Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1241: Putuo's death

This Putuo Zhenjun looks miserable. The entire head was shot by Pei Junlin, and now he has become a headless body. However, the light yellow light flashed, and the head of Putuo Zhenjun returned to its original state, and it did not seem to be damaged.

Putuo Zhenjun turned his backhand, and the whole body suddenly swelled with a huge breath. Pei Junlin feels that Putuo Zhenjun has turned into a tornado.

"One step into the true monarch is a world, and you will always be a ants in front of me." Putuo Tianjun's eyes flashed indifferently, and once again gathered his hands to capture Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin was also hit by a real fire, he used all means, but did not expect that in the end he did not cause any damage to this Putuo Zhenjun.

Looking back, Pei Junlin felt a humiliation in his heart that seemed to be a laughter.

It turned out that all the efforts just made were like being played by monkeys, which made Pei Junlin feel an inexplicable anger in his heart. Seeing that the big hand of Putuo Zhenjun captured it again, Pei Junlin gave a terrifying roar, and the whole body suddenly burst out strongly. Shenhua.

At this moment, the Star Eucharist seems to have broken through some kind of imprisonment, making Pei Junlin's whole body of starlight battles stab people's eyes. The violent outflow of violent mana made Pei Junlin almost become a star person, and even more stars shining down on the nine days.

With the spear in the sky and the sky full of Shenhua, Pei Junlin turned into a beam of light and rushed towards the thug of Putuo Zhenjun instantly.


Putuo Zhenjun's big hand was directly pierced by Pei Junlin, Pei Junlin broke through Putuo Zhenjun's hand and was flew out, the mixed-life magic gun in his hand even stabbed a long gun shadow.

"Five Lei Zhengtian Runes!" Pei Junlin took the opportunity to strike a rune of thunder and lightning seeds, and instantly hit Putuo Zhenjun's body.

The light blue thunder ball burst into the room, and the face of Putuo Zhenjun suddenly changed, and a whole body of thunder and lightning was crazy to use.

Putuo Zhenjun is worthy of being a master of the level of the true king. With a big wave of compressed energy in his palm, he suddenly rushed towards Pei Jun. A real balloon exploded around Pei Junlin, and the exploded Pei Junlin dizzy.

But he deserves to be a star sacred body, and his body is so cohesive and arrogant. In front of this violent compressed real balloon explosion, Pei Junlin can stabilize his figure.

At the same time, the Neihe Bridge at the foot also gave Pei Junlin a powerful maneuvering ability. Naihe Bridge suddenly shocked, directly penetrated the space, and instantly came to Putuo Zhenjun.

In a blink of an eye, the two changed from attacking each other to close melee combat. Pei Junlin observed for a long time before, and he believed that the real body of Putuo Zhenjun was extremely fragile.

Pei Junlin is now a lion fighting rabbit, and he is not a prince, but that rabbit must have all kinds of top tactics and strategies.

Among all the dead roads, seek a trace of life, and seek to defeat Putuo Tianjun’s life.

"Useless, everything will end, you are just a ants." Putuo Tianjun still expressionless.

A yellowish shield appeared in front of a mouth, and he resisted Pei Junlin. Pei Junlin also knows that the strength of Putuo Tianjun is unfathomable. If he didn’t want to catch himself alive, if he wasn’t afraid of Jingtai Xuan, he might have died countless times.

"Jinde Emperor cut." Pei Junlin shouted.

Jinde Emperor Yuanshen immediately appeared behind Pei Junlin, forming a tall figure, and even wielded a knife in his hand. This knife light is not a real knife light, but a silver sphere.

Sword Qi condenses into a ball, which contains infinitely sharp gas of Gengjin. This is what Pei Junlin now understands about Emperor Jinde.

Daoguang exploded on the earthy shield in an instant, and directly exploded the shield. And Pei Junlin took advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to suddenly use the Buddha's magical power.

This time Pei Junlin used the Great Buddha Finger, which was completely different from all previous Great Buddha Fingers. Pei Junlin’s use of this magical power was driven by mana, so although the power of the Great Buddha’s finger was powerful, it did not reach the ceiling.

This time, it was completely different from Pei Junlin's wish to instantly consume the whole body, and gave this finger. The golden Buddha is very huge, just like a golden pillar, striking hard towards the Putuo Tianjun.

Eighteen Buddhas chanted in the midair, while Pei Junlin sacrificed the mysterious string of beads.

The power of the Great Buddha not only exceeded Pei Jun's imagination, but both Tantai Xuanxuan and Putuo Zhenjun showed a look of consternation. No one thought that Pei Junlin had played such a powerful move with sincerity.

This big buddha's finger strikes the world, and even the true king's blow is no more than that. This time, Real Putuo did not dare to neglect. A strong momentum erupted around him, his hands constricted, and a barrier of true qi appeared in front of him.

The Buddha said that the fierce bombardment exploded above this barrier, and Putuo Zhenjun flew out as a whole, and the person spewed red blood in the air.

