At dinner today, Rogers had an unprecedented appetite! His already terrifying appetite doubled again! He even ate three high-grade ores, weighing three kilograms!

After eating, Rogers returned to his tent, fell on the bed and fell asleep.

But his body was not asleep. With sufficient food and metal supply, Rogers’ stomach was like a furnace, burning his body, and every cell was greedily absorbing.

The wounds on his body healed quickly, the fractures gradually recovered, and the bruises on his face slowly faded…

The next morning, when Rogers woke up again

“Hmm?” Rogers felt his arms and legs, touched his face, got off the bed, and jumped on the ground twice. He felt no discomfort.

“Is this all right? It turns out that I am already a pervert.……”Rogers was surprised by his abnormal self-healing ability.

Rogers waved his arms, did a few chest expansion exercises, and picked up the wooden box containing high-grade ore beside the bed with one hand. He felt that it had become lighter.

No, it was not that the wooden box had become lighter, but that his strength had become stronger.

“”Through hard work, steel is forged. It seems that Nataya is right. This is indeed a way for me to become stronger.” Rogers thought.

He put down the wooden box and took out a high-grade ore from it. Well, take another one. Let’s eat two kilograms today.

After eating, Rogers walked out of the tent and met a figure he was afraid of.……

“Lady Nataya, why are you here?”

The beautiful and exquisite Nataya was standing in front of Rogers’ tent.

“Of course I came to see how you are doing.” Nataya walked around Rogers, looked him up and down carefully, and said in amazement,”I can only say that it is worthy of being a mythical beast? Tsk tsk, this self-healing ability is too abnormal, isn’t it?”

Nataya was really surprised. Such a serious injury was healed in just one night?

Even for the animal-type mythical beasts known for their body recovery ability, Rogers’s white tiger form’s recovery ability is definitely the best!

“Lady Nataya, is there anything I can do for you?” Rogers said politely.

“You are so boring, calling me”adult” all the time. Wasn’t it good during the fight yesterday?” Nataya said with disdain.

Rogers was a little speechless. Was that a fight yesterday? He was just being beaten.……

“Is there any combat mission?”

They are still on the front line of the war. Although the military camp in Moku Town is safe now, they still have plenty of time to become stronger, but the war has never stopped. The front-line strongholds may break out at any time, and minor frictions are commonplace.

“No, I just came to see you. You recovered so quickly. I originally wanted to train you once a week, but now it seems that the time should be shortened to once every three days.” Nataya’s delicate face was a little excited.

“……”Rogers raised his eyebrows. Isn’t this just changing the beating I get once a week to once every three days?

But thinking of the benefits of being beaten, bah, after a thousand temperings, Rogers still nodded.


“Well, you are a sensible kid.”Nataya smiled with satisfaction. It is not easy to find a sandbag as high quality as Rogers.

Rogers shrugged helplessly. Although he was only beaten yesterday, he always felt that he and Nataya were much closer.

In the next two days, Rogers was immersed in training and fighting.

He became much stronger and won ten consecutive victories in the battle. However, this time, two opponents were very strong. Their Tao power was definitely more than 500, reaching the level of superman. It was quite difficult for Rogers to deal with them in human form, but in human-beast form, it was easy. He relied on his terrifying physical fitness to push all the way.

“Well, ten consecutive wins, easy.”Rogers boasted to Huck while eating.

Well, I finally got my confidence back. I was beaten too badly by Nataya before.……

“”You are amazing, Mr. Rogers. I have only won three games in the past two days.” Huck’s face was bitter.

His record was quite miserable. He had average talent and had not been well trained before. Now, even among the captains, he was in the middle and lower ranks.

“It doesn’t matter, don’t be discouraged, it’s just the beginning.”Rogers encouraged.

He really wanted to help his little brother, but he had no way to help him in terms of talent. He relied on the power of the mythical beast species to completely sublimate. Could he find a devil fruit for Hake to eat?

This idea flashed through Rogers’ mind, but it was just a thought now. Rogers had no ability to find a devil fruit for Hake now. He could try it if he had the chance in the future.

The next day, Rogers’ confidence was shattered again.……

“Damn it! I almost ran into that woman this time!

Rogers walked out of Nataya’s private training ground with bruises all over his body, and his wrist was severely fractured.

Three days later, at the same place

“That shouldn’t be the case. How can someone use the shaving technique in mid-air? Isn’t it possible to use the shaving technique only when you step on the ground at high speed dozens of times?”

This time, Rogers’ face was swollen like a pig’s head.

Three days later,

“I am sure of it! This woman is definitely a Devil Fruit user! Damn, what kind of power is that?”

Rogers didn’t know how many bones were broken, and he left with two black eyes.

Rogers was always beaten by Nataya, and he was very unhappy. As a result, the squadron leaders who fought against him suffered. They were always beaten by him, and he especially liked to slap them in the face…

Therefore, Rogers got a new title in the internal training ground, the Brutal Tiger!

“What kind of a lousy title is this? Cruel Tiger? How am I cruel? That woman is really cruel!” Rogers and Huck complained.

He held back when fighting with the squadron leader, and they just suffered some physical pain at most.

Nataya really beat him to death! Every time he was beaten, he was seriously injured!

“Haha, Mr. Rogers, it means everyone has recognized your strength.”Hack said with a smile, his eyes carrying a little pride.

“Oh? Really?”Rogers blinked.

“Of course, some of the captains I met said that you are so powerful and have been favored by Lady Nataya, so sooner or later you will become the next captain.”Hake said proudly. The captain has a thousand soldiers under him. Even in the entire Mok Kingdom, his power is not small. He can almost be called a senior military official!

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