"Are you kidding? Why would you want to eat metal?"Nataya still didn't quite believe it.

"It's true! And the beast form feels even stronger!" Rogers said with a firm look.

"is that so……"Nataya was silent, and after thinking carefully, she spoke,

"Sometimes the desire for power is what it needs. Although metal is a strange food, it is not an evil desire. It just corresponds to your metal element. You may be able to obey your desire and give it a try."

"You mean, you want me to try it?" Now it was Rogers' turn to be surprised.

"That's right, the power of the devil fruit is the most magical power in the world. It's not surprising that anything happens. Following your own abilities is a way to develop your abilities." Nataya said seriously.

"Really...really?……"Rogers still doesn't believe it……

"The abilities of the mythical beasts are all strange and bizarre. Give it a try. Even if you can't digest it, I will ask the best doctor in the kingdom to perform surgery on you."Nataya's words dispelled Rogers' last doubts.

Rogers walked to the place where the equipment was placed, picked it up, and picked up the smallest piece of iron. However, even so, it was the size of Rogers' palm in human-beast form.

"Lady Nataya, is there a smaller one?"If you want to try it, just eat a smaller one. If it's too big, Rogers is afraid that it will really cause problems.……

""For my training, this is already the smallest, there is no smaller one." Nataya replied, pulling out the sword from her waist,"Give it to me, I'll help you cut it."

When Nataya pulled out the sword, Rogers couldn't help but look over, staring at the sword!

This sword! Too gorgeous!

It's not the samurai sword style of the chicken, but a double-sided sword, the sword body is light blue, about one and a half meters long, and the handle is inlaid with a star-like gem. The whole sword looks like a gorgeous jade!

Nataya gently scratched the iron block and easily cut a small piece of the iron block.

The sword body passed through the air, and Rogers kept staring at this gorgeous sword body!

"This... this is……"Rogers felt his heartbeat quicken in his beast form, and he swallowed unconsciously.

Of course, it wasn't because he thought the sword was pretty, but it was too tempting! Just staring at it made him feel delicious!

If it was in beast form, Rogers probably wouldn't be able to resist rushing over!

"Your look……"Nataya held the small iron block in her hand and realized that Rogers was staring at her sword.

"Lady Nataya, this sword……"Rogers forced himself not to look at the sword. The human-beast form was still completely controllable.

"This sword." Natalya put the sword back into the scabbard,"Even in the whole world, it is extremely rare and precious."

One of the twenty-one great swords! The legendary famous sword that can shine with starlight!"

"The name of the sword, Thousand Stars!"

"Twenty-one skills of the big knife……"Rogers smacked his lips.

He still remembered the famous sword system of One Piece. The good sword has fifty levels, the great sword has twenty-one levels, and the supreme great sword has twelve levels. They are all powerful weapons that are rare in the world!

"Qianxing will not give it to you, so you should try this first." Nataya threw the small piece of iron to Rogers.

Rogers grabbed the small piece of iron with his tiger claws and held it in his hand. Looking at the small piece of iron, Rogers was still a little hesitant...

Nataya did not urge him, waiting for Rogers to make a decision by himself.

""Mrs. Nataya, please stay away from me." Rogers was ready to transform into a beast before eating. Since the beast form had the greatest desire for metal, then metal was the most beneficial to the beast form.

""Okay." Nataya walked back, away from Rogers.

After the Thousand Stars returned to the scabbard, Rogers could no longer feel it, but Nataya was still wearing the silver-white armor.

""Ah!" After a tiger roar, Rogers's huge white tiger form appeared on the sand. It was more than ten meters long and three meters tall at the shoulder, like a war beast.

"As expected of a mythical beast, this size……"Nataya's eyes flashed with surprise.

How could an ordinary animal have such a body size? Only a mythical beast could do that.

But now this big white tiger carefully rolled up the small piece of iron on the tiger's paw with its tongue. Rogers simply closed his eyes and bit the small piece of iron.

It was not as hard as imagined, but a little crunchy...

After chewing it for a few times, well, how should I put it? It tasted pretty good!

It is estimated that the taste system in the beast form is completely different from that of humans.

Finally, Rogers swallowed the small piece of iron.

"How is it? How do you feel?"Nataya looked at Rogers expectantly.

""No feeling, huh?" Rogers felt it as he finished speaking. His stomach began to heat up, which gradually affected his whole body. All the cells in his body became active and absorbed energy crazily!

Now Rogers can be completely sure! Eating metal is not bad for his body, but it is very beneficial!

Eating metal in the beast form is almost the same as eating meat. It is estimated that for the beast form, metal is food!

"Do you feel it now?" Nataya asked

"Well, it feels great, the whole person becomes stronger while burning!" Rogers said excitedly

"It is indeed so." Nataya looked at Rogers deeply and said,"Do you want another piece? There are still many pieces in this one."

"Let’s forget about it for now, and take it step by step."Rogers shook his huge tiger head, he planned to increase his food intake little by little.

Nataya clapped her hands and walked close to Rogers, it was time to start negotiating terms,"It seems that you are still very weak now, right, Rogers."

Rogers found that he had just eaten metal, so he was not so eager. Even in the beast form, Nataya approached, the silver-white armor was right in front of him, and he was not so eager.

Sure enough, the ability of the white tiger form is to regard metal as food. The reason why it is so eager is just because it is"hungry"!

It’s good to be full. It seems that in the future, my diet will not only require a large amount of normal food, but also a lot of metal.

"Compared to you, I am indeed weak now." Rogers changed back to human form.

He couldn't even beat Nataya's confidant Heroto.

"I am very optimistic about you now, but I am only optimistic about your potential and your future."Nataya said,"If you want to become stronger, you need sufficient food and the guidance of the strong. Now there is one more thing, high-quality metal."

"I can give you all of these."

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