"I know." Nataya's weak aura has been lifted, and she looked at Ochi coldly,"We must first solve this tricky ability."

"Haha, you can give it a try, just a woman."Aoqi's face was full of disdain

"Teleport!"Nataya instantly approached Ochi and came in front of him.

"Weak aura!" A yellow aura enveloped Nataya.

"Feel the despair of powerlessness!"

He punched Nataya!

Nataya dodged it with a teleportation and looked at Rogers. The yellow halo on Rogers had disappeared.

"Your ability, one aura can only act on one object at a time, right?" Nataya appeared about ten meters behind Ochi.

"Tsk." Ochi, who was seen through, curled his lips,"So what? You are so weak that you can't be my opponent."

Ochi drew the pistol from his waist and shot Nataya, the armed bullet shot straight at Nataya!

"Ping!"Nataya blocked the black bullet with a sword! A 14-point pick flew away!

It's still hard to adapt! This weak body!

"Star Stream!" Nataya struggled to slash out a light blue sword energy at Ochi!

Ochi's fist was covered with armed color, and he shattered the sword energy with one punch,"Weak attack! As weak as you!"

Nataya narrowed her eyes slightly. She must get rid of this guy as soon as possible! Otherwise, Rogers will be in danger!

Although Rogers has now removed the weakness aura, Wang Zhi still has a green strengthening aura on his body, which greatly increases his strength. Rogers can't stop his attack.

Wang Zhi swept a gun, Rogers's Tianxing Halberd blocked it, and the armed color rushed over. Rogers could only take a step back and stomped his feet on the ground.

Another gun chopped down from top to bottom!

Rogers could only raise his gun with difficulty to resist!

"Damn it! When will this broken halo end? Wang Zhi’s strength was stronger than his, and his strength and speed were enhanced!

While Rogers was thinking, Wang Zhi raised his foot and kicked Rogers in the chest!

Rogers was knocked back several steps!

""Little devil! Go to hell soon!" Wang Zhi stabbed Rogers in the head with a gun!

Rogers dodged with his face turned sideways and wanted to pick up the Tianxing Halberd to fight back, but Wang Zhi turned the gun to the left, blocking the route of the Tianxing Halberd, and used his strength to suppress the Tianxing Halberd so that Rogers could not move.

"What a pity! Little devil!"

Wang Zhi punched Rogers hard in the face, and the armed color rushed out with power!

The fist brought a burst of blood!

Rogers was blown away more than ten meters

"Ah! Does this aura last that long?" Rogers got up with an indignant look on his face.

"Ochi's aura ability, as long as he does not remove the aura, the effect will always be there, and similarly, his physical strength will always be consumed."Wang Zhi explained the ability very cooperatively, which is in line with the setting of the villain being talkative.

"Is that so?" Rogers smiled. He quickly analyzed his abilities. Weakness and Strengthening were already used. He also had Imprisonment. He didn't know if there were any other Auras.

"Little ghost, it's useless for you to know! The difference in strength is here!"Wang Zhi rushed out, and the spear and the Tianxing Halberd collided with each other!

"Ping ping ping……"After several collisions, Rogers was forced to take a big step back each time, gritting his teeth and struggling to resist.

Rogers's halberd was a little slow to block.

"Opportunity!"Wang Zhi put his right hand on the gun handle and sprinted with all his strength, shooting straight into Rogers' chest!

"Bang!"The powerful force broke through Rogers' defense! It penetrated Rogers' chest more than half an inch!

The ground behind Rogers exploded! The force swept out nearly twenty meters!

"hateful……"Rogers grabbed the spear that was stabbing him!

"Old man!"Look crazy! (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The Star Spear was piercing the golden armor on Wang Zhi's chest!

It didn't pierce the armor with the color of the armed force, but the air wave was blown away for several meters!

"I got you, old man! Rogers grinned.

"Little devil!" Wang Zhi's eyes were bloodshot, and he punched Rogers hard in the chest!

Armament Haki burst out with all his strength![]

""Wow!" Rogers spat out a mouthful of blood again, and fell to the ground. He retreated madly, smashing the ground all the way. He stopped after a full thirty or forty meters.

Rogers lay in the rubble, and he couldn't bear being beaten like this!

"Whoosh……"He was panting heavily with blood all over his face.

One of Rogers' eyes was covered with blood and he couldn't open it. He only looked at the battlefields in other places with one eye.

The battle was fierce!

Nataya was still fighting against Ochi, Tas and the vampires. The two groups of battles could not be determined for a while.

He was beaten up by Wang Zhi, who was shrouded in a strengthened aura...

Other places were worse than Rogers's!

Monhard's bear-man form was bombarding recklessly and had defeated two captains! One of them was Hans!

Andre and Helot were struggling to resist the two cadres of the Wang Zhi Pirates!

The other three cadres of the Wang Zhi Pirates were frantically attacking the captains!

The two captains had also fallen in a pool of blood!

The high-end combat power of the King's Army suffered a heavy blow!

The remaining thousand pirates of the Wang Zhi Pirates were chasing the soldiers of the King's Army. The remaining pirates of the Vampire Pirates also arrived and surrounded the King's Army on both sides.

Most of the soldiers of the King's Army couldn't escape at all, so they could only turn back and fight back!

The brutal war continued! Soldiers of the King's 740th Army were killed by pirates one by one...

The King's Army of the Mok Kingdom was at a disadvantage in every aspect and was now in a desperate situation!

""Hahaha, Tas!" The vampire laughed wildly,"You're finished! From now on, the Kingdom of Mok will be mine, and you will all die here!"

Tas had a gloomy face. If this goes on, their entire army will be finished...

Rogers stood up swayingly, holding the Sky Star Halberd tightly in his hand. The Sky Star Halberd was still responding to him gently, and he was surrounded by murderous aura!

According to the normal trajectory, Nataya and the King's Army will be wiped out in today's battle!

The remaining Wang Zhi Pirates and the Vampire Pirates will divide the Kingdom of Mok equally, and the two pirate groups behind will fight again. In the end, it should be the Wang Zhi Pirates who won and captured the Kingdom of Mok.

Otherwise, after the top war, Wang Zhi would not have the opportunity to seize the Beehive Island, and the Kingdom of Mok is so close to the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates.

In this case, everything makes sense.……

"However, this desperate situation……"Rogers was determined

"Little devil! A few more hits and you're done for, right?" Wang Zhi said with a cruel smile on his face.

"The battle is not over yet! Old man! You haven't won yet!" Rogers said coldly.

"Keep going!" ps: Oh my god, today's intelligence exploded, all the mythical beasts of the Five Elder Stars have come out.

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