As for examples of animal-type rampage, the most prominent example is Chopper.

This animal-type Human-Human Fruit has the ability of an ordinary person, hahahaha…

Chopper went berserk at first because he ate three Rambo Pills and turned into a giant human-shaped reindeer, without reason, and his strength and size increased exponentially. Chopper couldn’t control his berserk form for a long time. It wasn’t until two years later in the story that Chopper could control his berserk state for three minutes and stay sane for three minutes.

However, Chopper’s rampage trigger still requires Rambo Pills, a pill that Chopper invented himself.

Rogers gradually realized and understood his situation.

If the medicine for Chopper’s rampage is Rambo Pills, then the medicine for his own rampage is the use of murderous aura and brutal combat!

Next, he needs to figure out how to control his own berserk state. He can’t be weaker than the cute little Chopper, right?

There is one more direction to work hard.

“Fortunately, your rampage was discovered during yesterday’s battle. If you had gone berserk on the battlefield, it would have been a big problem.” Nataya said

“Yes, I didn’t expect that murderous intent would have such a big side effect.”Rogers was relieved.

“In a real battlefield, I may not have a chance to stop you.”

“My injury is also caused by you, you really don’t show any mercy.” Rogers touched his chest and grimaced in pain.

“You are like that, I don’t need to use this kind of power to deal with you, but I can’t stop you.”Nataya said unhappily.

Now Rogers is no longer a weak chicken that she can easily kill in seconds.

“It’s okay, but I feel like I haven’t been able to exercise properly these two days.”Rogers felt a little regretful, at least the injury wouldn’t heal today.

“Occasional rest is also necessary, combining work and rest.”Natalya comforted

“Yeah.” Rogers nodded slightly,”But I still want to thank you for helping me so much.”

“There is no need to say these useless words anymore, they are too boring.”Nataya interrupted Rogers and started another topic.

“Three months have passed since we released the fake news. The rebels have explored many times and we took advantage of the opportunity to capture the Rogers stronghold. I believe the rebels must have realized that our fake news was just a cover.”

“Are they making any moves? In any case, it’s not possible to ambush for three months, right?” Rogers said

“According to our intelligence personnel at Base 3, the number of personnel at Base 3 has begun to decrease, but I don’t think they will leave so easily.”Nataya leaned back in her chair and said leisurely

“What do you mean?” Rogers didn’t think so much, his mind was focused on daily exercise to become stronger.

“The other party suffered such a big loss, what do you think they will do? They are pirates!”Nataya smiled.

“You mean, they will take the initiative to attack us?”Rogers guessed

“We counterattacked their two strongholds. Even if they take them back, they will still be at a disadvantage. The enemy is pirates. If we provoke them, they will not think too much.”Nataya said

“So, here, Moku Town……”Rogers’ expression became serious.

“If things go as expected, they will launch a full-scale attack on Moku Town, and this place will become a battlefield!”Nataya said solemnly,”The fourth battle around Moku Town is about to begin!”

“The Fourth War……”Rogers murmured, feeling inexplicably emotional.

He had not been captured and sent to the army in the first two wars. He only participated in the third battle of Moku Town. At that time, he was just a soldier who survived on the battlefield by luck.

Now it is completely different! He can play a different role in this war!

“What? Are you scared?”Nataya teased

“How is that possible? I can’t wait to join the battle!” Rogers’ eyes were burning.

His soul furnace was still empty and needed the souls of strong men! War was the best way to obtain them!

Besides, fighting with Nataya was considered tempering, and the same was true with fighting with others!

“Is it these few days?” Rogers asked eagerly.

“There is no need to rush, it should take some time.”Nataya shook her head.

“Then I will go back first, take a rest, and continue to train. I haven’t even mastered my Armament Haki yet.”Rogers said

“Armament Haki is the least urgent thing for you. With your physique, it is only a matter of time before you learn Armament Haki. Maybe one day you will suddenly learn it.”Nataya is very confident in Rogers.

“Hahaha, I wish you good luck.” Rogers smiled and waved his hand, opened the tent and walked out

“You will give the enemy a huge surprise on the battlefield later.” Nataya had an expectant smile on her face.


Rogers left the tent and instinctively wanted to head to the training ground. After all, that was where he had trained and eaten before.

“”I’d better take a rest today and heal my wounds.” Rogers shook his head. He had already developed a habit.

But his body didn’t allow it today. He should go back and lie down for a day. Besides, he was still very tired after yesterday’s battle. He was mentally exhausted.

Rogers walked back to the camp and was constantly greeted by the soldiers.

“Captain Rogers!”

“”Lord Rogers!”

The soldiers stopped and saluted respectfully.

“Hello, keep up the good work in training.” Rogers responded with a smile and continued walking towards his tent.

“It was Captain Rogers! The man known as the brutal tiger!”

“It is said that Captain Rogers is as strong as the captain! He will be the new captain soon!”

“Two weeks ago, I took the initiative with Captain Rogers. The enemy was the reconnaissance leader of the rebels, but when he met Captain Rogers, he was killed with one stick!”

“Too strong! Captain Rogers! You are worthy of being the super star of our legion!”

The soldiers discussed Rogers enthusiastically.

Rogers smiled, put his hands behind his head, and walked back to the camp slowly.

He is no longer an unknown captain now, but the strongest captain in the legion!

Rogers led the team in the last five or six operations to eliminate the rebel reconnaissance troops! And they all ended the battle neatly and crushingly!

This made his reputation among the soldiers rise rapidly!

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