What's the matter with this little devil? Is he invincible?

""Huh!" Rogers straightened his body. He didn't feel the severe pain he had imagined. His internal organs were obviously attacked, but he could still bear it. The defense of the gold attribute was really powerful!

It was worthy of being the most resistant attribute!

The physical fitness of the fantasy beast species plus the defense of the gold attribute, Rogers' defense was much stronger than he had imagined!

After moving his body, his combat effectiveness was not greatly affected.

"Rogers."Natalya came to Rogers and Brolit.

She looked like she wanted to intervene in the fight between Rogers and Brolit.

"Are you okay?"Nataya asked first.

"I'm fine, did you kill your opponent?"Rogers is in good shape.

"Well, it's been solved." Natalya stood on a rock ruin and looked at Brolit, who was also covered in blood."Do you need my help? Get rid of this guy as soon as possible."

"No, leave Brolit to me, you go help our soldiers, they can't hold on any longer." Rogers shook his head and glanced at the battlefield where the soldiers had suffered heavy casualties.

"Rutgers……"What else did Nataya want to say?

""Nataya, please protect my men." Rogers rushed towards Brolit, holding his halberd tightly.

Nataya smiled dotingly. She was obviously the chief military officer. Never mind, let Rogers fight to his heart's content!

Nataya turned around, moved instantly, and went to support the soldiers on the battlefield.

As Rogers said, the soldiers of their two battalions can't hold on on the battlefield here!

Three groups of enemies, 1,800 people have been involved in the battle, including 600 pirates!

The two battalions were not fully staffed, with only about 1,500 people in total, and they had just experienced a big battle, and lost a lot of personnel.

Now they are not in a numerical advantage, and their opponents are still crazy pirates who are as fierce as wolves and tigers. It is not easy for them to hold on. Several squadron leaders have fallen!

""Stop it! Master Rogers hasn't lost yet! We absolutely cannot lose!" a squadron leader screamed bloody

"That's right, Rogers will definitely win! We just need to hold on!"Huck knocked down a pirate with a grim look on his face.

"Stop the pirates! If we win this battle, we will be the heroes of the Mok Kingdom! We can't lose!"

"Lord Rogers will definitely lead us to victory! We can't hold him back!"

The soldiers and captains roared in a low voice. Rogers is their belief!

Rogers hasn't fallen yet! Then they haven't lost yet!

"Good morale!" Nataya rushed over and was surprised by these tenacious soldiers."I didn't expect that Rogers has such cohesion now. It's really impressive!"

With a satisfied smile on his lips, he looked at the rebels and his smile turned cold.

"Now that I'm here! Then you should be prepared to accept the sanctions!"

Nataya instantly moved to the pirates, and a powerful blue telekinesis burst out!

"Telekinesis. Impact!"

"Bang!"The telekinetic shock wave covered an area of 40 to 50 meters around, and more than 30 pirates nearby were swept away! All of them vomited blood and flew backwards!

The ground seemed to have been plowed!

Rogers asked me to protect you, so I will protect you well!

"Star stream!"

"Star Flash!"

The light blue sword energy burst out, sweeping across more than a dozen pirates. Nataya was like a man in an empty space, and began a massacre-like attack on the rebels!

Rogers vs Brolit

""Uncle Brolit! Keep coming!" Rogers rushed towards the unarmed Brolit with his Fang Tian Hua Ji.

His broadsword had been thrown aside by Rogers's tiger tail.

"Those punches just now didn't knock you down! Then try again!"Brolit's face was fierce. He dodged Rogers's Fang Tian Hua Ji with a shake, and punched Rogers in the face with a fist with armed color!

A few drops of blood flew!

Rogers' body just had the tendency to retreat, but he was stopped by him, and stabbed Brolit in the chest with the Fang Tian Hua Ji!

Brolit vomited blood, but did not retreat either, and punched Rogers in the chest!

Rogers was also furious!

Regardless of the injury, he punched Brolit in the face with his left hand! (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

A lot of blood stains splashed out!

Brolit fought back and kicked Rogers in the lower abdomen!

In close combat, the long weapon like Fang Tian Hua Ji was a bit of a hindrance, Rogers simply threw it aside and picked up two fists! He started a close combat with Brolit!

If you hit me, I will punch you back with gritted teeth![]

"Bang, bang, bang!"

The air waves burst out, carrying the smell of blood!

Rogers and Brolit had already hit each other seven or eight times!

"Whoosh……"Rogers panted like a cow,"It's not good, uncle, you are so old."

"This is just the beginning. I have experienced more brutal battles than you have eaten... huhu……"Brolit is very stubborn and breathes harder than Rogers

""Come again!" Such a battle was so exciting that Rogers felt his blood boiling!

He was born for fighting!

"Monster Imp……"Brolit's face was grim. If they continued fighting like this, he would be the first to be overwhelmed!

Rogers punched him again, but Brolit did not take it head-on. He dodged sideways and then punched Rogers in the chest!

"What? Uncle! What are you doing? Rogers yelled in dissatisfaction.

"What are you hiding for?"

He punched Brolit in the face!

""Little devil!" Brolit punched Rogers in the chin with his backhand!

A few drops of blood flew into the air!

""You are so small!" Rogers responded by punching him in the other side of the face!

It was swollen!

Rogers and Brolit continued to fight fiercely!

The whole battlefield was fighting fiercely! A cruel bloody battle!

As time went by.

The battle between the cadres (Wang Nuo Zhao)

""Smash the shield!" Gurakis finally found an opportunity. The two heavy shields merged into one and hit the chest of the Vampire Pirates leader hard, shattering his consciousness!

Victory was achieved!

"Gulacis, don't disturb Rogers's battle, come and help me to encircle and suppress these rebels!"Nataya's voice sounded

"Yes!"Gulachis, this powerful fighter, joined the soldiers on the battlefield! He also began to show his power!

Pushing a shield and charging forward, few among the rebels could stop his attack.

""Star Flow. Chaos!" Four or five sword energies crisscrossed the rebel army, killing seven or eight pirates.

Nataya was also quickly defeating the pirates in front of her!

"Go ahead! Follow Legion Commander Natalya and Captain Gulashis! Counterattack!"The soldiers shouted to counterattack! ps: The third update, please give some flowers and votes to welcome it~.

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