Rogers pounced like a tiger, and Nataya could only dodge and retreat.

""Little devil! Don't be so arrogant!" Nataya was obviously angry.

The telekinesis spread towards the Thousand Stars, and the entire Thousand Stars was wrapped in blue telekinesis! Like a gorgeous blue sword!

Rogers' figure came with the wind, and Nataya was deeply trapped in the shadow of Rogers' tiger man form, and her whole body was shining with blue light!

"Telekinesis! Star Flash!"Qianxing slashed at Rogers with all his strength!

The powerful telekinesis burst out with the sword energy! The crescent-shaped telekinesis shock wave passed through Rogers' chest! It ravaged Rogers' chest!

""Wow!" Rogers' chest exploded with a deep bloody wound on the side, and the shock wave blasted through Rogers' body, penetrating through it and penetrating for dozens of meters!

The airflow exploded!

The sand around Rogers was swept away! The ground buried deep under the sand was exposed!

Rogers' tiger man body fell down and knelt on the ground. The red light in his eyes disappeared, and there was a deep wound on his chest. He turned back to human form, leaned forward, fell down, lost consciousness, and the blood soaked the ground below.

"call……"Nataya took a deep breath and looked at Rogers who was seriously injured and unconscious in front of her."Isn't this really too harsh? However, his condition……"

But Rogers certainly couldn't answer her now.……

"It seems that there is no need to go to the hospital. Even if he is unconscious, his recovery ability is still so terrifying."Nataya found that the blood in Rogers' chest had slowly stopped.

"Let's talk about it tomorrow." Nataya nodded at Rogers, and the light blue telekinesis wrapped Rogers and floated up. Nataya controlled him and brought him to her tent. The training ground had been almost destroyed by these two guys.


The next morning,

Rogers woke up, hungry.

"Huh? It hurts.……"Rogers just woke up and stood up reflexively. The pain in his chest made him sober up immediately.

He looked at the bandages on his body. Basically, his whole body was wrapped. Even with Rogers' self-healing ability, after a night, the serious chest wound was still not healed, but the knife wounds in other places were almost healed.

Then Rogers found that he was sleeping on the ground. Touching the blanket on the ground, Rogers looked around. This tent was obviously not his own. There was an obvious fragrance in the tent. There was a luxurious table next to it, as well as a sofa, a wardrobe and a bookcase. There were even a few bonsai plants. The area was very large, and it was completely a luxurious office.

There were several Den Den Mushi on the desk, including white anti-eavesdropping Den Den Mushi. Next to the wardrobe was the silver-white armor that Nataya often wore.

"Are you awake?"Nataya came out of the room in military uniform.

This was the first time Rogers saw Nataya without her armor. Her figure was so graceful that Rogers could not help but be stunned.

It can only be said that the figures of the beauties in One Piece are too outrageous.……

""Nataya, why am I here? Is this your tent?" Rogers asked, changing the subject.

"Yes, as for why you are here?" Nataya walked to her desk, sat down, and stared at Rogers,"Don't think about it for now, how do you feel now?"

"Hungry, very hungry. Rogers said very honestly.

"Let's eat first." Nataya picked up a Den Den Mushi on the table and dialed,"Bring a hundred servings of food first, I want sea king meat."

When the food came, Rogers didn't care about the beauty or not, he just focused on eating, eating a large piece of bone-in meat, wolfing it down, as if he hadn't eaten for several days.

Nataya didn't rush to ask, just watched Rogers eat and drink.

Soon, all the sea king meat for a hundred people was eaten by Rogers alone.

"How is it? Are you full?"Nataya asked

"Um……"Rogers patted his stomach, a little surprised,"I'm not full yet, I feel like I can eat a lot more, but this was enough before."

Hearing this, Nataya called Den Den Mushi again,"Bring another hundred servings!"

Rogers didn't eat these 100 servings as fast as before, and felt full before he finished.

""Burp~" Rogers burped, and there was about one-third of the meat left, a few steaks

"I've almost finished eating." Rogers was still chewing his steak slowly.

"So, now think carefully, what do you remember about yesterday's battle?" Nataya asked

"Yesterday's battle……"Rogers frowned and began to recall, replaying the scenes one by one,"I started fighting with you. As we fought, you kept attacking me with sword energy. I was almost unable to block it. My body was also injured and bleeding. Then I tried my best to use my ability.……"

"I was enveloped by murderous intent, and then... I can't remember what happened afterwards... What happened afterwards?" Rogers racked his brains but still couldn't remember. His head hurt.

"Injury, blood, murderous intent……"Natalya is thoughtful

"What happened later? What's wrong with me now?" Rogers didn't remember being injured so badly at that time... It still hurts so much now!

"You are a completely different person now. You have no emotions and may have lost your mind. However, your fighting skills are still there. Your strength, speed and ability have improved dramatically! You are much stronger than you are now!" Nataya said about her feelings.

"Really? I have no impression at all.……"Rogers was confused

"Most of them are animal-type rampages. Many animal-type abilities will go out of control under special circumstances, causing them to lose their minds and increase their strength. Afterwards, they will not remember what they did."Nataya said seriously, obviously having done in-depth research on the abilities of devil fruits.

"Animal rampage……."Rogers murmured, his face a little subtle

"What? Do you have your own ideas?"Nataya asked curiously

"I think it was almost a rampage, probably related to the use of murderous aura. At that time, I was covered in blood and tried desperately to mobilize my abilities, so the use of murderous aura made me go berserk."Rogers still agreed with Nataya's speculation.

The White Tiger is responsible for killing, and Rogers has never ignored the murderous aura, but he has never figured out how to use it before. He didn't expect that he would go berserk this time.

But think about it, murderous aura is such a chaotic force, it's not so easy to control, and it's the first time I use it, so it's normal to go berserk, right?

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