Shura Emperor

Chapter 623: The royal garden!

For other peaks of Guanzizai, the difficulty of impacting the casting of the royal court lies in how to construct the royal court.

This royal court is at the soul level, not the substance, but is formed by the will of martial arts and soul power.

Therefore, when a martial artist has a sufficient understanding of martial arts, it can naturally be accomplished overnight.

Build one royal court at a time until it is complete.

However, Shi Hao is different.

He only has one soul island now, and theoretically he can only build one royal court.

Then... what should he do?

After completing the first royal court, directly break through to the temple?

In theory, this is feasible, because he only has one soul island.

However, if he really made such a breakthrough, then his combat power of the same rank would definitely drop a lot.

You know, he has cultivated ten soul islands, and he has combined all the laws into one. What is the picture?

Stronger combat power!

Therefore, now he is naturally unwilling to just improve his cultivation realm, while ignoring his combat power.

However, Shi Hao did not have no idea about this.

I can't form nine or ten royal courts, but my soul island is super large, and the royal courts that can be constructed are far greater than others' royal courts.

This is one of them. The second is that if the royal court is built large enough, the foundation will naturally be solid, so he can cast the second layer of royal court and the third layer of royal court.

——The number can be less, but if I stack more layers, isn’t it just as awesome?

Therefore, Shi Hao has great ambitions. He wants to build a royal court that covers the entire Soul Island.

What is the foundation of the royal court?

Legal phase.

Therefore, the royal court has the form of fierce beasts, the form of weapons, and the form of mountains and rivers, all of which vary according to the law.

What about Shi Hao's dharma image? All beings!

How is this going to be set up?

Shi Hao pondered, the law is too good, although the cast royal court is awesome, but it faces challenges when constructing.

Constantly trying and failing, Shi Hao finally determined the final plan.

He turned Xiao Xingyu into bricks to build the royal court.

This is terrifying.

Xiao Xingyu was originally a combination of ten elements, carrying all of Shi Hao's dharma signs, and now it has to be compressed into bricks. How many "bricks" will it take to pile up the entire royal court?

You must know that everyone else has come to the Soul Island one by one, and every time a royal court is built, it only needs to be based on a dharma image, but what about Shi Hao? That number alone has multiplied tenfold.

What kind of expensive project is this?

Fortunately, he has dragon pith fruit.

He doesn't care about the improvement of his physique. Although the body of the dragon family is strong, his ten sun body is not weak at all, and even surpasses it. After all, this is only a three-clawed golden dragon.

All the essence of the dragon pith fruit was turned into energy, which was used by Shi Hao to build a small star, and then piled up the royal court.

This is a time-consuming and long-lasting project, but everything is difficult to start. As long as the first layer of the royal court is cast, it will be easy to use in the future, and the efficiency will be greatly improved.

In a flash, five months have passed, but Shi Hao is only halfway through.

This is not to violate the rules of the academy. If you do not enter the elemental burrow for half a year, you will be punished by the academy.

However, the rules of the academy are not immutable. For someone like Shi Hao who has an impact on a big realm, the academy even gave a three-year buffer period to allow students to break through with peace of mind.

Besides, Shi Hao has repeatedly entered the elemental burrow before, killing countless enemies, and the contribution value is the most intuitive proof. For such a hero, the academy will open the door for convenience.

Therefore, Shi Hao didn't have to worry about the time it took for him to break through, causing him to be expelled from the academy.

Take it easy.

Although he said to himself that he was taking it slow, in fact, the speed was not slow at all, but accelerated.

——He must race against time to tie Shi Zhong in realm as soon as possible.

That is really a peerless evildoer, he has won too much praise, and there is no false person under his reputation. Shi Hao also regards this person as his biggest enemy.

Finally, nine months later, Shi Hao was released.

Wang Tingcheng!

Shi Hao stood up, showing a satisfied smile.

Now, he is a king!

If you put him back in the East Fire Continent, then he has already stood at the pinnacle of this land and is unmatched.

This is the cast royal court.

Shi Hao opened the domain, and suddenly expanded from a distance of ten feet to a hundred feet, which is the limit that soul power can reach, and a royal court emerged, which seemed to be translucent, and a faint starlight flashed on the wall.

This is natural. Of course, among the small stars, the number of stars is the largest. When so many are superimposed, they will naturally emit starlight.

How terrifying the power would be if the royal court made by so many little stars was smashed out?

Shi Hao couldn't help but smile, but then he frowned.


He was wrong.

He always thought that under the stack of numbers, two must be greater than one.

However, Xingyu is different.

If he wants to form his own world, that one is enough, and it can only be one.

Now, he has piled up so many small stars, it seems that there are too many, but it deviates from the original purpose.

Shi Hao immediately sat down again, and found that he was going in the wrong direction, that must have been corrected immediately.

He began to melt the "bricks" so that they became one.

After two full months, Shi Hao was done.

The royal court is still the same, exuding a faint starlight, but it has already overlapped into one.

He will always only have a small star, and only develop a world, but one day, he will become a self-contained body, detached from this world and not controlled by this world.

Shi Hao walked out and looked at the world.

Obviously this world is no different from before, but now in Shi Hao's view, it is full of differences.

—Any matter reveals its essence to him.

For example, Xu Zeqi was walking towards him. Shi Hao only needed to use his soul force to sense it, and the other party would show water, bones, trace metals, and a powerful soul fire in another way.

So, he just waved lightly.

"Huh?" Xu Zeqi exclaimed, he found that his crotch was actually wet!

Rely on He is so old, how can he still be incontinent?

He hurriedly screamed and turned around and ran.

Shi Hao nodded, after achieving the forging royal court, he can control any substance.

Of course, the premise is that the other party is weaker than you.

"Boy, you're really a black belly!" Zijin Rat appeared, lying on Shi Hao's shoulder, with an old-fashioned look.

Shi Hao glanced at it, and couldn't help but be surprised, "It's been a year, but you've only upgraded from soul-cultivation to view of freedom?"

This guy was bred in the blood of Xianlong's heart. His innate foundation is amazingly strong. He seems to be an old monster reincarnated. fly.

For others, it would be ridiculously fast to improve two realms a year, but for this mouse, it was too slow.


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