"You can't call me the Brutal Tiger! That sounds so ugly! Can't you think of a better name?" Rogers complained, but he felt quite comfortable in his heart.

"The squadron leaders said that your tiger form is too fierce, not only is it extremely hard, but it also carries a murderous aura, which is very scary."Hake said the squadron leader's evaluation

"You know so much, did others tell you about it?" Rogers asked curiously.

As for the murderous aura... Rogers thought about it and realized that it had not yet developed any specific abilities, so it seemed that it could only be used to scare people?

"These are what everyone is talking about during breaks. Who told you, Rutgers boss, that you only know how to train every day and sometimes you can't even find anyone, so you don't know."Huck looks like you're out of date

"Really? Hahaha, exercise is fun!"Perhaps because he eats metal, Rogers not only eats iron, but also likes the feeling of lifting weights.

"Urgent order!"A messenger rushed into the training ground in a hurry.

"Rebels were spotted at the frontline of Moku Town.���There are about two hundred people, less than three kilometers away from Moku Town. Lady Nataya's military order asks Captain Hirot to lead the attack and make sure to defeat the enemy!"

"Yes!" Herote and the messenger saluted each other, took the military order, and swept the whole audience with a low gaze,"Together, Rowe, and... Rogers! Notify your squadron to be ready to set off in ten minutes!"

"Yes!" Rogers and the other two squadrons whose names were called responded loudly!

"Hurry, Huck, and you guys, go back and prepare quickly!" Rogers put on his military jacket and instructed Huck and the other team leaders.

""Yes! Captain!" Hake and the others responded immediately, and walked out quickly to gather the troops.

Rogers followed them and strode out of the training ground.

"Hey! Brutal tiger! Show those damned rebels a lesson! Blast them to pieces!" A squadron leader shouted at Rogers' back.

"Of course!" Rogers raised his right fist with his back to them, sweat dripping down his arm.

"Let them see what brutality means!"

"Oh oh oh! Rutgers! Come on! Teach them a lesson!"

""Let them know how powerful we are!"

The soldiers all admired the strong, and the squadron leaders cheered. If Rogers was strong, they would respect him!

Rogers walked out of the training ground quickly, returned to the tent and took out the weapons he had prepared. This time it was a real battle, and they had to use real weapons!

A one-ton black stick, more than three meters long, with a diameter thicker than the thigh, twenty to thirty centimeters. It looked very big when Rogers picked it up in human form, and it didn't fit in his hand at all, but it was almost suitable for him in human-beast form.

In fact, this was not a weapon at all. Ordinary weapons were not like this. Rogers directly used the building materials of the barracks...

Time was urgent, so he had to make do with it. The weight of the stick made it easier to hold.

Rogers picked it up and ran to the gathering place. Less than five minutes had passed, Almost half of the soldiers have gathered.

None of the soldiers were talking to each other. After gathering, they lined up neatly, ten in a row, a hundred in a square, without any panic.

The weapons and equipment were complete. Most of the standard long swords were new, and there were various other weapons and guns. There were even a few guys carrying small mortars, well-equipped!

It seems that Nataya's trusted subordinates are the elite of this legion! They are so much stronger than the brigade I was in before!

Rogers thought so and walked to the front of his own square.

Their squadron's square was much worse, but at least the team was neatly arranged, without any frivolous smiles, and the number of people was also much smaller, only about half of the regular square.

Four minutes later, Herot appeared in front of everyone with a grim face.

"Today's battle has only one goal! That is to annihilate the enemy as quickly as possible! Don't let any enemy escape! Do you understand?" Herote shouted to the three squadrons.

"Got it!"More than 250 people answered in unison! The voices were loud!


""Destroy all enemies! Leave no one alive!" All the soldiers shouted passionately!

"Rogers Squadron! Vanguard! The other two squadrons will support from the side and look for opportunities to surround all enemies!"Hiroto gave the order in a clear and concise manner.

"Let’s all go!"


More than 250 soldiers quickly attacked!

Rogers led his squadron and rushed to the front!

The momentum was like a rainbow!


More than 2,000 meters in front of Moku Town, a group of pirates and rebels were advancing slowly. They were spread out widely. A group of 200 people was spread out 400 to 500 meters apart, moving forward to explore. The pirates and soldiers exploring ahead were timid and moving forward at a snail's pace...

In the center of the group, four or five pirates were surrounding a two-meter-tall bearded man. The man had a chain wrapped around his arm, and at the end was a hammer hanging on his arm.

"Lord Amoye, are we really going to Moku Town? That's the enemy's base camp.……"A pirate said to the bearded man in fear:

"Our mission this time is just to investigate the defense strength of Moku Town. After that we can retreat. Damn Rocky, just because I killed a few of his subordinates before he joined the captain, he is now making things difficult for me! Assigning me such a dangerous job!" The bearded man Aimaya had a gloomy face.

When he received the order in the morning, he almost had a conflict with Rocky. They thought Nataya would lead the team to recapture the stronghold in person, and they had already sent heavy troops to ambush. Even the deputy captain and Moreau came in person. However, more than ten days have passed, and there has been no action from Moku Town...

Rocky ordered him to investigate the situation.

"Right, let's explore, we can retreat if we find the enemy." The pirate next to him hurriedly echoed

"I will report that bastard Rocky to Captain Milford! He is just a newcomer who just joined the pirate group! He actually surpassed me and became a cadre of the pirate group! Damn it!"Amoye said indignantly

"That's right, many of us are not happy with Rocky! The next person to become a cadre should be you, Master Amoye!"

"Lord Amoye is a man with a bounty of 54 million Baileys! It's only a matter of time before he becomes a cadre!"

The two pirates next to him flattered him. ps: Please give me flowers~ Please give me votes~

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