Shura Emperor

Chapter 796: altar

When everyone entered, Xu Zhong also rushed in, but did not retract the noose.

It doesn't matter, the ghosts don't have a physical body, so they can't pull the rope.

- unless they can occupy a body, alive or dead.

Everyone had already agreed that if anyone died in battle, the others would immediately put away their corpses, and would not give the ghosts a chance to take advantage.

Leading the charge was Yellow Arrow.

He is a disciple of the Purple Wind Sect. It has been several years since he entered the third sacrifice, and he could have broken through it long ago, but he is not reconciled.

If he makes such a breakthrough, his future achievements will at most be the way to the sky, and his ambitions are even greater.

Therefore, he has not moved according to the realm, in order to sacrifice one more time, and obtain the tempering of the power of heaven and earth four times.

Otherwise, what about the road to heaven, it can only rot and stink in the mortal world.

Huang Jian's realm is the same as Xu Zhong, but his combat power is only three sacrifices, unlike Xu Zhong, whose combat power is as high as four sacrifices.

Therefore, he was careful.

Suddenly, a ghost floated up.

This seemed to sound the horn of an attack suddenly, and suddenly saw a large number of ghosts floating up and turning into human forms, obviously without facial features, but Huang Jian could sense that these ghosts were staring at him.

"Be careful, the ghost has awakened!" he cried.

The voice only fell, and I saw that these ghosts were like turbulent sea water, rushing towards them.

Huang Jian let out a loud roar, and shot out his palms, triggering the fire element, turning it into a wave of fire, attacking the ghost.

——Yin souls do not have a physical body, so no matter how powerful they are, they cannot be killed. They must use the power of elements or rules. If the two are combined, the effect is particularly good.

He is three sacrifices, and with one blow, a piece of the ghost falls down.

First, the realm of these ghosts is too low, and secondly, they have been trapped here for too long, and the energy has passed away so violently that they will naturally not recover.

Others also shot, the field opened, the power of the elements turned into various forms, and the "life" of the ghost was harvested to the fullest.

However, the ghost is really a living body, does it have the concept of life?

While Shi Hao shot, he was thinking.

It wasn't the first day he had dealt with the ghost, but he still didn't understand where the ghost came from and what the meaning of existence was.

Also, the places where the ghost appeared several times seemed to have caused catastrophe.

Needless to say, the ancient world, the entire world was destroyed, and here, the entire imperial capital was also turned into a dead city.

What did the ghost do?

Or is it that too many people die, attracting ghosts?


Shi Hao sensed that someone was staring at him.

- Kan Haoming.

This guy really didn't give up, he wanted to take the opportunity to send himself into the ghost pile.

Is it a direct counterattack and pushes him into the ghost pile, or is it a plan to take advantage of this opportunity to disappear?

He has an immortal residence, which can be hidden in the pile of ghosts. If he waits for an opportunity, he can pose a huge threat to both the ghosts and Kan Haoming.

Well, if you stay with these people, some cards are not suitable for showing.

OK, decided.

Everyone moved forward, all with the strength of the Great Sacrifice to the Heaven, and there were even four sacrifices. Such a team, not to mention all the Great Sacrifice of the Che Ping, don't have to be afraid even if they encounter a ghost who has ascended to the Holy Throne, they can fight.

Besides, these ghosts have slept for too long, and their energy has been drained so much that even the ghosts who have ascended to the Holy Throne, how much more combat power can they have?

Therefore, the team is arrogant and arrogant, advancing all the way, unstoppable.

It didn't take long for them to break out of the passage, and a huge square appeared in front of them.

Hey, in the underground space, there will be a square?

In the middle of the square, there is also a high platform, which is tapered, but the top is flattened to form a small platform.

However, when everyone looked around, they were all gasping for breath.

There are scattered bone racks all over the square, and from the density of the corpses, the corpses were thrown from the high platform, so they formed a dense distribution in the middle and sparse outside.

"Is this a blood sacrifice?" someone hissed.

Everyone has a heavy expression.

Like they are all sacrificed to the sky, and they have also experienced a sacrifice, but it was a sacrifice based on their own understanding of martial arts, in exchange for the quenching of the power of the sky, in order to achieve a jump in the level of life, similar to the way of heaven.

In history, there are also some great sects who have made sacrifices, using heaven and earth treasures as sacrifices, in order to change fortune for a certain force or a certain region.

However, sacrificing by killing living things is totally irrelevant, it must be sacrificing to some evil existence, not the sky.

The point is, it was already the ancient emperor's dynasty at the time, and there was a great power in the building of the ladder, but blood sacrifices were required. What was the picture?

Just thinking about it is creepy.

"This is an empty city. We originally thought that the ancient Emperor Dynasty encountered some great enemy before evacuating all the residents, but now... it is very likely that they were all brought here to sacrifice." Someone said, The voices were trembling.

Everyone didn't mean to look down on him, because a powerful imperial dynasty actually wanted to sacrifice in such a way, and the truth behind it was absolutely terrifying.

Although countless years have, everyone still feels chills all over.

"No." Another humane said, "Although the number of corpses here is quite large, it is far from the number of a city."


This attracted a lot of people to nod, there are at least tens of thousands of corpses here, but to say that an imperial capital has a scale of tens of thousands of people, this is too shabby.

"This is only the first floor, there are many more layers below." Xu Zhong said.

Hearing this, everyone felt a chill again.

If there are many layers, the number of blood sacrifices will skyrocket, hundreds of thousands or even millions.

Right at this moment, I saw that among those withered bones, one after another of ghosts rose up, and some ghosts tried to control a corpse, but too many years passed, and the corpse fell apart with a snap as soon as it stood up.

"Be careful, the terrain here is open, and we have no danger to defend." Xu Zhong reminded, "When we get here, no one can do their best. It doesn't matter if you die, you destroy the defense line and kill other people. That's the biggest thing. sin!"

Everyone nodded, although they were all the favored sons of the sky, and they had stepped on the threshold of the great sacrifice to the sky, and they could be called masters in the entire Xingyu, but it was because of this that they cherished their lives even more.

The good days have just begun, how can one die here.

But they can't hold back their desire to improve their strength. Although this place is dangerous, they are also going forward bravely.


A piece of ghosts fell down, but there are too many ghosts here, and the open terrain really increases the difficulty of everyone's defense, making everyone feel like a mountain.

It's no wonder that the Biluo Sect gave up after a single attack. Indeed, it was too difficult to move forward on the premise of only dispatching the Great Sacrifice to Heaven.


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