After eating, Rogers trained for another two hours, and then had a midnight snack before returning to the tent to rest. He fell asleep as soon as he hit the bed. A whole day of training and fighting made him tired but extremely fulfilled. After a good night's sleep, Rogers was jumping around like a normal person the next day, fully recovered!

Before going to the morning training, he found some metal to eat. This was a military camp, so Rogers casually found a standard long sword, removed the wooden handle, and threw the blade into the bloody mouth of his beast form, the white tiger. In his previous life, he often heard people talk about eating dirt, but now he was even more outrageous than them. He started eating iron directly.……

"Hmm?" Rogers carefully sensed the changes in his body."Why is it not as intense as yesterday? This knife is a little bigger than the small piece of iron yesterday."

"Could it be because of the quality? Of course it is."

Everyone in the army has one of their standard long swords, so you can imagine the quality. Yesterday, he ate Nataya's training equipment, which must be much better than this crappy standard long sword.

Rogers remembered that yesterday, his desire for Nataya's armor was obviously much higher than other metals. The quality of that armor must be very good! It must be made of high-quality steel!

And there is also that famous sword! The Thousand Stars, a large sword of the 21st level!

It is the most attractive to Rogers!

Could it be that I have to go out of my way to find famous swords in the future?

But there are only so many famous swords. Will I be beaten to death by the swordsmen in the world if I do this?……

"Forget it, forget it, don't think too much, just nibble on a few more." Rogers nibbled on a few more long knives before he got the hang of it.

"It seems that I need to get some good quality metal. I think I still need to ask that woman for it.……"

There was no combat mission today, so Rogers resumed his daily battles and training.

He still won five games in a row, but today he encountered some problems. In one game, his opponent was very fast and kept dodging his attacks, so he fought for almost ten minutes before winning.

"You bastard are such a scumbag, are you really not the user of the Iron Fruit?"After losing to that squadron leader, he was obviously furious.

""Hahaha, this is all the talent of my body!" Rogers said shamelessly.

His body in human-beast form is as hard as steel, and now he starts to eat metal. Just think about it and you will know that the metal he eats will definitely strengthen his gold element, and his body will become harder and harder.

The strength of steel is just the beginning!

The days of constant training and fighting are boring, but Rogers enjoys it. Every day he can feel that his body has absorbed enough energy, and the cells all over his body are growing. It can be said that he is getting stronger every day!

Rogers is growing rapidly!

On the afternoon of the third day, when Rogers was exercising, Helot asked him to come over.

At the entrance of the internal training ground, Helot was holding a wooden box in his hand. It was not big, and it felt like it was only 20 to 30 centimeters in diameter.

"Captain Hirot, what do you want to talk to me about?" Rogers' eyes fell on the wooden box in Hirot's hand.

"Don't look at it, this is for you, okay, here is 100 kilograms of high-quality iron ore."Hiroto handed the wooden box to Rogers.

""Oh oh." Rogers took it with one hand. For him now, this quality was easy.

The lid of the wooden box was not locked. Rogers opened it and saw small iron balls inside, emitting a bright metallic luster, dazzling and beautiful.

"These are all prepared by Lady Nataya for you. They are specially divided into one kilogram each for your convenience. These are all high-quality iron ores, which are rare in the mines of the kingdom. Lady Nataya had them made in a hurry. You must remember this kindness."Hirote never forgot to speak well of Nataya.

""Well, thank you, Lady Nataya." Rogers said sincerely. This box of metal is what he urgently needs now!

"Take a good look at it yourself. Lady Nataya will summon you again in three days."Hiroto threw a booklet to Rogers and left.

Rogers took the booklet and the wooden box and slipped back to his tent. He opened the booklet and started reading.

"Details of the minerals produced in the Kingdom of Mik. Yes, the most developed industry in our country is mining. So that's why. All these iron ores are mined from the mine in the north."

"There are low-grade ores, medium-grade ores, and high-grade ores. There are also very rare top-grade ores. It mainly depends on the metal content. The higher the metal content, the better the weapon made."

"Low-grade ore. Uh, the standard long swords in our military camp are made of this. No wonder it tastes so bad and has no effect. Most of the ore sold overseas is this kind of low-grade ore."

"Medium ore, there are many types, with different colors and hardness. Some high-quality weapons are made of this ore. The metal fitness equipment in the internal training ground is made of this ore. As expected, the energy and taste are much higher.

"Moreover, compared with cheap low-grade ores, this type of ore has higher profits when sold overseas and is more attractive to customers. In terms of overall profit, it is higher than low-grade ores."

Seeing this, Rogers couldn't help but wonder if those low-grade ores couldn't be sold, so they used them to make standard weapons for them. What a black-hearted nobles and businessmen!

"High-grade ore, with a yield of only one-tenth of medium-grade ore, contains rich metal elements and is highly malleable. Forgers in the Kingdom of Mok even used it to create a world-famous sharp sword! Famous throughout the sea!"

"As for the top-quality ore, it is hard to come by chance, and the output depends on luck."

Rogers took out a metal ball from the wooden box, put it in front of him and looked at it,"It seems that Nataya has fulfilled her words and is really generous to me. She gave me high-quality ore at once.……"

"They even cut it into 1 kilogram pieces. Is it to let me learn step by step? They really think of me.……"

After a few seconds of silence,"Since she is so good to me, I will try my best to help her in the future. As for whether we can be on the same path in the future, we will talk about it later."

"Now, all I need to do is to become stronger as soon as possible!"

Rogers' beast form, the white tiger, reappeared and swallowed the iron ball in his hand in one bite. The taste was much better than the previous training equipment!

The hot feeling swept through his stomach again!

"Start exercising! Eat more today than you did yesterday!"

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