The effect of the soul becoming stronger has not been tested yet. The most intuitive feeling is that the perception has become stronger, and the soul feels refreshed and comfortable. I will experiment with it later.

If the soul becomes stronger, then the observation and hearing color will also become stronger, right? And the understanding? What else will there be?

With such questions in mind, Rogers fell asleep.


The next day, Rogers woke up feeling refreshed and couldn't wait to start the test, testing all his abilities.

First of all, the green light spot had not been completely melted by the furnace, and there were still about two-thirds left. It seemed that it would take two days to melt it all.

The first test was the appetite test.

Under the usual eyes of everyone in the cafeteria, Rogers finished nearly eighty servings of food.

Well, his appetite increased a little, but it should not be due to the furnace, after all, his appetite was increasing every day...

The second test was the physical test.

I used the training equipment from yesterday, but I felt no change.

I ran a lap quickly, and there was only a little improvement in the time I spent. Well, the physical test was indeed a waste of time. The strengthening of the soul must have nothing to do with the physical strength.

The third test was the ability use test.

Rogers turned into the human-beast form of the tiger man, rubbing the whirlwind in his hand, a bit like the posture of rubbing the Rasengan, and rubbing out a cyclone, which was much larger than before, and now had a diameter of at least half a meter.

But compared with yesterday, there was not much change...

But, huh?

If you mobilize your abilities like this, will the power be even greater?

Rogers suddenly had this feeling.

He rolled the balls again, and a larger cyclone appeared in Rogers' hands.

This... the soul becomes stronger, which increases your comprehension!

Rogers understood it immediately, and this is natural! A strong soul must have a strong comprehension! He didn't read fantasy novels for so many years in vain!

In addition, the ability of the devil fruit is also the power of idealism! It will be easier to develop a stronger soul! Maybe you can develop different moves!

The fourth test is the perception test.

If Rogers has the observation Haki, he can just use the observation Haki to try it, but unfortunately he doesn't have it yet.

This was reflected in Rogers's battle today. Rogers deliberately didn't attack the enemy, and just dodged the enemy's attack. It was much easier than before, and his reaction speed was obviously improved.

It feels like he is really not far from the observation Haki domineering...

The fifth test is the domineering Haki domineering test.

Actually, Rogers had the feeling yesterday. Although he had awakened the Conqueror's Haki before, he couldn't find the feeling to use it again.

But now he has it!

Rogers caught a dog and found a corner of the military camp, wanting to try to use the Conqueror's Haki.


Rogers couldn't use it for ten minutes. Although he had the feeling, it was still a little short...

Rogers was unhappy! Anyway, the soul furnace is not over yet! He has been fighting with this for the past two days!

Dog: What is this guy doing? What does it have to do with me?

Finally, on the third day, Amoye's soul was completely melted!

When testing the Conqueror's Haki, it was finally used normally!

The dog was finally stunned...

The Conqueror's Haki talent combined with the White Tiger form and this body obviously exceeded Rogers' imagination. He can now use the Conqueror's Haki at any time!

Of course, it is the kind of indiscriminate...

The strengthening of the soul can enhance the Conqueror's Haki!

Conqueror's Haki is related to the user's spirit. To put it bluntly, isn't the spirit actually a part of the soul? The soul becomes stronger! The Conqueror's Haki will naturally become stronger!

After smelting the soul of Amaya, Rogers summarized the benefits of improving the strength of the soul.

The main three benefits are to improve understanding, enhance perception (sight and hearing) and improve Conqueror's Haki!

There may be other benefits, which can only be tested later.

Just the above three benefits have made Rogers' heart burn with excitement!

Since the effect is so great, now we have to think about how to let the Green Furnace continue to find opportunities to smelt the furnace!

The only thing we know now is that the target must be dead.

Does it count only if you kill it yourself? Are there any requirements for strength? Can multiple souls be smelted at a time? Only human souls? Can other people see the soul? And so on.

Rogers only smelted it once, and he needs to do more tests.

Fortunately, the Kingdom of Mok is now at war, and the battlefield is not short of the dead, so he has plenty of opportunities to test. But is it too evil to smelt other people's souls like this? Will smelting too much have an impact on himself?

However, Rogers immediately ruled out such an idea. During the smelting process, he could not feel the memory and experience of the smelting object at all. He simply absorbed the strength of the soul, which would definitely have no effect on himself.

Next, he would participate in more battles and understand the requirements of smelting souls.

Also, the green furnace cannot be called that all the time, so give it a name.

Since it is a furnace soul, it should be called...

Soul Furnace!


Three months later

During these three months, Rogers celebrated his fourteenth birthday. At lunchtime in the canteen of the internal training ground of the

Moku Town military camp , the canteen was bustling with activity. With the smiles of the people present, the whole canteen exuded a joyful atmosphere. Rogers sat at the table in the center, eating dessert to digest his food. In front of him were piled high empty plates, enough for a hundred people. He looked at the happy people in a good mood.

"Hahahaha, during this period of time, we have captured two enemy strongholds and killed nearly a thousand rebels!"A squadron leader laughed heartily.

"Those idiots of theirs gathered all their troops at the No. 3 stronghold (the stronghold they lost before), leaving other places empty. Isn't this a bargain for us, hahahaha." Another squadron leader took over and said

"That's right, Captains Andre and Gulacis are really amazing. They are worthy of being the confidants who have always followed Lady Nataya."

"It is said that the two of them are more powerful than Captain Herote. I don't know if it is true or not."

"I don't know, but Lady Nataya placed their two battalions in such important positions on the left and right sides, so they must be very powerful!"

The captains talked among themselves, discussing the major events that had happened recently.

The most notable major event was that they attacked from the left and right sides, taking advantage of the enemy's forces gathering at their front strongholds, and recaptured the other two strongholds. It can be said that these were two major victories, which encouraged the morale of the king's army on their side.

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