Shura Emperor

Chapter 654: monarch

A few days later, Shi Hao and the three came to Hua'an City, the imperial capital.

After these few days, Shi Hao also learned that he is now in the Tianshuang Kingdom of Chaobaixing.

Unlike Genting Star, which is dominated by Zongmen forces, and the state organization is pitiful, on this star, the state is the mainstream and orthodox.

Tianshuang Kingdom is not a big country, and the strongest in the country is only a great sacrifice to the sky. Therefore, Tianshuang Kingdom can only be called a dynasty and is attached to the Lion Kingdom.

The Lion Kingdom, also known as the Lion Dynasty, has the powers that take over the sky, and above the Lion Kingdom, there is the Rising Dragon Kingdom, also known as the Thanglong Empire. .

Layer by layer, with clear barriers.

Some time ago, the old monarch of Tianshuang Kingdom went on a personal expedition and fought against neighboring Huafang Kingdom, but was ambushed.

Therefore, for this throne, the princes will of course have to fight.

Among them, the eldest prince and the fourth prince are the most powerful, because they themselves are the existence of the great sacrifice to the sky. In this world where strength is respected, they can of course gather more talents.

After fighting for a while, all the other princes gave in and started to stand in line, and the fourth prince gradually had a tendency to win.

Therefore, the eldest prince jumped over the wall and wanted to kidnap the only son of the fourth prince, turning the situation around in one fell swoop.

Chang Feng originally thought that bringing the prince back to the imperial capital was the last blow to the first prince.


After entering the imperial capital, he was surprised to find that the eldest prince had fallen, and the fourth prince had ascended the throne.

This made him very at a loss, and he didn't have anyone to report the news, because he couldn't believe anyone, what if instead it attracted the crazy encirclement and suppression of the first prince's line?

Therefore, the fourth prince should not know that the prince has escaped, so why did he fight the final battle with the first prince?

Well, the eldest prince must not be able to threaten the fourth prince with his own son, so the fourth prince will let go of the fight without any scruples, yes, it must be so.

Chang Feng so comforted himself.

He went out to inquire, and it turned out that the first prince would lose so quickly because the left minister who had been supporting him suddenly changed his ways.

——In the Tianshuang Kingdom, there are only seven people who are big sacrificers to the sky. Before, two supported the eldest prince, two supported the fourth prince, and one remained neutral.

But once Zuo Xiang changed the object of his support, the strength comparison between the eldest prince and the fourth prince directly changed from three to three to two to four, which was a doubling of the difference.

Therefore, the first prince was suddenly defeated like a mountain, and was overthrown overnight.

The eldest prince was killed, and the big sacrifice to the heaven who supported him also chose to swear allegiance to the fourth prince. There are too few such top powerhouses, and every one of them is extremely precious. How can they kill them indiscriminately?

If it weren't for the special status of the first prince and he had to be killed, the fourth prince naturally hoped that Tianshuang Kingdom would have one more great sacrifice to the sky, not one less.

Chang Feng went to the palace, took out his waist badge, and after proving his identity, he, Shi Hao, and the young man in brocade clothes were immediately summoned.


They came to a side hall, with guards standing on both sides, and at the end was a simple throne, sitting on it was a middle-aged man wearing a flat crown, dressed in a black uniform, full of majesty and murderous aura.

The young man in Jinfu immediately ran over, and as soon as he ran there, he pointed at Shi Hao and said, "Father, this man won't kneel when he sees me, you should kill him quickly!"

——He was used to calling his father the king, and he didn’t have time to change his words.

"Meet Your Majesty!" Chang Feng knelt down on one knee and quickly explained, "This is Shi Hao, before the first prince sent someone to hunt down the prince, oh Bu Chujun, it was all because of Shi Engong's shot that he saved him. son."

The man in Gunfu was obviously the fourth prince—that is, Taida, the monarch of the Shuang Kingdom today, he waved his hand and said, "Take the prince down to change clothes."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Immediately, a maid came over and took the young man in brocade away.

"Father! Father!" The young man in Jinyi struggled, but his cultivation was too weak, how could he break free from the maid of the other side.

He was taken away.

Shi Hao looked at the new prince, clasped his fists and said, "I'm going to Shi Hao."

"Chang Qing, tell me everything about the situation at the time!" Taida said.

"Yes." Chang Feng respectfully agreed, this His Majesty was already very majestic, but now that he has become an emperor, his aura is even stronger, making him dare not even look directly at him.

He recounted the situation at that time, and it was extremely detailed.

Hearing that Shi Hao killed Tai Wuji in an instant, Taida raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at Shi Hao.

How could he not know Tai Wuji's strength?

However, Shi Hao is also casting a royal court, and even he has a feeling that the other party has not yet cultivated to the Nine Kings Realm.

He hasn't reached the Nine Kings Realm yet, but he can easily kill Tai Wuji, a master several times stronger than the ordinary Nine Kings with one move?

Hiss, this kid is a bit evil.

"You saved my son, what reward do you want?" Taida said to Shi Hao, with a mighty voice that naturally had a powerful aura.

Shi Hao shook his head: "No need."


Chang Feng was surprised, weren't you very rude before, how do you know how modest you are now?

Oh, I see, that's because His Majesty's majesty is too high, and Shi Hao is also in awe.

"Why not?" Taida smiled, "Do you think I can't satisfy your wishes?"

Shi Hao spread his hands: "The kid I rescued isn't His Majesty's flesh and blood, why do you have the nerve to ask His Majesty for a reward?"

hey hey, what are you talking about?

Chang Feng began to sweat, are you saying that His Majesty was wearing a green hat?

You are really bold, you dare to say such things, are you not afraid of death?

TEDA was not angry: "Why did you say this?"

"First, before the unfortunate child was delivered, His Majesty has already dealt with the eldest prince, and he has no fear at all. This is not the practice of being a parent." Shi Hao analyzed, "I was thinking at the time, is this for His Majesty's use? Substitute."

"Until just now, the unlucky child ran to His Majesty, but His Majesty's eyes were only calm, and there was even a hint of disgust. I knew that this kid was really just a substitute."


Chang Feng spurted out violently, his face full of incredulity.

The person he sacrificed his life to protect is actually just a stand-in?

He can't take it!

He looked at TEDA, hoping that the monarch could categorically deny it.

"Hahaha!" TEDA laughed, "Yes, yes, young people today are really scary. I started planning when Kang Er was born, and found a baby who just gave birth to replace him, and Kang Er was raised in secret. "

"Sure enough, I competed with the boss for the throne. The boss immediately thought that he would use Kang'er to threaten me, and for this reason, he paid a lot of money to bribe the people around me, and made many shots."

"I already had the upper hand, and if the boss divides the manpower like this, of course, it hastened his failure."

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