“The treatment of the private army is so good, my squadron can participate, but only the squadron leader. The squadron lost many people in the battle, and there are many vacancies for the squadron leader. Promote Hake to the position of squadron leader as soon as possible.” Rogers himself has a good treatment, of course he can’t forget his good brother who risked his life to save him

“Take them there in the afternoon.”

Rogers took Hake and several other trusted team leaders to the internal training ground in the afternoon, but they were stopped before they entered.

Rogers could go in, but the team leaders still needed to be inspected. After that, he took Hake and the other four away. Rogers knew very well what the so-called inspection meant. It was to instill in Nataya the concept of her own people and tell them what they needed to do. There would be no danger unless they were really spies, so Rogers let Hake and the others be taken away.

Rogers walked into the training ground alone. Everyone was doing daily training, running 100 laps in the morning and doing 2,000 push-ups in the afternoon. After that, they could train freely.

In the afternoon, they did push-ups. Now there were several rows of people lined up on the training ground, and they were all going up and down.

“Hey, Rogers, good afternoon. A squadron leader greeted Rogers.

“Good afternoon, have you finished your daily training? Rogers was about to start doing push-ups.

“I’m here to remind you that in addition to daily training, everyone has to play five games against people in the same position every day, and someone will register them, and they will be ranked according to the number of wins and losses every week.”The squadron leader said

“Ranking? Will there be any punishment or reward?” Rogers asked

“Of course there are. Battles happen between people of the same position. For example, squad leaders can only fight with squad leaders. The guy who ranks in the bottom 10% of the weekly win-loss ranking will be challenged by ordinary soldiers as punishment. If he loses, he will be removed from our team. If he is in the bottom 10% of the squadron leaders, he will be challenged by the top 10% of the squad leaders. If he loses, he will be demoted.”

“The reward for the top 10% of squad leaders is naturally the opportunity to challenge for the position of squad leader, and for the top 10% of our squad leaders, the reward is to receive one-on-one instruction from the captain, and even Lady Nataya will teach us personally.”The squad leader explained it to Rogers in detail.

“OK, I understand. Rogers nodded to show his understanding.

Isn’t this similar to the promotion and relegation battles in his previous life? The last few will be challenged, and the first few will have the opportunity to be promoted.

“Are we starting today?” Rogers asked.

“Yes, today is Monday.” The squadron leader smiled, and said with a bit of ill intention,”But Rogers, you have to be careful, we guys are very good at taking care of newcomers, and he is an injured newcomer.”

After saying that, the guy patted his butt and walked away

“Well, haha, just let them have a try.” Rogers smiled indifferently, his injuries were almost healed.

He was still clear about the strength of the squadron captains, and he was definitely the best among them. As for the captain, as long as he was not a guy like Heroth, Rogers felt that he could still give it a try.

Now that he was full and energetic, he easily completed his daily push-up training and began to look for a challenge.

You can refuse a challenge, but you must register five battles today, otherwise you will be directly judged as the loser if you have not fought.

Then Rogers began his own challenge journey, which can be said to be a sweep all the way!

As Rogers himself estimated, he was already very strong among the squadron captains. He might not be able to do it in human form, but he could definitely slaughter all the way in human-beast form.

“Too strong! Is his body made of steel? Damn, wooden weapons can’t hurt him at all!”The first squadron leader who was defeated by Rogers collapsed.

The training ground can only use wooden weapons, and they don’t know how to use armed color domineering, so they can’t break Rogers’ human-beast form’s defense at all.

“Damn it! Is your ability really animal-based? Why is it as hard as steel!”The second losing squadron leader felt pain in his fist after the fight. When he hit Rogers, it was himself who was hurt…

In fact, they were not strong enough. For example, Heroto, even if he only used his fists, could cause considerable damage to Rogers.

“I can’t beat you, I really can’t beat you, I will never challenge you next time.” The third squadron leader who lost almost doubted his life.

“Are you a monster? Such powerful strength and defense! It’s terrifying!”The fourth losing squadron leader was killed instantly by Rogers with one punch.

“Is this the beast form? How can it be so huge? It’s simply a monster! A monster!”The fifth losing squadron leader didn’t want to see Rogers anymore. In the battle with him, Rogers used the beast form, and a ten-meter-long giant white tiger appeared on the training ground, which scared his opponent silly!

The last slap resolved the battle!

On the first day, Rogers easily won five consecutive victories!

After the fight, Rogers returned to the training place and digested the gains from the battle. Although none of the five squadron leaders today caused him any trouble, after these five battles, Rogers had a better understanding of his abilities. It is very effective to develop appropriate abilities in battle.

However, there is one thing that Rogers can’t understand…

When he turned into a giant white tiger in beast form, he still had a desire for some metal training equipment next to him and wanted to eat them… He had this feeling when he tried his ability last night, and he thought it was an illusion, but he had it today too, so… There is indeed a problem!

Rogers’s face is very strange…

Why do I want to eat metal?

It should be because of the ability. I don’t feel anything when I am in human form, but I have a strong desire when I am in beast form.

Rogers tried the human-beast form again, and the desire was still there, but it was not as strong as the beast form, and it was completely controllable.

Rogers’ beast form white tiger stared at a small dumbbell, wanting to take it or retracting his claws. Do you really want to eat it?

Forget it, forget it, forget it first. What if I can’t digest it after eating it?

I can’t help it! Change back quickly!

Thinking about it, Rogers’ beast form white tiger almost couldn’t help but start eating, and immediately changed back to human form, and the desire disappeared.

No matter what, eating metal is still too strange, Rogers can’t accept it at all…

Can I really digest it if I eat it? What will happen even if I digest it? Is it really good for my body?

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