The Kingdom of Mok is a country located in the New World, with a population of over one million. It is undoubtedly a great country!

However, it is not a member of the World Government. In a place like the New World, the Great Pirate Era has begun for eleven years. Countless pirates have poured into the New World, and the Kingdom of Mok is inevitably in turmoil.

The Kingdom of Mok is a non-governmental member. Facing these pirates, it naturally has its own confidence, that is, the strongest man in the kingdom, the Amethyst Duke. Only with his existence can the powerful pirates be defeated one by one.

The Amethyst Duke leads two legions of the kingdom. You know, there are only three legions in the entire kingdom!

The legion where Rogers is located is under the command of the Amethyst Duke.

As for the outbreak of the war a year ago, it was a civil strife in the royal family. The king’s eldest son and youngest son, the youngest son is Moro in the mouths of these captains, who is much better than the eldest son. Whether it is his own strength or means, Moro is better.

But in the end, the king still passed the throne to his eldest son. The youngest son Moro was dissatisfied and began a rebellion to seize the throne!

The Amethyst Duke stood on the side of the new king. Of course, Moro’s power was not enough to compete. He colluded with a big pirate in the New World.

In this way, the war broke out and lasted for a year. Now it is in a stalemate.

The overall layout of the Kingdom of Mok is like an oval egg. In the upper left is a towering and continuous mountain range. An inland river flowing down from it divides the entire country diagonally into two.

The upper area occupies about one-third of the island area, and the lower area occupies two-thirds.

There are plains on both sides of the inland river, and there is a unique advantage of water sources. The land and water support the people. On both sides of the inland river is the largest granary of the Kingdom of Mok. The two most important industries in the Kingdom of Mok are mining and agriculture.

The mining industry is located in the mountains on the upper left, which are rich in iron ore. The mining industry is very developed in the Kingdom of Mok. The quality of the iron ore produced is very high and is deeply loved by countries around the world, especially weapons manufacturers. In addition, the capital of the Kingdom of Mok is located under the mountains.

Agriculture is because the Kingdom of Mok is a spring island with a pleasant climate, which is conducive to the development of agriculture, not to mention that there is such a large inland river. With such a unique advantage, agriculture naturally develops rapidly.

However, the war in the past year has caused heavy losses to the agriculture of the Kingdom of Mok.

Moku Town is located below the river. The large plain between Moku Town and the river is a real land of rice and water. It is now controlled by the orthodox king and is very important! The current battle situation is that the area above Moku Town is still on the side of the orthodox king, and the area below has fallen into the hands of Moro, each occupying almost half of the country.

Now the focus of the two sides is Moku Town!

If Rogers and his team lose Moku Town, large tracts of farmland and villages behind will be lost. They will be driven to the upper part of the inland river, leaving only one-third of the area, and facing the rebels across the river.

Therefore, Moku Town is the top priority and must be defended!

If they lose it again, they may no longer have the ability to fight back...

Across the river, the opponent's main combat power is pirates. How can they be the opponent of pirates on the sea...

At that time, they may be shut out!

Moku Town must not be lost!

"Be quiet, Lady Nataya is coming!"Hiroto sensed the presence and shouted

"Tsk." Although the other captains were a little unhappy, they still kept quiet.

Lady Nataya was not someone they could interfere with!

Rogers recalled his impression of Nataya. He had never seen Nataya in action, but it was said that she was very powerful, had terrifying talent, and was the daughter of Duke Amethyst.

More importantly, she was very beautiful...

Rogers had only seen Nataya once, when he was promoted to squadron leader. This guy couldn't speak when he saw Nataya, and he was trembling and nervous to death...

Just as Rogers was thinking, Nataya had left. Come in.

She was wearing a light green military uniform with silver-white steel armor on the outside, which wrapped her perfect body with curves. She had a long sword with a silver-white scabbard tied around her waist. She was over 1.8 meters tall, with long, smooth black hair down to her waist. Her pupils were gorgeous purple, embellishing her fair, delicate and beautiful face.

Rogers found that his heartbeat quickened when he saw her, and his cheeks began to heat up...

Damn it, don't be such a licker...

Rogers cursed in his heart.

Nataya walked to the podium, opened her red lips, and a clear and beautiful voice rang out,

"Everyone, you are all core members of our corps. I believe you all know the reason for holding this meeting today."

"It was because of the stronghold we lost yesterday." Heroto answered in a cooperative manner.

"That's right, the stronghold in front of Moku Town was lost yesterday." Nataya pointed to the location of the lost stronghold on the map and slid towards Moku Town.

"The rebels can now attack Moku Town directly through this gap. This is a huge threat! I don't need to remind you how important Moku Town is, right? As one of the five major towns in the kingdom! Moku Town must not be lost!"

"The topic of today's meeting is how to recapture the stronghold lost yesterday! You can talk about your own ideas first."

The question was thrown to the captains present, and the audience immediately started to discuss.

After calming down for a while, Rogers finally felt much better. He didn't feel as strange as before. The main reason was that his soul was different. The original Rogers was just a young boy who had just begun to fall in love. The current Rogers is not, he is a seasoned man.

"That." Rogers raised his hand and asked the question he wanted to ask,"Lord Nataya, who was the leading pirate of the rebellion yesterday? I have never heard of such a pirate in the enemy, and he is so strong."

First of all, we need to know who the culprit was yesterday, but there was no information about him in the previous intelligence. How could such a powerful guy not be listed on the other side, so that they were caught off guard?

"This is indeed because our intelligence was not updated in time. The rebel pirates who defeated the base yesterday were new members of the Vampire Pirates. They were defeated by the Vampire Milfor and then joined the group. They were the swordsman, Phantom Sword Rocky."Nataya took out Rocky's bounty and nailed it on the blackboard.

"Phantom Sword Loki, captain of the Light Sword Pirates, with a bounty of 170 million Baileys!"

"A new pirate? The bounty is 170 million Baileys.……"Rogers murmured, and put down his hand.

If he met such a guy now, he would still be beaten. It's better to slow down...

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