"Hahaha, it's okay, Sister Nataya won't mind."Andre said nonchalantly.

"Last time, you were beaten half to death by Lady Natalia and couldn't get out of bed for a week. Have you forgotten?" Hans said helplessly.

"Last time it was just an accident. Who knew Sister Nataya would appear there? What a mistake. What a mistake."Andre said embarrassedly.

"……"Hans rolled his eyes at Andrei. It was only because Andrei and Natalia had always had a good relationship that he dared to say that.

""Hey, are you Rogers? The brutal tiger who has become famous recently?" Andre walked up to Rogers.

"It's me, Captain Andre. Rogers stopped training. No matter what, the other party was a captain.

"A closer look revealed that he was still a little kid. Could it be that Sister Nataya liked this kind of kid? Cultivation?"Andre looked at Rogers and his face looked a little strange.

"Captain, what do you want to talk to me about? Rogers put down the dumbbell. This guy seemed to want to talk to him about something.

""Nah, do you want to fight me? I want to see what kind of strength the guy that Sister Nataya likes has." Andre stretched out his palm to Rogers and issued a battle invitation.

"No, my wounds haven't healed yet. Rogers shook his head and didn't intend to accept this obviously purposeful challenge.

Besides, Andre was the captain, and fighting him would not increase his chances of winning. Rogers had no need to fight him.

"Hey, hey, kid, are you scared now?" Andre was unhappy and said

"It's just not necessary, and I'm really injured." Rogers didn't buy it.

His body hadn't fully recovered yet. If he got injured again today, he would have to waste a few days of training time. Wouldn't that be asking for trouble?

"you……"Andre stared at Rogers. Rogers refused to challenge him, so he had no choice but to say,"Okay, what a boring kid.""

""Don't call me a little devil, you are only 22 years old, Lord Andre." Hans said jokingly

"I have been with Sister Nataya for 20 years. I am your senior!" Andre said mischievously.

"Yes Yes……"Hans's face was full of helplessness.

Rogers was a little stunned when he heard this. He was 22 years old and had been with Natalia for 20 years...

Did they grow up together?

"Rogers, let me introduce you to another captain of our corps, Andre, who is also one of us."Hans introduced Rogers

"No, no, no, how can you introduce me so carelessly?"Andrei was obviously more capable, and he adjusted the collar of his military uniform."I am Nataya's most loyal subordinate. I have followed her since I was a child. I can be said to be like her younger brother."

"oh oh……"Rogers nodded.

"Ah? That's it?" Andre was disappointed with Rogers' expression.

"Rogers, don't look at this guy as being out of tune." Hans smiled and added,"He is one of the most powerful earls in the Kingdom of Mok, a true nobleman, who grew up with Lady Nataya."

""Greetings, Lord Earl." Rogers saluted.

I didn't expect that Andrei was a nobleman, and he and Nataya were childhood sweethearts.……

"This kind of title doesn't matter. Tell me quickly, how far have you and Nataya progressed?"Andre came to Rogers, looking gossipy.

"No, Lady Nataya and I are not in that relationship at all. Rogers explained, at least for now he still has no such thoughts.

"Is that so? It's really boring. Nataya called us back, saying that something big is going to happen. Andre stretched and said boredly.

Rogers paid more attention. It seems that a big battle is imminent. Andre who was outside was called back.

"Well, go and see Lady Natalia now. You haven't reported to her since you came back yet." Hans said

"Got it, got it, I'll be there right away." Andre said hello to Rogers,"I'll leave first, I hope you can be more interesting later."

Then he walked out of the internal training ground and went to find Nataya.

"Rogers, don't look at this guy like that." Hans looked at Andre's back and introduced Rogers,"He is very powerful. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the best general under Lady Natalia."

"Is he stronger than you or Captain Hirot?" Rogers was interested.

"Indeed, I am fine, but Helot is completely controlled by Lord Andre, and he has no chance of winning at all."Hans said

"Really? If I have the chance in the future, I can see it for myself. Rogers said

"What happened to your injury? With your strength, there are not many people in the military camp who can hurt you like this."Hans pointed at Rogers' chest. He was vaguely aware of Rogers' terrifying self-healing ability.

"It's Lady Nataya." Rogers replied

"You guys are so ruthless in fighting?" Hans looked strange.

"This time there was an accident, an accident." Rogers didn't intend to say too much, he himself didn't understand the matter of the rampage.

"Oh, but you have to be careful next time, try not to go out, and be ready for battle at any time."Hans reminded, I think he must have received the news.

"Well, I know. Rogers nodded to show that he understood.

"Then I'll go first, there are still a lot of things to do."Hans waved his hand and left.

Rogers was silent for a while. It was really the war that was about to start...

It was useless to think so much. He picked up the dumbbells for exercise and continued to exercise.

Seize the time to get stronger!

The next day, Rogers' body was fully recovered. He resumed his high-intensity exercise, ate a lot, had the necessary desserts, and high-level ores. He was getting stronger steadily and efficiently.

However, in the following days, Rogers clearly felt that the atmosphere in the military camp had become completely different.

The number of people training and fighting in the internal training ground was reduced by nearly half, and the garrison in various parts of the military camp increased visibly. The patrol troops on the periphery increased several times, and the patrol batches were much more dense. This was only inside the military camp.

On the periphery of Moku Town, their legion set up three times the checkpoints to check the people passing by in the vehicles.

Each stronghold began to defend only, and except for the necessary exploration patrol personnel, no one left the stronghold. ps: Asking for flowers~ Asking for votes~

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