Almost for a moment, Putuo Zhenjun appeared much older, with many wrinkles on his face, and even some white hairs, which looked like an old monkey.

Pei Junlin only remembered the deity of the Putuo Zhenjun. It should be a monkey of the golden monkey family. It is also expected that the current body was seriously injured and the vitality declined.

This Putuo Zhenjun was damaged in front of Pei Junlin. The physical injury was not serious, but the frustration in his heart was extremely serious.

Almost in a moment, Putuo Zhenjun built self-confidence for hundreds of years. At this moment, he was defeated, and a monk of the real **** realm could actually hurt it. This was a huge blow to Putuo Zhenjun.

However, Pei Junlin did not stop the pace of the attack, and once again photographed the big handprint of the Buddhist door. The golden palm print was shocked under the blessing of the Buddha like a mountain.

The big handprint does not completely radiate the Buddha's light, half of the power is completely composed of magical energy, which contains some power of the Great Destruction Palm.

The so-called yin and yang have two poles, and the power of the two poles is unfathomable. Pei Junlin's palm is the power of Buddha and magic.

Two unmatched forces.

Together, they formed a mysterious force, centrifuged each other, suddenly shot out, and the world was falling apart. Putuo Zhenjun had just been injured by the Great Buddha Pei Junlin's finger, and he has not yet fully reflected it. The palm seal that fused together the big shattered palm and the big handprint instantly blasted down and was shot on Putuo Zhenjun's body.

"Ah!" Putuo Zhenjun didn't even think that Pei Junlin's attack was like a storm.

As soon as he hit a big Buddha finger, the big fingerprint between his eyes struck again, and he gave a violent roar.

At the same time, Naiqiao suddenly flew from Pei Junlin's feet and slammed into Putuo Zhenjun. Pei Junlin wanted to take advantage of his illness and kill Putu Zhenjun alive.

Naihe Bridge slammed into Putuo Zhenjun's body fiercely. A gray power suddenly enveloped Putuo, and Zhenjun wanted to pull out his true spirits.

Naihe Bridge directly enveloped Putuo Zhenjun's political and economic sides and launched a tug of war.

The character of the true monarch level can withstand the power of the bridge even if he is seriously injured. Pei Junlin's body leaped over to Putuo Zhenjun in one step, and the palm of his hand exuded the cold starlight, just like the morning of Xingchen. Punching fiercely at the position of Putuo Zhenjun Dantian.

Even if Dantai Jingxuan in the distance looked shocked, he did not expect Pei Junlin to be so strong. Although Putuo Zhenjun is nothing at the level of the true monarch, he can only be regarded as the lowest-level figure, but the huge gap between Tianjun and the real **** realm, Pei Junlin actually crossed directly. It was incredible to beat a true monarch in an instant.


Putuo Zhenjun seemed to feel the threat of life and death, the vitality of his whole body violently worked, and finally reacted. The whole body was full of anger and shocked suddenly. Naiheqiao and Pei Junlin were thrown out at the same time.

At this time, a blue water ball suspended above Putuo Tianjun's head suddenly exploded, and the surroundings instantly turned into a sea of ​​ocean. The tide of the sea surged towards Pei Junlin in space.

"Be careful, this is not a simple water, but the Black Prison King Water. If you are contaminated with this water, it will immediately corrode flesh and blood, and even life will be corroded and withered." Jinye's voice came , Quickly remind Pei Junlin to pay attention.

Mr. Pei Junlin froze a little, and soon roared loudly, offering out the golden Yuanshen, the Emperor Yuanshui of the Water Emperor, and instantly rushed into the vast water.

The Emperor Mingde of the Yuan Dynasty commanded all the water elements in the world, even if the black prison king was big?

After seeing the water, the Emperor Yuanshen suddenly rushed into the surging waves, UU reading www. suddenly shuddered, and the turbulent waves began to rotate around the emperor Yuanshen.

The black water was rolling like a wave forming a water at the foot of Emperor Yuanshen, which condensed into a mountain. Dashan slowly condensed and eventually became a solidified throne.

In this scene, in the eyes of Putuo Zhenjun, he showed a very shocking look, and now there are only three spheres above his head, leaving only a turquoise sphere.

"Little beast, I didn’t expect you to have become a climate, but you won’t be able to live too long, the entire earth will soon be destroyed, and all the powerful people in the entire southeast star field have reached an agreement. Within two months, Ironhoof It is necessary to step into all the rivers and mountains of the whole earth." Putuo Tianjun's eyes showed a very angry and stubborn look, and he fled when he turned around.

A powerful person of the true monarch level was defeated and humiliated by Pei Junlin, and he could only flee from the desert now. Putuo Zhenjun's inner mood affected him.

The other party could not stop Pei Junlin, he could not even catch up with the speed, but beside him there was a top strong man such as Dantai Jingxuan.

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