The three pirate ships of Wang Zhi's pirate group quickly sailed away from the shore and headed for the sea.

A dozen pirates who had just arrived at the shore looked at the pirate ship that had gone away with despair on their faces...

Rogers, who was boiling with murderous aura, arrived right after!

A dozen desperate pirates fell under the Tianxing Halberd!

Minus the pirates injured in the previous battle, there were more than a hundred pirates from Wang Zhi's pirate group and the remaining ones from the Vampire Pirate Group, a total of three or four hundred pirates, who were left on the coast in despair!

Facing the nearly four thousand remaining soldiers of the King's Army!

And Tas arrived!

The next battle is no longer suspenseful!

In despair, the pirates began to surrender in large numbers!

The victory of the King's Army is certain!

"Whoosh……"Rogers came to the shore, panting heavily, the red murderous aura on his body had faded, and his red eyes looked at the pirate ship that had gone far away.

Wang Zhi was also on the pirate ship, staring at Rogers

"We are already at sea, that brat can't possibly catch up, right?"

Wang Zhi felt that only this sea that restrained people with special abilities could give him a sense of security.

Rogers did not catch up, he was already at the end of his strength.

Looking back, the redness in his eyes faded, and he regained a trace of clarity. Seeing the king's army with an absolute advantage, he smiled with relief.

The armament color on the Tianxing Ji disappeared, Rogers could not hold it, and the Tianxing Ji fell to the side.

Rogers could not even maintain his human-beast form, changed back to human form, and fell forward with powerlessness.

"That's good.……"Rogers fell down with a smile on his face.

Nataya moved over instantly and supported the fallen Rogers with her back.

"We can't let our captain fall down like this." Nataya said with a beautiful smile on her face.

"Natalya……"Rogers sighed in relief and lost consciousness with a smile.

"I'm here, Captain."

Tas looked at this scene and smiled knowingly.

Without disturbing Rogers and Nataya, Tas walked towards the remaining battlefield of the pirates.

The war of the Mok Kingdom!

It's over!

Twenty minutes later!

The pirates surrendered, and those who resisted were completely wiped out.

All the soldiers of the King's Army raised their weapons high and shouted excitedly!

"Victory! We won!"

The cheers of victory resounded across the coast!


This decisive battle completely ended the civil war that lasted for two and a half years in the Kingdom of Mok, and the King's Army recovered all the lost territory.

The impact it brought was not only within the Kingdom of Mok (bidg), but also caused a big wave for the entire ocean!

The Vampire Pirates were destroyed, and the Wang Zhi Pirates were severely damaged and fled!

Such news is already a world-class news!

The next day, the news spread all over the world!

East China Sea

Goa Kingdom

Windmill Village

Machino's Bar

"Oh, look, today's newspaper. Several villagers who were drinking were reading today's newspaper with great interest.

"What is the headline?"

"A young hero emerged from a country, and defeated two great pirates by himself."

"Oh, he is indeed a great hero!"

The villagers were talking about it.

"Makino, are you going to the mountains to see Luffy again?"

"Yeah." Makino was preparing clothes,"Last time I went to Luffy's clothes were torn again, and Ace"

"Say hello to Luffy for us. We haven't seen him for a long time. I miss him a lot."

"Yeah, definitely"


The pirates are holding a party at the base of a certain pirate group in the West Sea.

"Hahaha, boss, look, the Wang Zhi who defeated us before was defeated by a little devil."A pirate handed the newspaper to the pirate captain.

"Really?" The captain was a sloppy guy with a few missing teeth. After reading the newspaper clearly, he laughed excitedly,"Hahaha, that bastard Wang Zhi has come to this day, he deserves it!"

"Have fun today! Have a few more rounds!"

""Oh, Captain!" the pirates responded excitedly.

"The West Sea is still better, it's much more peaceful. The Grand Line, no, there are too many monsters in the New World!"The pirate captain took a sip of wine to soothe his emotions.

Three years ago, a cadre of their Wang Zhi Pirates defeated... (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Hey, Nico Robin, you have to work hard as a newcomer." The pirate captain threw the newspaper aside and looked at Robin, who was dressed as a secretary, and said,"You can only get protection because of my reputation."

"Yes."Robin looked expressionless and glanced at the newspaper beside him.

Rogers at the age of 16...

Robin now is 19 years old. A certain island town in the South China Sea

"Let's go, Kira, today we have to teach the bastard from the other street a lesson for daring to compete with us for territory." Kidd, with a red hedgehog hair, dressed like a gangster,

"Here we go, Kidd." Kira put down the newspaper and followed Kidd.

"Kira, what were you looking at?"

"News, everyone in town is talking about a hero who has appeared in the New World to protect his country and repel the attack of the pirates. His name is Rogers."

"Huh? Heroes, that's the most useless thing!" Kidd said with disdain,"Kira, we are going to dominate this sea area in the future!"

"Well, Kidd"


A clinic in a town in a certain country in the North Sea A polar bear came to the clinic with a package. Luo leaned against the wall of the clinic and dozed off. He opened his eyes and said,"Bebo, you're back? Did you buy everything?"


"I've bought everything, including today's newspaper." Bepo put down his things and handed the newspaper to Law.

Law took the newspaper and started reading it, his eyes suddenly fixed,"This Rogers boss was the one who was in the newspaper once and defeated the Great Pirate King.……"

"The Grand Line, the New World, is such an unpredictable place.

Luo's mouth was filled with a charming smile.


New World

: A Certain Sea Area:

The Sun Pirates

"Captain Jinbei, today's big news." Octopus Hachi took the newly bought newspaper and came to the deck and handed it to Jinbei.

"Let me see." Jinbei saw the front page of the newspaper and his pupils shrank slightly,"What? The Wangzhi Pirates were defeated in the Mok Kingdom, and the Vampire Pirates were destroyed?"

"The Kingdom of Mok seems to be quite far away from us."Xiao Ba said naively.

"What happened in the Kingdom of Mok? Two powerful pirate groups were defeated."Aladdin asked.

"A Mythical Beastman appeared in the Kingdom of Mok. He was very powerful and defeated two pirate groups in one fell swoop."Jinbei said in surprise, focusing on Rogers.

"The ability of the mythical beast species, Logos……"

"Fantasy beasts, that's really amazing." Aladdin said

"Yes." Fatty Blue nodded slightly and turned to the other pages of the newspaper.

"Jinbei, how have you considered that matter?" Aladdin asked with a serious face.

"Shichibukai?……"Very flat color

"There is not much time left until the deadline given by the World Government for a response."

"I'll think it over as soon as possible."


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