medicine he took before is working, so that the soul remains kept alive.

However, once the potency of the big medicine is over, the soul fragments do not need to be scattered, and will directly wither, even if they are bound by Xiao Xingyu, what is the use?

Therefore, there is not much time left for Shi Hao.

How to do?

How to do it?

Shi Hao thought hard, this was related to his small life, and if he failed a few times, he would really be dead forever.

Little Xingyu!

In his heart, this is the only way.

Although Xiao Xingyu was created, he has always been used by Shi Hao as a means of offense and defense, and his connection with him is not very deep.

However, this is another world. In theory, Shi Hao can become the master of heaven and earth, and he is on an equal footing with the entire immortal world.

You see, before he set foot on the muddy road, his body and soul were instantly annihilated, but the wisp of soul hidden in Xiao Xingyu was protected, which can be proved, Xiao Xingyu's level is high.

He has not developed all the power of Xiao Xingyu.

In one's own world, life and death should be completely controlled by oneself, isn't it very simple to restore the soul?

However, as before, he and Xiao Xingyu seemed to be two individuals, and they were released and used when needed.


In fact, Xiao Xingyu was originally created by Shi Hao and is a part of him. How can it be integrated?

That's because this fusion is not thorough enough.

Shi Hao wants to make himself Xiao Xingyu, and Xiao Xingyu is also him. After reaching this stage, he is the real world master, who controls his own life and death!

After making this decision, he temporarily put aside his plans to restore his soul, and instead made every effort to promote the fusion of Xiao Xingyu and himself.

Fortunately, he made the right decision before and restored his body. Otherwise, how would he integrate with Xiao Xingyu if his body was torn apart?

Under the impetus of Shi Hao, the fusion proceeded.

How do the stars and planets in the small universe combine with the body?


Some cells have the power of stars and become stars, some have the power of planets and become planets, and some cells become comets, dwarfs, and black holes. Countless stars and planets form galaxies and galaxies. A bright world is being formed.

Before that, although Shi Hao could attack people with stone **** and the law of the sun, but since this is a law, it must be virtualized and belong to the spiritual level. But that doesn't change their essence.

Different now, each dharma form is combined with the cells in Shi Hao's body to materialize the virtual dharma form.

As has been said, the soul is the core, but the body is the foundation.

Now, the dharma has completed the transformation from the virtual to the real, and it has also combined the virtual and the real. It has both the core and the foundation. This is the perfect state.

Shi Hao nodded secretly, if he hadn't "died" this time, he might never have discovered that this is the perfect state of Xiao Xingyu.

No wonder, Xiao Xingyu finally lacked something, making him not feel like a real world.

That's right, how could it be called the world only with a virtual soul?

Soul, regroup!

Shi Hao thought, and the broken soul was reorganized again, and his soul was also integrated into it.

My world, life and death are up to me!

Om, the soul is moving, and it is also full of vitality.

It worked!

Om, Shi Hao opened his eyes, and two rays of light shot out, piercing the sky.

At this moment, Shi Hao seemed to penetrate the barrier of the fairy world and saw another Stone! "The purple-gold rat's cry sounded, and the rat was extremely excited.

For more than a hundred years, Shi Hao has been sinking into a state of silence, with only a trace of life flowing.

Fortunately, it later saw Shi Hao's body glowing with vitality, but the soul was always in a broken state, so it still couldn't rest assured.

until now.

Shi Hao, come back to life.

"I'm scared to death!" Zijin Rat let out a long sigh of relief, "In the future, I'm not allowed to scare me like this again, not even once!"

Shi Hao smiled slightly: "Okay!"


There was a strong aura in his body, and the whole person became unstable.

This is... a breakthrough!

Shi Hao laughed, he really didn't expect that he tried so hard to break through the eighteen stars, but he obviously just wanted to save himself, but he was able to break through by accident.

Also, compared to truly integrating a world, what are the eighteen stars?

Shi Hao immediately began to break through, which was not difficult at all, but after half a day, he successfully entered the eighteenth star.

Next, it is the quasi-immortal king.

This is easier to handle. There is no limit, and there is no physical tempering. As long as you can keep up with your perception, you will naturally be able to improve step by step, and soon reach the nine-step level.

Therefore, Shi Hao is only one step away from the Immortal King.

What makes Shi Hao curious is, if he becomes a quasi-immortal king, can he fight against the immortal king?

It doesn't make sense, he has already cultivated into a quasi-immortal king, but is it only the combat power of a quasi-immortal king?

Stay tuned!

"Little Stone, is this a disaster for you?" Zijin Rat muttered on the side, "Hey, it's strange, how can you give the master the feeling that you have changed your personality this time?"

Geez, this guy's feeling is quite sharp.

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