Two days later, the White Tiger Fortress arrived at the port of Koye Island. The port was full of various ships, most of which were pirate ships, and it was filled with a warm pirate atmosphere.

"They are all pirate ships, and it feels like that."Rogers and his crew got off the ship.

The pirates on the surrounding pirate ships looked at them and stopped paying much attention. As the starting point of the New World and the transit point to Paradise, this place is not short of pirates.

Rogers was only on the cover of a newspaper once, and there was no bounty, so he was basically not famous. People who didn't pay special attention to Rogers would not remember Rogers.

"Then I will take people to purchase supplies."Rocky said

"Well, go ahead." Rogers nodded.

If you want to go to the deep sea, you still need to prepare more supplies.

Rocky took Gulachis and Hans to purchase supplies, while Hirot, Andre and Hans's clone stayed to watch the ship. There are pirates all over the area, so you have to be on guard. They have huge sums of money and important supplies on their ship.

Rogers took Nataya and Huck to the island to find the coating master and find out the news.

Rogers was dressed casually today, with beach pants, slippers and short sleeves. It was comfortable to wear this way.

Nataya's dark trousers and short sleeves outlined her perfect figure, beautiful and moving.

Little brother Huck dressed casually like Rogers, and wore goggles on his forehead.

Rogers and the other two walked out of the port and headed towards the center of the town.

"This town is really prosperous. Rogers looked at the busy streets.

There were pirates everywhere, and the pirate economy was extremely prosperous.

"This is the starting point of the New World. Many merchants from the New World come here to sell various specialties from the New World."Hake looked at the shops on both sides of the street.

"Where is our destination now? Should we go directly to the coating craftsman?" Nataya asked

"No, let's go to the tavern in town first. Titch told me that the old master likes to drink rum in town the most, so he asked us to bring a few bottles with us when we go, so that we can get things done." Rogers said

""Okay." Nataya nodded slightly.

"Hehe, we can also buy a few bottles to try, it is said to taste very good."Hake said with a smile


Rogers and his three companions walked straight to the most popular tavern in the town.

However, when they arrived at the tavern, they felt something was wrong. It was a little too quiet inside, which was in sharp contrast to the lively streets nearby.

"What's going on? Why is it so quiet in there? The pirates are so noisy, this shouldn't happen."Hake looked puzzled.

"Never mind, we'll know after we go in and take a look." Rogers pushed open the door of the tavern.

After seeing the situation inside the tavern, Rogers and his friends knew why it was so quiet.

A figure wearing a pink feather coat was sitting at the bar, holding a glass of wine and smiling evilly.

Diamanti, Torrepol and Pica, the three highest officials, stood in the tavern.

In front of them, twenty or thirty pirates were lying down, piled together, forming a small hill.

At the edge of the tavern, all the pirates who were still drinking at the table were silent, and they just lowered their heads. Those holding the wine glasses were trembling, with deep gloom on their faces.

The whole tavern was silent!

"Fufufu." Doflamingo smiled evilly, with a cruel smile,"This is what happens when you laugh at my family, a bunch of low-level pirates."

"We are the Seven Warlords of the Sea, and we are not on the same level as you guys." Diamante was extremely arrogant.

Trebol laughed evilly on the side.

Pica was very self-aware and did not say anything. It was because of his voice that the pirates laughed at him, and they were angry and killed the pirates.

Rogers took a look, roughly understood the situation, smiled, and walked straight in.

Nataya and Hake followed naturally.

Rogers walked past the pirate hill and attracted the attention of everyone in the tavern, especially the three senior cadres of the Don Quixote family.

"This little devil……"Diamante frowned.

Trebol and Pica stared at Rogers.

Rogers ignored them and walked to the bar and sat next to Doflamingo.

Doflamingo frowned. This kid looked familiar. Where have you seen him before ?……

""Boss, bring me twenty bottles of rum, take them away." Rogers said to the tavern owner.

The old man in the tavern had cold sweat on his face, swallowed his saliva, and looked at Doflamingo fearfully. Doflamingo looked expressionless.[]

"Boss, are you done with business? What are you doing? Rogers pretended to be dissatisfied.

The tavern owner said tremblingly,"Little... little brother, don't you know who he is?"

"I know, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea." Rogers grinned.

"I didn't provoke him, what are you afraid of? I just came to buy some wine."

The tavern owner smiled awkwardly and didn't dare to reply.

"This is the money for the drinks." Nataya put a stack of Baileys on the bar.

"This is not about money.……"The tavern owner smiled bitterly, almost crying

"Hey, Tian Yasha, right? What are you doing? You're ruining the boss's business. Rogers finally looked at Doflamingo, the first intermediary of the future dark world.

Well, there is also the newspaper king.

""Fufufu, kid, you are so arrogant." Doflamingo sneered.

Rogers stood up and said disdainfully,"I think you are more arrogant, a clown"

"Fufufu……"Doflamingo's sneer widened, and he also stood up.

Rogers and Doflamingo suddenly confronted each other!

"There are so many stupid people in the New World. I met a kid like you who doesn't know how to do things."Doflamingo said coldly.

"He is just a lackey of the World Government, what kind of heaven and earth is he?" Rogers didn't mind having a fight with Doflamingo.

The confrontation between the two attracted the attention of all the pirates in the tavern.

"Who is that brat? How dare he challenge the Seven Warlords of the Sea! Don't you want to live anymore?"

"I don’t know. He’s so young, maybe there’s something wrong with his brain?"

"We just need to watch, that kid will be killed soon.

Many pirates in the tavern were whispering.

"Two……"The tavern owner was in tears, fearing that Rogers would demolish his tavern.

At this time, Torrebol suddenly spoke up, and he remembered,"Dover, this kid is the one who killed Wang Zhi, his name is Luo... um...……"

"Rogers, my name is Rogers. Rogers said for him, and smiled broadly at Doflamingo.

"First meeting, Tenyasha, Donquixote Doflamingo"

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