“What about you guys?” Nataya asked Rogers and another squadron leader.

“I will definitely join! Lady Nataya! You once saved me, I will definitely complete your order!”Another squadron leader vowed

“”Okay, OK.” Nataya nodded.

In fact, she didn’t remember who the squadron leader was. She had saved so many people that she didn’t remember coming here.

Damn, don’t lick me like that. I haven’t thought about it yet!

Rogers cursed in his heart.

“Then, the last one is you.” Nataya looked directly at Rogers and moved her eyebrows slightly.”You… I seem to have some impression of you. You are the one who has the ability of the tiger form of the animal-type cat-cat fruit? I think your name is something like……”

“Rogers, my name is Rogers. Rogers replied

“Oh, your name doesn’t matter, what is your choice?”Nataya said.

Thinking that Rogers’ ability is pretty good, Nataya reminded him,

“Don’t make a decision casually, think about it carefully~”

Is there any choice?……

“I also agree to be incorporated, Lady Nataya.” Rogers nodded, without showing any reluctance.

He just figured it out. This woman was obviously selecting confidants. She was not stupid. She would not let her confidants die in vain. The safety of Rogers and others was obviously guaranteed. Those who would be used as cannon fodder to die would most likely be those guys who just walked out of this meeting room…

Nataya glanced at Rogers,”Now I remember you, your name, Rogers, and the two of you. I hope you can become my excellent subordinates.”

“Yes! Lady Natalya!”

“Lady Nataya, I will do my best!”

The two squadron leaders replied passionately and saluted.

“I will try my best, Lady Nataya. Rogers also saluted and replied.

“Welcome to join us.”The cold guy Heroto actually smiled.

“What we mean may be different from what you think, hahaha, but you will understand it after a while.”Hans said with a smile

“Yes!”The squadron leader who wanted revenge seemed to understand something and was thinking

“Okay, Captain Herote, Captain Hans!”The other one is obviously still a hot-blooded idiot.

Rogers basically understood that this us is probably Nataya’s private army, or even Duke Amethyst’s.……

“So what should we do in the next battle?” Rogers asked.

“Fighting? Where is there any fighting? No, haha.” Hans smiled.

“Huh? Didn’t you just say you were going to recapture the base?” The hot-blooded idiot was full of doubts.

“I just told them this for them to hear, you don’t have to take it seriously.” Hans obviously talked more than Helot.

“So there is no fighting?” Rogers looked at Nataya and asked as if to confirm.

“Yes, there is no fighting, at least there will be no fighting for some time to come.” Natalya replied

“What should we do next? Rogers asked

“Practice well, your strength is not enough yet.” Nataya obviously didn’t want to explain too much, and glanced at Rogers and the other two,”Rogers’ squadron will be assigned to Hirot, and the other two squadrons will be assigned to Hans, you two should lead them well.”

After saying that, Nataya waved her hand and left the meeting room.

“I still don’t understand, why do we suddenly not have to recapture that stronghold?”The hot science idiot was confused.

“Come on, let me explain it to you.” Hans walked to the podium and pointed to the stronghold that was lost yesterday.”The stronghold in front of Moku Town is actually not that important. We have several strongholds on both sides of it, and we have our people in them.”

“If the rebels attack Moku Town from this stronghold.” Hans pointed his finger from the stronghold to Moku Town,”then this army will be alone in the deep, and our strongholds on the left and right can completely surround their rear. At that time, they will not come to attack, but to die.”

“Oh! So that’s how it is!”The hot-blooded idiot understood.

Rogers touched his chin. There are still shortcomings. After all, he put his vital point, Moku Town, in front of the enemy’s troops. If the enemy is strong enough, he can still tear Moku Town apart.

But it is obvious that Nataya and the others are very confident in their own strength.

“Then why did you bring up this operation at today’s meeting?” another squadron leader asked.

“After we do this, do you think we can keep our actions to retake the stronghold secret and not be known by the rebels?”This time it was Heroto who spoke.

“It should be difficult, the rebels will probably know about it.”The captain thought about it, the captains he knew were all big mouths, not to mention the guys with ulterior motives.

“What will the rebels do after learning this news? Especially when they know that Lady Nataya will act together.”Hiroto then asked

“They will definitely send more troops to the stronghold and defend it strictly, and many strong men will come to deal with Lady Nataya.”The captain answered without thinking.

“If we don’t take action now, won’t their efforts be in vain?” Hans said with a smile.

“Can they keep a large number of troops and strong men in a small stronghold? Impossible! Can the rebels hold out for a month? Or two months?”

“Once they lose their patience and transfer their personnel away, wouldn’t that be the best time for us to retake our stronghold?”

“That’s it. That’s how it is.……”The squadron leader nodded continuously as he listened, and said with emotion,”It’s really amazing, Lady Nataya!”

Rogers thought more than him. In this way, the other side would only guard the stronghold and would not take the initiative to attack, temporarily avoiding all the shortcomings he thought of. Moreover, he held such a meeting to screen the confidants, eliminate dissidents, and find the right time for the next battle. It was simply killing three birds with one stone!

This woman is really cunning!……

“Hahaha, Lady Nataya is indeed the most powerful!”The hot-blooded idiot laughed. This guy probably didn’t understand at all.……

“Okay, you two follow me, you will soon realize that you will be different from others in the future.”Hans waved his hand to the two squadron leaders, signaling them to follow him.

“Oh oh.” The two squadron leaders hurried to catch up.

“Then you are following me, kid.”Hiroto’s cold eyes fell on Rogers. ps: Please give me flowers! Please give me evaluation votes~

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