Shura Emperor

Chapter 744: tied for 1st

With Shi Hao's strength, as long as he doesn't step on the trap, he can catch up with anyone.

Therefore, even if it is an acceleration trap or an invincibility trap, he does not need it. As long as it is a trap, he will avoid it.

Guarantee this, he will be able to win the first!

Now that he has only run one third of the race, he can still catch up and win the first place.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

He ran over all the way, and no one could stop him. If he tried to stop him, every chariot in front of him would only be smashed.

At the forefront, Weng Nanqing was about to be caught up again.

No way, although her strength is not weak, but the chariot has not been properly transformed, it can't bear too strong power, so now it is crumbling and may collapse at any time.

She has spare energy, but dare not use it all.

Just then, she stepped into another trap.

"Invincible Trap!"

"Incomparably lucky girl, she stepped on another invincible trap!"

"She can speed up and extend her lead again!"

Under invincibility, she completely ignores any traps, and does not have to worry about the chariot falling apart, so she can naturally soar to the extreme.

Shi Hao was speechless, his luck was definitely sucked up by Weng Nanqing.

Soon, he made it to the second tier, and then returned to the first tier.

There is a field to clear the way, and he avoids all traps.

"Hey, if the masked dark horse player is assisted by God, he actually avoided all the traps."

"It's a miracle!"

"You know, how many traps has he stepped on before?"

"I changed to another player and stepped on so many unfortunate traps. Not to mention staying in the first echelon, it is not bad that the chariot can still be maintained."

"This player is simply synonymous with inspiration."

"Could it be that he really has a chance to hit number one?"

Listening to Pei Xuehai's shouting, the audience was also very speechless.

Shi Hao is really unlucky enough, how many traps he has stepped on along the way, and now he can still remain in the first echelon, I have to say that this person's strength is really strong.

However, can he hit number one?

Now ranked first, but with super luck, either acceleration or leap, and invincibility, how does it compare to such a lucky person?

At this point, the race is half over.

Players from all walks of life also began to use their unique skills automatically.


The chariots galloped wildly, and under the powerful load, the chariots themselves were trembling, as if they were about to burst.

Sure enough, the skeleton of the chariot is too ordinary after all, and there is a limit to strengthening it, and it cannot withstand such an outbreak.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Several chariots collapsed, and the people above either rolled down or stood upright, depending on the strength of everyone's cultivation.

Shi Hao saw that some chariots were equipped with formations, and now that they were activated, the spirit stones burned rapidly, turning into amazing power, driving the chariots to rage.

It's not that he didn't think about such a method, but the chariot has so little space, and the reinforcement and the arrangement of the formation are in conflict. If you want to strengthen and arrange the formation, you can only take care of both ends, and it is difficult to achieve a balance.

Shi Hao used all the space for reinforcement, anyway, his strength is strong enough, enough.

Now, everyone is starting to sprint, and the crash rate has also greatly increased, but within a dozen breaths, at least a quarter of the chariots have exploded, and the number of contestants has also dropped sharply.

At this time, the strength of the contestants can be seen.

Even if some people blow up the car, it is still okay to lose one or two wheels. They use their own strength to forcibly control the car body so that it does not collapse, but they must maintain high speed and guard against traps. When you bump into people, there are too few people who can take care of them.

Therefore, the number of contestants is still further reduced.

Some of them couldn't hold it, some crashed, and some stepped on a trap. There are fewer and fewer chariots on the track, but those who can still exist and stay in the leading position are all super geniuses.

Such as Xia Mengyin, such as Xiao Jiu, Xiong Bin, Shi Tangyin, they are all outstanding in the temple repair, and they are only one step away from achieving the great sacrifice to heaven.

These super geniuses formed the first echelon together, and the leader was Weng Nanqing, but because her chariot was too impractical to transform, once she lost the blessing of invincibility and other effects, she was gradually drawn closer by everyone.

The end is not far away.


"The game is about to end!"

"Weng Nanqing is still in the lead."

"This girl is really lucky. Since she took the lead for the first time, she has not given up the first position."

"However, when we get here, there are no more traps."

"In the final sprint, who can come out on top?"

"Hey, my God, what did the old man see?"

"The masked dark horse chased after him again, so fierce - he hit Shi Tangyin! It's over, Shi Tangyin's chariot broke down and he lost his qualification for the competition."

Pei Xuehai shouted loudly, as if this was not a racing competition, but a fierce competition for martial arts.

Shi Hao snorted and continued to accelerate.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Even if he didn't have the "invincible" trap blessing, he also showed invincible power, and there was no opponent at all when he collided.

He is too strong, and under the shroud of power, the chariot is indestructible.

Xiong Bin, the first student of the Sword Palace in the past, but what about it, when he hit it, the car turned over.

Xiao Jiu, once the first sword of the Sword Palace, was also turned over by Shi Hao's car.

Only when he bumped into Xia Mengyin, Shi Hao showed some mercy and didn't let her fall too badly.


Xia Mengyin stood still and stared at Shi Hao's back. The special sensitivity of women gave her a strong sense of familiarity.

Could it be... he's back?

This time, only Weng Nanqing was left in Shi Hao's former convenience.

He smiled, what was the difference between his daughter-in-law winning the championship and his first?

However, when Weng Nanqing was about to reach the end, she suddenly stopped.

She smiled at Shi Hao, the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

I am your wife, willing to stand behind you and let you win all the glory.

Shi Hao also smiled, there is no difference in this kind of number one, who would take it differently?

He also stopped, and then kept pace with Weng Nanqing, and they both reached the finish line at the same time.

tied first.


Who would have thought that would end up like this?

"Haha, what a surprise! What a surprise!" Pei Xuehai laughed, "One has the strongest luck and the other has the worst luck, but these two people can finally join hands to be the first. With such a result, who would want to get it?"

"Let's congratulate Weng Nanqing and this masked dark horse!"

At this point, the chariot race came to an end.

Shi Hao was about to take off the mask and reveal his identity, but saw Shi Tangyin striding over.

"Miss Weng, and this one—" Shi Tangyin nodded towards Shi Hao, "The chariot race is just an appetizer, and the next is the real martial arts. Are you two interested in participating?"

.. m.

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