Rogers and his team passed through the road between farms and encountered many problems.

Of course, it was not that someone came to rob prisoners, but that the people of the farm gathered on the roadside.

"These are the prisoners of the rebels! It's all your fault! Go to hell, rebels!" an old lady yelled, and threw a rotten egg at a prisoner.

This was the fuse. Seeing these prisoners completely ignited the anger of the people.

"Damn the rebels, damn the pirates! It's all because of you that our country has wars, and my son died in the war!"

"You bastards, get out of our country and die!"

"Why take these prisoners in? They deserve to die!"

""Go to hell! You bastards!"

The people threw rotten vegetable leaves and other things at the captives, venting their anger.

"Should we just watch and not worry about it?" Rogers asked Andre in front.

"As long as the prisoners don't die, it doesn't matter. Isn't it normal for them to suffer a little humiliation? This is war."Andre said nonchalantly.

""Really? That's fine." Rogers had no intention of intervening.

Although these rebels had become prisoners, their lives would not be easy. This was just a prelude, and a dark life was waiting for them.

However, the people did not only pay attention to these prisoners. After all, their own king's army had won a great victory and performed well, which deserved their praise.

"This must be the team that defeated the rebels. They look very energetic and are indeed an army that can win battles!"

"Of course, they had just participated in a war and their eyes were still filled with murderous intent. Such an army is truly powerful!"

"As expected, the army led by Lady Natalia is so powerful!"

The people looked at the escorting army with satisfaction and kept praising them.

This brigade was directly under Andri, the most trusted brigade among Natalia's trusted confidants. Their military posture and appearance were not comparable to those of other miscellaneous troops. They held their heads high and were very imposing.

"This kind of army is the army that can win the battle! As expected of the Duke's daughter, long live Lady Natalia."

""Mrs. Nataya, soldiers, come on! We must win this war! I'm counting on you to restore peace to the Kingdom of Mok!"

This wave also boosted Nataya's reputation among the people.

"In the front were Lord Andre and Lord Rogers. It was the first time I saw Lord Rogers. He was a ferocious tiger! He must be a very powerful man!"

Rogers and Andre in the front were discovered by the people.

"Lord Andre is Lord Nataya's right-hand man. Who is this Lord Rogers? Also, what does the cruel tiger mean?"

Andre has been famous for a long time, Rogers is a newcomer, and not many people know Rogers.

"Master Rogers, you don't know? Master Rogers was the number one hero in yesterday's war! He killed a Vampire Pirates cadre and hundreds of rebels all by himself!"

"Lord Rogers is the most powerful rising star in our royal army! He was so powerful on the battlefield yesterday that he beat the rebels to a pulp!"

"You are so out of date, don't you know the latest news? Lord Rogers is known as the cruel tiger, which shows how much the rebels are afraid of him."

Immediately, someone introduced Rogers' deeds. After yesterday's outstanding performance, Rogers is now really famous.

His name resounds throughout the Mok Kingdom! (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Is that so? Are the people from Rutgers so good?"

"Of course, it is said that Lord Rogers has the trust of Lady Nataya and will soon be the captain!"

"That's really amazing. Lady Nataya's vision must be right."

"I remember, the cruel tiger! Master Rogers!"

"Mr. Rogers!"[]

In the end, the only one left in the people's cheers was Lord Rogers!

"How does it feel to be famous? You've completely overshadowed us now." Andre asked Rogers while riding his horse.

"Please spare me, the cruel tiger, this title has really spread out of nowhere, it would be better if I changed the name."Rogers said helplessly

"Hahaha, I think this title is very appropriate. Your fighting style is indeed brutal enough."Andre laughed.

"That's for the enemy, no mercy is needed." Rogers said lightly.

He didn't know why, but he was particularly cruel during the battle, as if he was eager to fight! Longing to kill!

"All right." Andre said nothing more, looking around at the surrounding farms."`.Fortunately, we won the war yesterday and were able to save these farms. All the farms here account for one-fifth of the country. If we lose them, we will be powerless."

"For the country, it is just the loss of strategic food supply, but for these people, it is everything they have. We won, so they are so grateful to us."

"Well, I know that." Rogers nodded in approval and said with a smile,"I didn't expect that you, who are of noble birth, could have such an idea?"

"So what if they are nobles? We also know how to govern this country and let all citizens live a comfortable life."Andre said unconcernedly.

Rogers smiled.

"Do you have any specific knowledge about the Mok Kingdom?" Andre asked

"I don't know much. I only know the general situation of the war and the important industries of our country. Rogers shook his head. (Wang Zhao)"Then I will take this opportunity to introduce you to it. These are things you can't learn in the military camp." Andre said.

"First of all, there are five important towns in our Mok Kingdom, the capital, Mochi Town, Moku Town, Moye Town and Moka Town"

"Who came up with this name? So casual?"Rogers couldn't help but complain.

"Hahaha, you think so too? I asked Sister Nataya the same question when I first started learning. Andre laughed and explained,

"This is an important town built by the kings of the Mok Kingdom. The name of the town is the name of the king. The capital was formerly called Mok Town, which was the name of the first king, a great forging master. Later, because people felt that this name was not respectful to the master, it was changed to the capital."

"Oh, that's right, but it's still quite casual." Rogers smiled.

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